I hope no-one finds out that WE'RE THE PHANTOM THIEVES!
I hope no-one finds out that WE'RE THE PHANTOM THIEVES!
>tfw Ryuji never got any justice after the Morgana arc and Shido palace
Why is it always the comic relief gets shitted on?
>becomes chill bro in social link
>story insists he keeps acting pants on head retarded
Good writing ATLUS.
I'm about 65 hours in, just got done with Okumura, can't stand Ryuji Jesus Christ. He's constantly trying to take control and do the MC's job. Every time some decision has to be made, you can bet your ass Ryuji is gonna say what the team should / is going to do.
The entire team was fucking retarded, Ryuji was just being natural about it.
Would you?
everyone constantly shits on ryuji though, half the team are snarky cunts
5's characters are all shit.
Honestly, Futaba was the only interesting one. Everyone else was so bland.