Super Smash Bros. Switch Leak

I have received some insider information about the roster of the next Super Smash Bros. game from one of the testers (who is a friend of mine). The roster will be the largest ever.

Let me start off with characters who have been removed from the roster.

Removed Characters

Every character whom I did not mention is still in the game. That being said, there will also be some characters from previous entries who will return, those being Ice Climbers and Wolf. All of the returning characters have been implemented, and are most functional since they are far easier to put into the game. My friend mentioned that some of the characters have received some moveset changes, with Link’s moveset especially receiving a lot of changes. Link is based on his appearance in Breath of the Wild, so his moveset has been changed a bit. Link’s neutral B is the same as before. Link’s down B is now the Bomb Rune instead of a normal bomb. This is weaker than his bombs in previous entries in the series, though these have a larger range and have more knockback. Link’s side B is also the same as before. His up B has received some differences, as he can use the paraglider after performing the spin attack, but the catch is that, if he uses his up B in the air, only the paraglider activates, and he doesn’t use the spin attack.
Now to go onto the newcomers. A lotof them have been put into the game, but my friend mentioned that some of them are really buggy and unfinished right now, and he thinks that there could possibly be a few more newcomers outside of these ones. I won’t include the Inklings on here since they were already revealed.

• Spring Man (Arms)
•Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes)
•Bandana Waddle Dee (Kirby)
•Chibi Robo (Chibi Robo)
•Geno (Super Mario RPG)
•Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
•Karate Joe (Rhythm Heaven)
•Mike Jones (StarTropics)
•Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country)
•Labo Fighter (Nintendo Labo)

>labo fighter

>Nintendo couldn’t get Cloud back
>But got Geno
user... you are aware Geno is a Square Enix character right?

fuck off

What a shit newcomer list.
There are way better and more believable choices for new characters.


How the fuck does this even work?

fake, they would never drop Cloud and then also waste time getting geno when they already picked Cloud as a SE character. Not even gonna read the rest, just skimmed the characters, nothing that stupid would happen.

I reached the 2000 character limit so I couldn’t post them all.

Only 2 more years of multiple, daily smash bros fake leak threads. Kill me pete

It’s a weird thing where Sony has somewhat of a say due to the Final Fantasy VII remake on PS4. That remake complicates matters when it comes to Cloud staying in Smash. With Gene, however, Sakurai has been pushing for him to be in Smash since Brawl.

It's a 2018 game, they wouldn't have said 2018 on 3/8/18 if the game wasn't 95% done and just needs the last bit of testing and bug fixes before they get ready to do final QA and then print copies of the game.

You didn't even try with this one. And you didn't receive this insider information until after its announcement? lol

>With Gene, however, Sakurai has been pushing for him to be in Smash since Brawl.
[citation needed]

If Sakurai really wanted Geno, we would have had Geno before Cloud. Sony does not have a say over which characters make it into Smash, if Sakurai asks for Geno they would not give him Cloud instead, if they did it would be extremely disrespectful and he'd reject it and take one of the hundreds of characters other devs were begging him to use. He took Cloud because he wanted Cloud.

Super Smash Bros. games generally have short development times. Any other added newcomers would most likely be clones. Most of them are fully functioning, though my friend mentioned that there was trouble with the Labo Fighter, since it is apparently a highly customizable fighter.

>When you spend 3 hours of your day propagating an elaborate and baseless lie on Sup Forums

>No mention of inkling in the newcomer list
>The most obvious newcomer
Are you even trying?

Give it up, nobody will believe this bullshit because you tried to shove Geno in the list and made the blunder of removing Cloud first. Screencapped the OP post for when you fix this mistake and try to post the same thread sans-mistake later.

>Smash gets announced
>Suddenly tons of shitty wishlists disguised as leaks

So this is the power of Nintenautism

Actually, Geno has been planned in the past for Brawl and even Smash 4. Geno being in is outside of Sony’s control because Geno is fully in Square’s grasp. Cloud is a different case solely because of the remake, and Sony is very weird when it comes to things like this, since they like to be in their own little bubble.


Are we REALLY going to go through this shit again? It was like this with Brawl, and Smash 4. Is it going to be 7 months of this shit?

In all honesty, people never believe things like this, no matter what’s in them. I’m skeptical myself, since some of this stuff seems weird, but I have no reason to not take my friend’s word on this.

This honestly isn’t a wishlist. I really only want Bandana Waddle Dee in the game out of all of these characters.

Pretty much.

>Link's side B is still the same

Botw Link doesn't even use gale boomerang retard. Post a better wish list next time.

I was referring to the normal boomerang. In all honesty, I forgot that he used the Gale Boomerang in Smash 4.

>Mike Jones
>Bandana Waddle Dee

phew, this is 2011-2013 all over again

Well here we go with this bullshit. Thankfully we only gotta deal with it for a few months

>a retard makes a fake leak by harping on the things we already know and pretending to know inside information about those things

Your cuts and newcomers list is already shit because of the whole SE debacle other people already noted, but your worst offense is the Zelda one. So you claim to have insider info, but the best you can provide on character movesets is explaining the differences between old link and new link, which is already a simple topic people have done to death over the last 24 hours? Your link ideas are basic as fuck and show none of the insane creativity Sakurai ALWAYS shows in new character designs, especially from the fuck up where you claim his boomberang is going to be the exact same as old-link when botw-link has no access to any kind of gale boomerang and in all likelyhood he would have a completely different side-b or at least it would be tweaked to have no wind effect.

If this is "your friend's" word, stop wasting our time and show the direct screencaps of EXACTLY what they sent you. Don't claim it's the same as the OP text because nobody is sending that wall of text to a friend with Sup Forums formatting.

I actually misremembered. I legitimately remembered Link having a normal boomerang, but I was actually thinking of Toon Link in that regard.

How can I send screen caps of a phone call?

If this is 2nd-hand information from your friend, how could you make that mistake? Your friend obviously didn't tell you the side-b was the same as before if it isn't the galeboomerang and you were aware it wasn't that one.

Shut the fuck up

I’ll admit that that was my mistake. My friend simply told me that Link’s side B was a normal boomerang, and I fucked up by assuming that it was the same as the old side B.

Oh sure, your "friend" leaked you all this info the day after everyone learned the game existed, and he just-so-happened to reveal the highly-discussed topic of the exact moveset of the new BOTW Link, something no tester would ever think twice about but somehow they found and over the phone gave you specific details like "the bombs are lower damage but higher knockback now", as if they measured the knockback in the game. You just so happened to have a phonecall with a tester with all this information within like 20 hours of us learning of the game's existence for the first time? And you just so happened to get exactly the information we already knew, but somehow have nothing to tell us about any movesets other than the 1 moveset that we were already discussing due to the fact that it's likely to get minor tweaks?


I can actually provide other movesets if need be. I did not have enough space in the message to contain any others, and I only brought up Link’s because his is the most changed out of all returning characters.

Hello, Im OP. Im a fucking faggot and like to suck dick everyday.

fake and gay

I am so glad that someone decided to do this. Very funny, and very mature.

t. Fake Darona




I'd love to hear whether or not your friend discovered advanced techniques like wavedashing or l-cancelling?

He's getting cut for Noctis.




You’re not even being smart about it since you don’t even have the same number as I do, which can be seen in the original post.


So directional airdodges? Yes or no?

Next time I talk to my friend, I’ll ask him about it.

Well obviously provide anything you know then, starting with anything that could make you credible. Splatoon moveset, or ANY of those newcomers. Something where a single trailer will prove you have real info of some kind, not just something any retard with half a brain could guess like "uh I guess link's bombs are blue now".

Nice try...but that was because KONAMI went down the shitter

...Try again


It IS bullshit. Even more so if it actually happens.

Yeah, common knowledge and not just pure baseless speculation ofc

Oh fuck off faggot, we have enough of your ilk here as is. Go fish for (you)s on Reddit or Gamefaqs, no one gives a shit about your fantasy leaks.

Let's not forget how ridiculous Wii Fit Trainer was, and how everyone said the leaks were fake because of Duck Hunt Dog. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying this is anything close to a leak, but a Labo rep isn't as ludicrous as it seems.

The moveset for the Inklings is interesting since it is based heavily upon movement. They have a slower running speed than most characters, but everything is made up when it comes to their down B, which works in line with their A moves, which all revolve around turfing the stage. The down B transforms the Inkling into a squid, and the player controls them in the ink, and the player gets the Inklings out by pressing either A or B. They are unable to attack at this time, and they can be hurt while under ink, but this leads to a very fast method of traveling through the stage. The neutral B is a burst bomb, the side B is a curling bomb, and the up B is a beacon that the places anywhere on the battlefield, and pressing up B again makes the Inkling squid jump to the beacon, but the beacon, just like in Splatoon, can be destroyed by opponents and is only single use. The Inklings’ Final Smash is the Rain Maker, specifically the variation used in Splatoon 2.

>not making lucina an alt of marth

Thats how Hal would have done it. Nice try OP

Labo was only revealed this year and Smash 5 would've been in development since around 2016, anything that came out after then is pretty unlikely to be in Smash. It's honestly too recent to be viable.

>It’s a weird thing where Sony has somewhat of a say due to the Final Fantasy VII remake on PS4.
That isn't true in anyway. Sony may have exclusive rights, timed or otherwise, to the remake, but they hold absolutely no rights to the characters. If Square Enix says Cloud is available for Smash, then that's all there is to it.

hi niggers, i have exclusive smash details. subscribe for more info

>Lucina removed
Stopped reading there. No way IS' Lightning will be cut before Roy or even Robin.

I forgot to mention that the bombs also turf. One of the big things with the Inklings is the ink tanks, which can run out during the match. It refills automatically but refills significantly faster while the Inkling is swimming in ink, so it works just like Splatoon in that regard. Each special, aside from the squid jump and down B, consumes ink, as do all of the A attacks, though the specials consume far more ink than standards.

>No Xenoblade rep

You're saying that as if Labo won't have been in development since they developed the idea of Joy-cons.

Think about Greninja in Smash 4. Greninja was chosen based on artwork during the planning stages of X and Y.

My friend didn’t mention one. There are some characters that I didn’t get to mention since I ran out of space, but even then, there aren’t any additional Xenoblade characters, which was really surprising to me.

You know that the remake was announced before Cloud's inclusion in Sm4sh right? If there was any issue regarding Cloud's inclusion from Sony, it would have prevented his appearance in Sm4sh from he very beginning. The only reason Sony would want to try to prevent Cloud from appearing would be if they were developing another PSASBR and were including Cloud, as otherwise preventing him from appearing on SMA5H would be moronically as it is practically free publicity for FFVIIR.

I was only providing my best guess. I’m just relaying what my friend told me.

Why don't you go post your fanfiction on a fucking blog or something.

For the record, I forgot to mention that Nintendo will bring some anime characters too. Please look forward to:

• Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk (also known as Hawk Eyes Mihawk) (One Piece)
• Crocodile (One Piece)
• Firo Prochainezo (Baccano!)
• Celty (Durarara!)
• Isaac and Miria (Baccano! and Durarara!)
• Saitama (One Punch Man)
• Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!)

Yet another fake. Gotta love that. Try harder next time.

>not bringing Katakuri
shit game


>labo fighter
Labo Fighter is somehow the least ridiculous and most believable character on that list.

There are more but my friend said he had to take it up the ass half-way through the call so I couldn't get the rest.

>no Konosuba
Knew this shit was fake

>implying they would remove a popular character with a unique playstyle

My number is 409302810, as seen on the original post. If you’re going to try and be a fake me, be smarter about it.

better than Lightning desu,

>Implying that annoying ass character is popular

Shut the fuck up


Wolf and Lucas are returning though.

Fake. Bandana Dee doesn't have a trophy in Smash 4 and Sakurai is still working on the game. Do you really think he'd ever add a Kirby character that's not associated with his games?

Call it baseless speculation, but the only reason Sakurai wanted Snake in Smash was because of Kojima. Around Smash 4’s development time Konami and Kojima were going through shit then Kojima gets tired and Konami proceeds to slowly kill themselves. All that shit is definitely the only reason why Snake was cut.

came back
glorified spacie clone
came back
Charizard came back, so the Pokemon Trainer character just didnt use them
>Ice Climbers
weren't added because of 3DS hardware issue according to Hackurai
0/10 see me after class
shes one of the more popular FE characters from one of the more recent games, and tons of people do like her in smash. stay mad.


Sakurai has stated before that he does not give preferential treatment to his own games.

And who wouldn't say that? If he truly didn't, then Kirby should have a modern stage, but no, the Epic Yarn stage was scrapped for Wooly World, and he decided to make a superstar stage in it's place, instead of Return to Dreamland or Triple Deluxe. Why doesn't Bandana Dee have a trophy, what logical argument is there for that?

>Ice Climbers
Oh please let them be in, I never learned how to desync them.

>fake smash bros leaks

shit thread OP

He said that, but then he brought Kid Icarus to 3 characters and kept his other series Kirby at it's peak as well. And he made nearly half the enemies in the 3DS version's fighting mode Kid Icarus Uprising enemies, too. And he copied the Uprising difficulty system for Smash.

Sakurai says a lot of lies. He said Melee was his last Smash game. He said Brawl was his last Smash game. He hurt his hand and said Smash 4 was absolutely his last smash game. He's currently working on the 5th title, as he confirmed on twitter. You can't take anything he says at face value without looking at the evidence.

>Geno and Crash
Please try a little harder.

I don’t know, but the lack of a trophy does not rule out a character, and that logic has not worked in the past.

I kinda wish this was true almost, just to see ic players tears when their character isn't broken anymore because of the tr4sh grab timer.

Here we go again

You're correct that a lack of a trophy doesn't rule him out, what I was trying to show you though wasn't that, it's that he didn't add Bandana Dee to Smash 4 in even the minimum-effort way, despite the character being essentially the 4th main Kirby character. There is literally no excuse for the lack of a Bandana Dee trophy other than Sakurai not liking the character, the point is that he clearly doesn't care about accurately representing modern Kirby and it should be blatantly obvious that he does give preferential treatment to his own games regardless of what he says.

How to tell if a fake leak is shitty: They specifically mention "oh but maybe I missed a few characters" when listed the newcomers, so it's impossible to disprove them easily, even when they list a whole bunch of newcomers.

we did it boys!