How do I learn to enjoy this?
It just feels empty and half finished
How do I learn to enjoy this?
You can't enjoy it if you don't enjoy real rpg's
what are mods?
Roleplay as character that isn't like yourself and pay close attention to the setting/world
How do I answer this bait?
It feels empty and half assed
To be honest it's easy to hate this game if you aren't approaching it the right way. If you're the kind of person who just likes to pick a direction and start walking you won't like it
>If you're the kind of person who just likes to pick a direction and start walking you won't like it
How do I approach it properly
but my character is always a courier how is this a real rpg when my role is always a courier?
It is, you have actual taste. Go play a real RPG like Fallout 2
It's still left pretty open as to what your character's personality can be
Like said. Mods will make the game feel more 'complete'. I recommend AWOP, NPC travel, increased wastelands spawns, etc besides your usual patch mods. Pack your game with stuff IF your computer can handle it.
As for how to enjoy it, you gotta roleplay, man. And by that I don't mean creating some weird head canon like your character is an alien or some shit, you're courier but that doesn't mean you character was always a courier. Just create a build and stick to it (be it critical energy weapons scientist, high raw damage heavy weapons grunt, diplomat with high charisma, etc), create a backstory that makes sense, create a character personality that will determinate how he handles in the world, and finally you have to have patience and don't rush things, you will become a death machine eventually but things take time and like all rpg's you have to grind a little. If you don't have patience this game is not for you, it's a really slow game.
role play
same for fallout 3 and people complain about always being a son looking for dad when new vegas is courier looking for chip
I've got about 5 hours in it and it's boring as fuck to me.
Here's why, user: each settlement feels isolated.
The main quest takes you to different settlements but outside of meeting Caesar's Legion and the NCR, there wasn't much in terms of "this is an actual area" and instead "there is a world and there are tiny areas, have fun".
Supposedly it opens up a lot in New Vegas which is (again) supposedly more like a larger interconnected area but I never got that far.
I will say the writing is pretty nice and I do like some of the characters. I just miss a reason to go from place to place other than "go find the guy who shot you lol".
And in regards to this I'd put it this way: your character has a story that is pretty pre-defined.
Without spoiling things, at the end of the game (I know this from looking it up), you get told what happens in various places you affected. One being Nipton where you can pick a cowbow yee-hah leader.
There are around 5-6 different "endings" for each segment but overall yeah, you gotta remember you aren't making a story, you're following a very rigid pre-defined CYOA book
Oi, I'm the user that made
It's very fucking easy - take the fucking first fucking town called fucking Nipton - do you decided to fucking help, ignore or just massacre the cunts?
You RP but ultimately, the main quest is pretty railroaded until NV from what I understand
It is finished and there are plenty of actual things to do. Try playing the game for starters
It's shit, grab the m1 garand and start killing people, that's the only interesting thing about fallout imo, i always get bored when i need to shot robots or soldiers with laser weapons because guns feel well better in these games.
Stopped reading right there. AWOP is fucking trash.
>fallout 3
You're the son of liam neeson. Your objective is to find him, once you do your objective is to aid the bos to take out the enclave. You can be a caricature of evil, or a goody two shoes. Your character build doesn't matter becuase half the perks are skill increases and you can max every skill by level 20.
>new vegas
You worked as a courier, either as a one time job or for a long time. Your past unknown, your affiliation unknown, your personality unknown. You may or may not pursue the man who shot you for many reasons all of your own to choose. You may be looking for the chip to complete your contract, you might be looking for revenge, or answers, you might not give a shit about benny and do your own thing in the wastes, it's up to you.
This game is designed for you to make up your own story as you are presented with a series of conflicts.
>This game is designed for you to make up your own story as you are presented with a series of conflicts.
I'm too lazy for that. Read me a story, Todd.
>AWOP is fucking trash.
While I agree to some extent. OP said he feels the game is empty and half finished. AWOP might not be an extremely polished mod but it does the job of filling the game with stuff really well. Also, why do you dislike AWOP so much? just curious.
How far did you get? All the areas are affected by the major plot points and so on
>There are around 5-6 different "endings" for each segment but overall yeah, you gotta remember you aren't making a story, you're following a very rigid pre-defined CYOA book
I mean it's impossible to get any better without playing a tabletop game right? Or unless you use some kind of procedural generation?
>I'm too lazy for that. Read me a story, Todd.
My name is Josh Sawyer. But I can oblige. You can play all the New Vegas DLC. These are all interconected with it's own story separated from the base game.
Well I uninstalled the mod when I ventured into a building right in Goodsprings that already had very OP loot.
I got to the town with Boone and gave up.
I spent more time exploring around in fairness so I understand it's not great for exploration which does bother me a bit.
It seemed like most places were "turn back" or else "there's nothing here right now" deal.
I don't mind the ending, I wasn't complaining at all. I was making a point for the OP that it's not "go do whatever"
>I got to the town with Boone and gave up.
Yeah that's where most people give up when they do drop it I think. That quest with the nightkin and ghouls is shit
It's not even that, there was a place I found outside the Deathclaw place (a former mining town) and it was "hey don't go up north!" and I couldn't since you know, deathclaws, fair enough.
But it was the same at the start with cazador's at the start up north.
I honestly want to like it since the charcters seem well done but I can't help but think the game was more "really these settlements are 20+ miles apart". Instead of like "these are about two hourss walk away but are dangerous since monsters and raiders" kinda deal and it just bugs me since none of the settlements seemed to care about one another.
Except that one guy in the town I stopped on, he wanted me to meet with the NCR which I only found out about from going on South, way South past the intended point into dust storms
>Roleplay as character that isn't like yourself
How do I decide on one at the start and stick to it if I barely know the lore or the range of weeapons
Learn to enjoy loneliness. Find peace in solitude. There's a reason this game is popular among incels. Me included.