What's your gamerfuel?
Unironic edition
There's a lot of potential for playing-games performance increases. Coffee is already evidenced improving many aspects of skillfulness by up to 12%.
A balanced home cooked and meat free diet.
>meat free
I've almost died of water intoxication several times already.
I'm about to eat some chicken pot pies and play Dark Souls II
The strawberry ones can fuck off.
>popcorn and old bay
you fucking what?
Nothing else, just this. Straight.
>no crumbs
>no grease
>grows in easy-to-snack-on little round shapes
>no chip dust
>sweet taste
>not bad for you
>can tie the stem into knots to help pass time during loading screens
truly the chosen gamer food
Reminder that if you don't like popcorn you are subhuman
this but Ironically
Tortillas with butter
>nutrition advice off a chan
I got a bridge to sell you bud
Eating this while playing Overwatch and other Blizzard masterpieces. Delicious!
My nigga.
Seek help.
>implying soys don't love bacon
>eating inferior candies
banana is the superior choice
Ironically I know with great certainty that I don't eat any soy (not that there's anything wrong with it). It's people who eat a lot of processed shit with long-ass ingredient lists who get that stuff. But I manage to be perfectly dainty and effeminate without it.
>75 years is consider old enough to advertise in america