Finally, I am free of my chains, now I can do what I always wanted. PLAY TENNIS.
Mario Tennis Advanced Techniques boogaloo
You have no reason to believe the new gameplay mechanics arent Kino
If you don’t like it, atleast you got standard but your a casual otherwise
I think that the chain chomps are my favorite creatures from the Mario universe with shy guys.
Dont forget whomps.
>not being a purist
There's no rule that says a chain chomp can't play tennis.
Playable Chain Chomp is making me want a Switch more than anything else.
Are you me? Also, bloopers are cool lads.
What's his special attack?
He chomps.
>Chain Chomp
>Character-unique Specials and Supers
>Zone actions are basically EX moves in fighters
>Single player story that changes up gameplay
>Online component being worth a fuck
>motion control to play with casuals and family or just generally have fun while not sitting on your ass
Never bought or owned a sports game in my life, let alone a Mario one, but this looks really good.
Who would have thought tennis could use fighting game mechanics so well?
developers should try to apply fighting game logic to games that do
>one on one
>always facing each other
>back and forth action
I'm loving the Chain Chomp, but where's /ourshyguy/?
This. If there were playable chain chomp, shyguy, and blooper it would be GOTYAY.
Probably a tourney reward.
Might be unlockable
official mario sports game tiers
Mario basketball KILLED my touchscreen. And it was hard as shit
I got gold trophies on all cups except for the last difficulty. Loved the music, love the graphics, characters ect though.
Strongly thinking of buying this, even though I don't usually buy Mario spin-offs outside of Mario Kart. I used to play Virtua Tennis 3 occasionally on Xbox 360, the mini-games on that were fun with friends and getting an increasingly higher rank in World Tour mode was satisfying. I haven't bothered buying a tennis game since then since they're pretty much all the same, but this seems to add quite a few mechanics to the game to make things more interesting. The story mode also seems to have a nice mix of matches and mini-games too. Plus it comes out a few weeks before Wimbledon, when I'll inevitably get an urge to play tennis whilst being too lazy to actually play the real thing.
I'm still hoping they do something for the World Cup this summer. But instead Nintendo will probably shit out something for 3ds or mobile
They didn't even bother with the Winter Olympics this year. Pikachu was Japan's official mascot for the 2014 World Cup and they didn't bother doing anything remotely-football related that year. I doubt we'll get another Strikers game any time soon, especially since Next Level Games are almost certainly working on the Luigi's Mansion remake at the moment.
Divegrass niggers are the worst.
I know they won't, but my heart just can't take it
>fg mechanics in sex games
Im excited bout the roster
>Chain chomp
fuck yourself you uncultured swine. strikers is the pinnacle of mario sports titles by a long shot.
the fact that nintendo decided to put the series on ice still makes my heart ache because there is nothing that fills its void.
arcade style sports games are long overdue for a true renaissance anyways