Did Square Enix peak here?
Did Square Enix peak here?
no but your autism peaked for sure.
No, FFT was Squeenix's peak
>t. oldfag
Without a doubt. It's the purest kino of squares rpg lineup.
>Chrono Trigger
>Square Enix
This scene was the comfiest.
Overrated Trash. Tactics Ogre is much better than this shit.
>tfw you didn't save Luccia's Mom
That's just false
Square-Enix will make Chrono Break one day and it will suck.
Nope. Square peaked with Xenogears.
I don't understand why people regard this game as the pinnacle of RPG's The combat is a joke and the characters are just basic archetype with almost zero personality and no more than a few lines of dialogue. Almost every story driven RPG I played had way better story, world building and characters.
No the DS port was trash.
It retroactively looks good compared to the iOS and Steam
Who cares about looks it made Cross canon
implying Cross was bad
I have not played Chrono Cross, what is it like?
It actually declares Cross as an alternate timeline from the normal ending.
A completely different game. The only connections it has to Trigger will annoy you if you care about Trigger a lot.
Considered on its own, it's a decent game. Just another PS1 Square JRPG. Excellent art style and music. "Interesting" battle system. Passable story with a really bad localization that leaves it more confusing than it needs to be.
Is that an actual scene from the game? I don't remember the whole cast sitting around a campfire.
Yeah, you have to do the desert sidequest in 600AD to see it.
It's an optional scene. I think it takes place after the Robo sidequest where you uncover the crystal shell.
It's worth doing the quest just for the scene desu.
Oh, I probably missed that, I really can't remember a campfire scene at all. I've been thinking about playing the steam version but I've heard really bad things about it so dunno
>chrono trigger
>square enix
just emulate it faggot and yes the ports are absolute disgraceful garbage