Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

Comes out April 3rd. 24 days remaining.

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Comes out April 3rd/type/op/page/1/

>More than one PoE thread a day

You trying to get trap us in /vg/? Nice try fag.

>no edition
Shit thread

Ondrite monks

Who are you most excited for in Deadfire

>No pastebin
Shit OP.

>larianiggers getting assmad poe gets more discussion than their crappy game

>that Aloth


Transparent attempt to get the based countdown threads redirected to /vg/
Not gonna work, mods are smarter than that.

Xoti, I'm going to show her why her god is an asshole and she should become like Durance and find a way to kill her "god".

These threads are literally worse than the Trails shitters spamming their threads here.

I'm sad I missed out on poe1 on humble bundle.

I bet you're the one accusing them of making multiple threads a day.

>Poster counter not going up
Obviously OP still trying to get the based countdown threads on /vg/. Still not gonna work, sweetie. Remember to sage.

Separate too

I wish I started with a barbarian bros

my gay chanter just stands there chanting

Level 9 fire AoE chant kills 90% of all trash by itself. Pretty much immortal if you spec into tanking with heavy armor. Chanters just start out slow as fuck. Almost as slow as the Paladin. Get Kana to do the same for extra fun.

It's a boring as shit class made for companions

>tfw there is no Lilarcor-like talking sword that reveals its sentience at the final soulbound level and turns into a companion, similar to Torment's Morte

They do 3 on average a day.
I'm not sure why mods/janitors aren't doing their tasks but just keep reporting I suppose
It was the same with rimworld and they eventually realized it was a full on general

>sorry you're not allowed to talk about upcoming vidya unless it's 100% shitposting and platform wars ayy lmao xd :3

They do one thread a day and there's nothing wrong with it. This is a thread created by a falseflagger to try to get them into /vg/. Unfortunately, morons are replying to it seriously.

Why does that shark negro have tendrils instead of hair?

because his mother was a jellyfish.

user is exaggerating, but it's not like this never happened before. This countdown shit is utterly fucking ridiculous.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Comes out April 3rd/type/op/page/1/

I'm not, honestly.
I usually see "thread at 350 posts" *hour later* "thread at 20 posts* *12 hours later* "new thread at 20 posts"

What's wrong with going to /vg/? Those threads are already /vg/ like with forced meme and people reposting the same shit in every thread

I don't care whether these topics go to /vg or not. Not sure why people are making a big deal about this.

Edér and his broad physique with thick farmhand fingers

>Comes out the day after my dog dies
Guess I’m going ranger

It'll have to go to /vg/ when it's released. Now it's just hyping an upcoming game.

Don't worry about /vg/. I will make these threads every minute if I have to. PoE discussion will happen in Sup Forums, no matter how much Larianiggers cry. Relax and stop fighting.

>Eder and Aloth have the same voice actor
Fuck he’s good

Is it good to erase her memories and have her keep them?

Why would anyone worship rymgard?
Why did they create a god like that in the first place?
What's going to happen with the entrophy of souls?
Isnt rymgard the cause or at least an agravant?

sorry about your dog user.

It's obviously that "larianigger" guy who's making these.

>erasing her memories
Literally 1 INT

Me too

no, she should remember, she can't keep living in a fantasy.

>getting reborn as the same person every time

Is it possible for your character to learn this power?

Hypothetically wouldn’t you get it if you side with Woedica?

Not without god help

Not from an Eothasian

Not from the "gods"

Why would Woedica need a replacement agent once restored?

Why can't PoE's soundtrack even compete with Divinity's?




I was under the impression she always liked to have a champion and that you would be taking his place as her favored

Aren't they both terrible?

Did someone say PoE?

Fuck off shill.



>mod deletes post
>not thread

this is just pathetic.

Probably just to spite the faggot trying to get us in /vg/. Good.

He's a ocean godlike. So we already know he's suppose to be a arrogant fag and he's associated with 2nd worst god.

IIRC not erasing her memory actually leads to the better ending

idk why they're so assblasted about it. fucking hall monitor faggots.

>erasing memories

Literally Ondra

Yeah, she goes back to being a midwife and delivers the first hollowborn child iirc. If you remove them she ends up waiting for women who will never come or some shit.

Non-hollowborn child*

I had my most fun playthrough using a a fire chanter with dragon thrashed, voice of the mountaintop and deadfire canoneer belt/firebrand. Ran around literally melting faces off with song and sword.

I will say this for Obsidian, they truely made something for everyone when it comes to PoE classes. A class that one player finds boring and unplayable another player will have a great time maining. I hope this variation carries over into Deadfire.