the smash bros roster leaked. Thoughts?
The smash bros roster leaked. Thoughts?
Still the only good Smash.
Who the fuck is Ness?
>C. Falcon
Literally who???
Fake as shit, what the fuck would his moveset even be
fuck off lmao, as if they'd put some random ass shitty pkmn in and not something actually popular like Mewtwo or Charizard
go back to SomethingAwful fag
>pikachu not with pokemon trainer
for what purpose? and why the fuck is it ness, his name is red. Fucking fake and gay, actually play the games instead of just watching the cartoons, then try again.
Why is zelda listed as link?
Apparently he is pretty popular in Japan. Seems pretty OP though, what's he gonna do, make everyone fall asleep?
>that original crazy Ness self-launch attack
whats the point of making a fan game if you leave out half the characters?
fuck the smash fans are retarded
Fake as fuck LMAO
I wish I was 6 and playing smash bros again bros
who is ness
i feel you bro. it's still a good game though
I jacked off to Samus' shocked silhouette
>no villains
Shit roster
to be fair those pictures did look fake as fuck
That blond boy is just a photoshopped little mac, still has the same face lmao
It's really great, the lack of defensive options really force you to go in there and be active. Newer Smash games let you play it too safe.
Black background did not help.