SCP Thread?

SCP Thread?

What SCPs do you want to see?

Also you can't ban this this. it's not a general and is about vidya.
You have a trannie thread up right now, so you can't bitch.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off

These threads are consistently better than your standard Sup Forums fair.

You can't talk about vidya on /x/ user.

SCP 939 will be perfect for this game.

>get trapped in elevator for five minutes
>trying to get the door to open before resorting to nading myself
>finally do
>thank fu-
>Dr. Ding and his backup dancers are waiting for me to join their group
>after turning me into a zombie, Doc then says he should've let me live so he could have me open the gate for them

lol enjoy your ban fag

>Get to Elevator that leads outside as D-boy with Scientist.
>Think I'm home free
>Turn to scientist.
>He has a gun suddenly.
>Shoots me.



Been banned five times now for talking about vidya. maybe this will be the one.

Ded gaem


Player base seems pretty strong on the servers since most are always full.
It's just so hard to talk about this game on Sup Forums

This isn't a general user. we can talk about vidya.

What SCPs do you guys want to see?

Why is locking SCPs with you in 914 the funniest shit ever

Because they always fall for it.
It's so easy.


>me, the other D-boys and a mute scientist make it to the surface
>furry squad spawns just as we're heading for the exit
>one of the furries is a squeaker that keeps shouting "I GOT YOU I GOT YOU I GOT YOU I GOT YOU" as he guns all of us down, including the science nerd
I'm thankful for the Sup Forums servers.

096 sucks. how did they fuck up such a cool SCP?

914 shenanigans are always the best.

>Lock scps in with us
>Bargain with them
>Put the machine on rough when a nerd places his card

this tbqh famalamadingdong
not vidya

>2/11/2016 23:55:54 GMT — The organism to which SCP-058 belongs is now in its holding area. Additional security personnel requested immediately.

Did they buff 049? he seems like such a cunt now.

SCP has been vidya for years user.

What's the deal about wanting to talk about this game here so bad instead of /vg/?

I feel like this game should have more passive SCP's like the cowbell to go fuck with a group of people by ringing it where everyone's around. It would be a good way to spread paranoia to the masses.

Pretty sure they increased his range.

If they we're an exact 1:1 copy of the lore then the game would be shit. They had to take some liberties to make it actually playable and fun

What's wrong with wanting to talk about it on Sup Forums?

Get more people to play. /vg/ is more for current fans. We require fresh blood.

Because it's a "fuck you jannies" thing. I have no idea why but ever since janitors became a thing, 4channers are autism about it

He should still be able to swipe after he's rage mode.
096 just sits there and eats lead waiting for his rage mode to start again it's dumb.

What we need is 372 to be added, that's a good one to bug people.


What's the deal with wanting to talk about video games on a board about video games?

Because in /vg/ things become stagnate and slowly riddle away until there's only a few of the same people on the threads at any given time.

Better people honestly. Being on /vg/ has bred and attracted a lot of fucking faggots, especially that furfag who's trying to force an alternate nickname for lanky. The very things we feared would happen upon exile fucking happened.

Honestly I wouldn't be half as mad as I was about if Vermintide 2 got the same treatment, but even now they have constant threads. I'm convinced hiro was paid and it's actually "secretly" forced marketing.

>Wipes out your entire squad.


I definitely agree with that, a weak swipe just to keep everyone from surrounding and bullying you the moment you stop autistically shrieking would be great.

Peanut+Lanky combos are deadly and super fun though.


610 when?