>another day of "i'm gonna start playing that game instead of posting on Sup Forums" gone
Another day of "i'm gonna start playing that game instead of posting on Sup Forums" gone
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what timezone do you live in, user? Judging by your post, is nighttime for you?
>tfw only three hours left to get the list of changes put together for the modelers
i dont want to do this at all bruh
I just bought half of the parts for my first gaming pc, looking forward to the games.
It'll take me a year to save up money for the rest.
fuck make it stop I wanna play my games
>Not playing games and shitposting at the same time
Come on son
>another day of "i'm gonna start studying for that exam instead of posting on Sup Forums" gone
>used to play video games all of the time
>got part time job
>video games declined
>got full time job
>haven't played a video game in weeks
So this is what life is like..
But I just got home...
I recently got into college and I feel guilty everytime I play videogames because I could rather spend that time learning.
Shit sucks. I just want to enjoy Vidya again.
Ive been wanting to play Deus Ex for like 3 months..
>yesterday I spent a whole day coming up for a name for a new game
>still don't know any
>dropped my old running one that I've had for nearly all my life because it is caca
I need new names, and I don't know how to make one.
Lately I've been watching Netflix and Hulu all day, I feel even more like a useless piece of shit at the end of the day than when I played video games all day. There's gotta be more to this normalfag lifestyle than just work & netflix. Isn't Agony releasing this month? Maybe that will break me free from this hell.
What's the game about?
RPG. Really old one.
RPG is broad as fuck mate, could be sci-fi to unga bunga rock man.
Never ever
Ye olde medieval magical time RPG.
Was thinking of an anglo name, but I'm not anglo myself so it's kinda hypocrite.
I work so I don't have time to play video games either. Browsing Sup Forums keeps me from falling asleep.
Anglo Adventure: The Beginning
meant a name for the character lol. Still I like your support.
Grand Tale of Something , translated to old English that I'm not familiar with.
get a job no joke
Maybe look at this shit, find something that sounds nice with a good meaning that resembles the character.
always tomorrow user
im going to play nier automata, persona 5, monster hunter world, and more and have fun tomorrow
im going to watch all that comfy anime in my backlog, tomorrow ill start a show i swear, just tomorrow not today
>game is loading
>game starts
>stop posting and play
You're welcome user
You fail to understand the levels of autism I posses user. I've been searching and throwing letters around for two days now, today is another day I wasted coming up for the name.
Why am I like this? fuck
Anglo Annie
>haven't actively played vidya in almost a year
>bought an Xbone on a whim along with MCC and Halo 5
If this doesn't cure my ennui I'll kill myself.
>help help i can't stop posting on Sup Forums
unequivocally dripping with soy. Try taking control of your life instead of whining about this shit, honestly i'm sure by now that Sup Forums is full of people who haven't played a game in the last 3 years, you dumb niggers just watch trailers and shitpost about how all you do is watch trailers and shitpost. come on now, try not being pathetic and either accept that you don't like video games and are just trying to look cool on the internet
>massive backlog
>many large games freshly installed on pc just waiting to be played
>NEET so plenty of time
>still spend all day just playing kancolle, listening to music, shitposting and the occasional fap