What happened?

What happened?

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ur mom happened lolrekt

jeb took over and tried to make it an rpg

It's a better game now than it was then.
The only thing that happened is we grew out of it over the past 8 years

Fun and innovative game, so good it spawned countless clones. But it got too popular for it's own good.

Lazy dev hit gold by accident

I’m still building a massive castle that I’ve been working on for 3 years, still won’t be done for another 2 years probably. It’ll be fucking sweet when it’s done though.

Ironically, nothing. Nothing happened.

That's why the game lacks content, purpose and generally just fucking sucks.

nothing - it's great as ever

fanboys happened

terraria came and blew it the fuck away

I call bullshit. Post it.


Pure lets play kino.

What graphics pack is this?

hunger happened

Hes STILL going

Shaders. Not worth it imo. They run like shit

Do you think he's ever gonna make it?

>7 fucking years

How long has he been going at it?
How much farther does he have to go?


>Kurt has been travelling since March 2011 and as of January 2014 is expected to take another 22 years to reach his destination.

if i recall correctly, the shaders support are included in Optifine HD (that both enables shaders and massively improves framerate) + KUDA-Shaders + Full of Life resource pack (textures)

t. potato rig

You outgrew it/got bored. It happens with all games sooner or later. It's been a decade.

Oh shit.

While I do t disagree with you, there are plenty of other 10+yo games that still are still fun to play. Single or multiplayer. Doom, Quake, TF2, CS, Super Mario 3, World, Melee, Halo... I feel Minecraft got overexposed to where pretty much everything has been done in some way, shape, or form that you've seen and/or done several times not to mention the abundance of merchandise. I occasionally get the urge to play every once in a while but then go, "Oh yeah, I already built that and know the formula." Would play with friends, but none of us have the time to devote to it as much as we did in high school

Started as an early access with potential
But it went like erotic hypnosis, the buildup is nice and enjoyable but there's no climax to it
And then it released without fixing or adding anything of significance to the game

>X's Adventures
I see you too are a man of refined culture.

>all these autists that played since the alpha spent millions of hours trying to beat minecraft
>they add a ending to the game, it game be beaten in 95 seconds
>so many autists became enraged they wasted thier lifes

Is this bait?