PS4 Pro or Nintendo Switch

Should I buy PS4 Pro or Nintendo Switch?

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I dunno, what's your daily soy consumption like?

i have always been pc master race type

Do you like movies with a side of ports or two GOTYs with a side of ports?

Neither are worth it really.

>two GOTYs
lmao. those were 5/10 and 6/10 respectively. inb4 metacritics score matters unless it doesn't.

Well I would really like to play Persona 5, Horizon: Zero Dawn or Bloodborne but Zelda looks cool and there are more titles.

Get both dipshit.

get a cheaper slim PS4 and use the money you save towards a Switch, that way you can play everything

t. switch and ps4 owner

Im heavily biased for Monster Hunter, but then again I have both a PS4 and Switch. If Switch had MH:XX, I'd say it's up to your personal preference, but if you don't care about Mario or Splatoon, I'd go for the PS4.

Plus, I just really like Monster Hunter, and World is getting a huge announcement on March 14th. That, and I don't play my Switch in handheld mode that much in public.


Switch because you can play it on the go. A PS4 is just a shitty PC, and you're normally a PC gamer sooooo...get a Switch.

buying a switch its like an investment, it has at most 3 decent games

Get both?

Shit, this is a good idea. Add that to my last post here. I have a Slim, and I don't really care about the Pro, since it's like playing N64 games in 1080p. It's still shit graphics, just with higher resolution or framerate. Plus, the Slim is way easier to travel around with (I just traveled via plane last week with it, and it takes up way less space).


If you did not have a WiiU go for the Switch. The library is getting a little crazy after just one year.
But if you choose the PS4 only buy the Pro if you are planning on using the VR stuff.

>Switch because you can play it on the go

When you're a new Switch owner, this part is really cool. But after a year of owning the Switch, I use it mainly in docking mode for Splatoon 2 and Mario with my fiance. The novelty wears off after awhile. Then again, I got my PS4 slim AFTER the Switch, so that's probably why I play it a lot less. Take it for what you will.

Get the switch lad. Join us soyboys

If you had a PS4 and a Switch, you'd see this shit as childish. Unless you're just trolling hard, in that case, carry on.

Do you want to be the bull or the cuck?

Bought a PS4 Pro with 5 exclusives in January. Bloodborne was fucking boring, and the worst Souls game. Haven't touched it since. Maybe get a Switch. Or just stick to your PC.

I disagree. I prefer it undocked. I guess it just varies based on the person, but nothing touches cuddling up with a good portable game, especially one with the depth of a console game, AND especially since the Switch isn't as powerful as the other consoles (although it's really powerful for a tablet). I recently had to send in my left joycon because my warranty was about to expire, and I find that I don't play my Switch as much without portable mode being an option (I should note, I do have a Pro Controller). I've actually started to play my 3DS more as I'm waiting for my joycon to return.

Bloodborne is the only good ps4 exclusive

PS4 Pro. You can emulate that one Switch game on PC.

Get both but instead of the pro get the cheaper one.

Don't ever post again.

Right now the switch doesn't have enough games to warrant a purchase yet while ps4 has a ton. I would just go for a slim right now an wait at least 6 more months for the switch - which might also go on a good sale during that time.

I'd ignore both. I want to upgrade my PC and spend hundreds of hours playing X-Com, Anno, Witcher 3, FF14 and Modded Skyrim. Console gaming sucks now.

PS4 Pro has no games. Switch has no games but a whole library of ports.

PS4Pro for Sony exclusives and multipads
Switch for Nintendogames

It would be a shame to give up good habits, then. Spend your money on something better.
