There are NO pc games that are not available on xbox one as well. Answer me you beta male.
There are NO pc games that are not available on xbox one as well. Answer me you beta male
vermintide 2
me on the left
world of warcraft
dwarf fortress
flash games
games you made yourself
Street Fighter 5
Breath of the Wild
Super Smash Bros series
vermintide 2 is on xbox though
woah I didn’t know that
Based Xbro poster
Every single pc game is an exclusive.
Battlefield 1: mouse and keyboard edition
Fallout 4: mouse and keyboard edition
Deep Rock Galactic: mouse and keyboard edition
Overwatch: mouse and keyboard edition
I'm excited for Monster Hunter World: mouse and keyboard edition
Crikey, would you look at that! A rare Xbox meme post in the wild, we're in for a real treat, they are highly endangered. You got'a be careful not too scare him off
I think he meant good games
Hot opinions my friend.
Orc of Vengeance
No one actually owns an Xbox One here. Please guys stop falling for this bait.
Every game that's on pc and xbox are automatically a pc game
You cant get sunset overdrive and few halo games on pc.
That might be a compelling argument if there was a reason to own an Xbox One over a PC in the first place, but as things stand it just makes the Xbox One sound even more shit.
Jackie Chan
neck yourself pedo
Sunset overdrive
god i wish that were me.
The entire Civilizaton series.
Starcraft II
Heroes of the Storm
Any Dota besides Smite
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth/Afterbirth
thanks for not beta testing
shit games
>Also on mobile*
>Also on xbox one*
yo is that james ellsworth
Stay mad sonyfaggot
Moero Chronicle.
Battle Realms
Amazing image user. PC games are the best! Please do not post more though as they are against the rules!
>every single fucking strategy game
>every single fucking simulator
this is also true for PS4
i play on pc because i like shit that's only on pc
120 FPS
Never ever x cucks non-meme answer is nier:a
Total Warhammer
Great argument user.
Whats wrong user, are you running out of GAMES?
>No split-screen
>Made by 343
No thanks
All these seething Sonybro's in this thread, look at this:
>watch me whip
>now watch me 4k
Thief 1 and 2
any strategy game
any simulator
You fucking wot m8? I'll deck you in the gobber I swear on me mum you lard filled cunt.
Is this the new IL-2? Is it as good as the originals?
except for the usual devs/publisher kikery? it isn't bad, and even if it was the alternatives are DCS (dude 3 planes lmao) or war thunder (don't even get me started on this shit i spent 1300 hours on it god damnit)
There are no XBones with a 1060 tier graphics card
I just couldn't get into warthunder on sim mode. Trying to spot anything was such a pain the ass. You can tell the graphics on a ww2 flight sim are ok when you dont need a completely spotless monitor to see other planes.
>implying im german
is that dsp?
Total War