>turning 35 years old soon
>still basically the greatest RPG ever made
Turning 35 years old soon
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Maybe if you have shit taste. The older Skyrim games like Daggerfall and Morrowind are the pinnacles of the genre.
They aren't that great. Would lufia any day
this game is so fucking good
Close but CT still remains better, it's perfect in every way.
Lufia though is one game I wouldn't mind a remaster/remake of, the music was stellar and I need to see that world/ending in better graphics.
Except for Crono's wonky walk/run-cycle.
>The older Skyrim games
>like Daggerfall and Morrowind
I hope for your own sake that you are just shitposting, anway kill yourself.
They made a Lufia 2 remake, it was terrible.
but user, we already had an amazing remake of Lufia 2 :)
Lufia 2 had a remake on DS. I liked it.
>gen z thinks this was amazing
It has too many filler scenarios, that's the only flaw I can think of
pretty good post
it's Lufia 2 just like you imagined it if it had been made with modern technology and improvements in art style and writing!
I respect Lufia as a franchise, but I don't really think it's very good. Playing other JRPGs of the time, I wouldn't say it's the best, or even in the top 5.
My favorite Lufia game is Energy Breaker
Too bad the battle system was so easily broken by items and the energy allocation for stats became irrelevant later on, it was really neat and I liked the characters.
You Weeaboos are beyond delusional.
1.Ultima Underworld is not only the best RPG ever made, it's THE BEST VIDEO GAME EVER MADE, PERIOD.
2. Even in the ocean of shit that it's the JRPG genre there are MANY better games than fucking Lufia 2, just from the SNES and the top of my head: Treasure Hunter G, Treasure of the Rudras, Chrono Trigger, FF VI, DQV, Super Mario RPG or Romancing SaGa 1, 2 and 3.
>Treasure Hunter G
>Treasure of Rudras
Ayyyy my nigga
your gay
That artist missed how to draw fingers day
Nah, the art is fine
Anyone remember how the ancient shrine in the ntsc version was completely fucking glitched out? Good times.
Mentioning FFVI in a positive light immediately invalidates your opinion.
>that fucking soundtrack
This is what the submarine shrine looks like on ntsc carts. What a thrill to navigate.
>>that fucking soundtrack
it was so good that SRW K copied a song
the ancient cave alone makes it the best