Why was this game so poorly reviewed? It's fantastic in every single way.
Why was this game so poorly reviewed? It's fantastic in every single way
I don't recall it being poorly reviewed at all. In fact it was the only decent addition to the Alien universe since Aliens came out.
sega forgot to pay off IGN again
It gave me some pretty bad headaches every time i played it
most reviewers play ten minutes of a game before shitting out a review
the alien doesn't show up for several hours, so this cost it a lot
Pretty sure it reviewed great. People just watched lets play's of it rather than buying the game.
It got good reviews besides IGN IIRC. And IGN mainly complained about difficulty and ""random"" AI.
It's by far my favorite horror game released since Silent Hill 4. I hope CA gets a shot at making a sequel one day.
>It's fantastic in every single way.
The only bad thing is that it kinda drags for a while.
I tried to like this game, I really did. It looks really nice, even on an Xbox One. I just can't stand the game play. I guess I just want to shot aliens, not hide from them in unrealistic ways.
Great game EXCEPT I thought it dragged on for too long. There were like 3 false climaxes where the game could have ended but it just kept going for hours more. It would've been fine it the gameplay was more varied as you went on, but it was usually just some variation of "fix the power so you can open the door"
I agree with you guys, I just want to say how rare of a complaint that is these days.
It's overlong and it punishes failure with death, which can cause a decent amount of lost time if you were huddling in a corner for half an hour hoping the Alien would walk away. It's a great game, but survival horror is a niche genre so it was never destined to get rave reviews.
>but it was usually just some variation of "fix the power so you can open the door"
I liked how the game eventually changes the way you face enemies. I mean sure, you can try shooting at humans once you have the revolver, but good luck with the xenomorph. Once the xenomorph is out, it feels like finally for once, you can be agressive and dont give a shit, Blowing robots and humans alike. And eventually you go back to stealth mode with the new robots and their immunity to stun baton.
>if you were huddling in a corner for half an hour
That is the problem. People usually thinks the alien will walk away and he will not. The secret is to not be a pussy and just make decisions and move while he's near. But that's hard to notice since it is scary.
>People usually thinks the alien will walk away and he will not.
Can't disagree, but it's how people were trained to play similar games, like Amnesia, so it skews their expectation.
The game really isn't all that punishing when you realize the save points are only 30 seconds to a minute apart if you know what you're doing.
Stupid long and repetitive, you've seen everything the game has to offer in six hours and it drags for nearly another ten. Game gets boring once you realize how all of the mechanics work and every encounter with the alien becomes a slog, all the tension drains and really the only reason you dread seeing the alien is because dealing with it has become boring and uninteresting. On harder difficulties, getting detected by the alien is essentially immediate failure which incentivizes an irritating abundance of caution not because you're afraid of the alien but because you're afraid of restarting from your last save.
babbys first horror
>if you know what you're doing.
That part there is why it got bad reviews - people would quit before they knew what they were doing.
They don't understand that it learns.
Makes me sad that so many people complain about the length. I mean, I totally get it; I felt the same way the first time I played through, too. But ultimately I liked just spending time in the world it created - the Sevastopol space station - enough that I was okay putting up with the length and repetition. Would it have been nice if there was more variety in the gameplay and story? Sure, absolutely, but even without that I wouldn't want to give up the length.
The game's length would probably have been okay if half the game wasn't retreading places you'd been with new tools to unlock new parts of them.
I replayed it a second time last month on hard and was blown away by how well paced it felt now that I knew how to actually play instead of hiding in lockers for 20 minutes every time I hear it crawling out of a vent.
It really is all about playstyle that defines the tediousness.
Most people do not like horror games, simple as that.
Game was great, absolutely nails the atmosphere and aesthetic of the first ALIEN
They didn't pay the troll toll
Memes aside thanks for reminding me of this game i'm going to play it again this weekend.
It was an actual survival horror game and not a shooter, had a manual save system which pisses off soy reviewers who started playing games in the seventh generation, and it also goes on too long for its own good.
It has that Bioshock effect where you think it's over then it goes on for a few more hours. Personally I loved it. Looks stellar, the audio is brilliant too. Finally the franchise gets a worthy videogame adaption that stayed true to the first movie's aesthetic rather than the sequel or the AVP trash. It looked great and ran smooth when I played it two years ago on a HD6800 series card. Hats off to them for that
yeah seriously, you could run this game on an actual toaster, doesn't even look bad on lower settings either
I liked it, but got stuck where you're supposed to sneak by several cyborgs and dropped it. Might pick it up again sometime, I remember I loved the atmosphere but the checkpoints where kinda off
eh, It was fairly well reviewed as other anons are saying.
you're thinking of the other (shittier) Aliens: Colonial Marines.
>but as far as Isolation is concerned:
>the fucking alien has nothing better to do I swear to fucking god..
>like the aesthetic just kind of loathe the xenomorph.
Would love to see this aesthetic applied to more games since "lol holograms" lacks much in the way of character.
Try turning chromatic aberration off.
>got stuck where you're supposed to sneak by several cyborgs
The core, right? It's the hardest part of the game by far. In fact, I'd say it's the only part of the game that presents any semblance of challenge at all.