What class/soul build you rolling?

What class/soul build you rolling?

I don't know. The game is pretty overwhelming when you start and they don't really explain anything to you.


>mmo's in 2018

How's Rift Prime? I heard they brought back the old class balance

>Playing mmos in 2018
>Playing an mmo that came out 7 years ago


There is only one MMO. Go play it.

World of Warcraft.

same reason I'm carefully optimistic as fuck for vanilla world of warcraft

None. Played since beta and Trion fucking ruined the game at every turn.

You heard wrong. It's modern class balance minus the primalist with time-gated content.

Isn't it funny that Rift beat WoW to live classic official servers?

Why in the fuck would anyone want to play an old shitty WoW clone?

It's not even a remotely imaginative or different one.

I'm ashamed to be playing this, but I got money to waste, so fuck it.

Rolled a Cleric. Purifier/Sentinel/Warden. Been pretty fun shielding people, it feels kinda like WoW disc priest on some fiery crack. Also got Shaman/Druid/Justicar as a second role for solo levelling.

It feels like I've run out of quests at around level 14. Beyond grinding rifts in the starter zone, PvP, and the 1 dungeon from level 15, there doesn't seem to be anything to do until the next zone at level 20.


oh FUCK nigger u fucked up

Rift is trash. Trion is even worse trash. Why do people shill this shitty fucking game and try to place it alongside games that were actually good? Fuck off already, jesus christ.

Tried to get into Rift this morning and MY GOD is it truly awful. I did like a dozen Fucking quests over 2 hours just for 1 level.

I played at launch, but gave up a bit into F2P. Probably won't bother with it

>Giving Trion money

They didn't though, blizzard could just make a server with cap of 60 and not change anything else. That's the lowest effort you could possibly put into something like this, not a proper classic server.

Tell me about trion, why is it so bad?

>tfw rift was my first real mmo
>progressing into first raid
>everyone gets pissed because people arent around because its thanksgiving
>guild falls apart
>never find another guild
>still remember their names
>they weren't even that cool, just the only guild i've bothered to put any effort into learning about the people