Yukari is the best~ <3

Yukari is the best~

To me, Ann is the best, but I'm happy you love Yukari. She looks cute there.


Why does Sup Forums hate Yukari-chi?

Because she's mean

I love Fuuka!

She's an unlikable cunt.

It's just bants

FeMC in P3D when?

fuck off. go make your own thread for your inferior waifu

I see.

No bullying.

Sup Forums is full of low test males and faggots

you Annfags can fuck off too. worst Lovers girl.

Yes! She's my wife for a reason!

Ann is better than Rise

Do not incite waifuwars.

Stop it. Risechi is better than Anne by a mile


Best? Questionable
But she isn't as bad as she's made out to be.

> Nobody posting Mitsuru
Dommy Mommy best girl (wife)

Cute and not lewd pic

I wish we'd get feMC in any new persona game

They even look lovely together!

Tofu Rise was he only good Rise, after you rescue her she becomes shit

>because she's mean
Pretty sure people just find her dull. People like Junpei and he's an asshole to the protag for way more of the game than Yukari is.

Because she's the first girl you really spend any time around and pretty much the default choice for romance. It's like siding with the NCR in New Vegas: you meet them right away so it feels like a waste to stick with them throughout the entire game.

Mitsuru was my choice on my original playthrough because I found her attitude attractive and I was genuinely unsure whether I could romance her or not. Fuuka is fucking annoying.

Fuuka is not annoying, she is sweet!

>Tofu Rise was he only good Rise, after you rescue her she becomes shit
man of taste right here, i prefer her as a dressed down beauty just trying to work at her grandma's shop

Talking about her in the role of the commentator for your fights. Mitsuru had a better voice for it and better lines, and Fuuka reminds me of Omachao

no hate, mitsuru is better though.

Fuuka's voice is sweet and gentle

dub voices are non-canon

Yukari has the cheapest hourly rate!

Yukari dub is top tier ,so fuck the sub
Let me guess, you guys think Yukiko is ok dont you?


your wife's a prostitute my dude

Nah, Yukiko was boring as shit and her laugh was annoying

spanish class

>thread about yukari
>fuukafag still invades

jesus no one fucking cares go away

Acording to /pg/ , he got bullied out of there to never return
I wonder if we can do the same

>Let me guess, you guys think Yukiko is ok dont you?
I think she's okay but she's one of my least favorite P4 girls


So why do you guys tofu rise ? Maybe because she doesnt lust after (yu) all the time ?


>not barefoot

>Maybe because she doesnt lust after (yu) all the time?
That and because I dislike the overly joyful genki girl type, the exception being Liz. Also romancing depressed/cold hearted girls gives me a sense of accomplishment due to me being the one that stops them from being depressed/cold hearted even for just a bit

I-is it /ss/?

>So why do you guys tofu rise ? Maybe because she doesnt lust after (yu) all the time ?
That and her personality is normally too annoying and fake.

I don't know what that means so I'll just post another Fuuka!

Post another

Fuuka pleases old dogs because nobody likes her!

What gave you the impression that it was?

Aigis is the best!


I’ll be honest here, I thought this moment was really sweet and I don’t even like Fuuka

Seeing Fuuka dance brings my heart warmth and joy!

Fuuka is the sweetest!

What a dork she is.

femanons don't look at this

fuuka will turn you gay

A cute, adorable dork!
Smart, sweet and pure!
I love my angel Fuuka!

>tfw most persona porn has the characters off-model giving them disgusting cow tits


But it's better that way

They're buds.

Nothing wrong with Fuuka making people very happy

The cutest!


>She's so sweet.
>She's so dorky. I hate her.
>Grr, why is this happening?
>I can't believe I'm doing this, why am I doing this?
>I don't even care anymore.

Fuuka turns anons out on a weekly basis! Don't believe her lies!

Go back to your draw thread


all the in game faces are ugly as hell, thank god for fan art.


Fuuka only encourages purity and peace!


What's this from?

Have the normal version then user