Is this the most overrated jrpg of all time?
Is this the most overrated jrpg of all time?
Half of the Final Fantasy games are more overrated.
I bought it anyway. 20% off the entire cart.
I just got a big insurance payout for the price of a bunch of car rentals that I didn't even use so I had a hole burning in my pocket.
name ONE (1) memorable music from this game THAT IS NOT THE INTRO.
good luck.
no, that would be chrono nigger.
it was for a while but recently people have come to realize it's boring as shit
this is probably the correct answer
One of the most overrated RPGs, but I think it gets beaten out by FF7 mostly by virtue of the fact that there are more youngfags in the consumer-base than there are elderfags.
since it has real time combat, NO, I'd even say it's the only good jRPG
it's 2018 grandpa jRPGs havn't all been turn based for a long time
It's 2018 retarded, and people still don't understand videogame genres
Brand new?
>overrated jrpg of all time
But the porn fanart is great
Secret of Mana isn't even a JRPG and more of an action RPG / dungeon crawler. Fantastic game regardless.
Also, anyone saying FFVII is the most overrated JRPG is a nintendie. That award goes to FFVI.
6 isn't even close to being as overrated as 7 mainly because japan doesn't give a shit about it
Can it be the most over rated when no one talks about it?
Yeah. It's pretty fucking boring and the combat is just button mashing for the most part. Aged like milk.
if you want an overrated JRPG by nintentards, look no further than pic related. One of the weakest mario RPGs. It's successor was better in almost everyway
Never liked and finished any mana games except sd3
mana is shit tier franchise
aww did big bad croco make you mad wittle baby?
are you seriously going the difficulty route with SMRPG? Every mario RPG is piss easy aside from maybe the North American release of partners in time
nobody praises this game's gameplay, it's rightfully praised for its story and soundtrack
yes, rightfully
The boss fight music
oh, I see you don't understand green texting, so let me explain--I was highlighting that word in order to show that I disagreed with your statement, not that I was agreeing with you. But don't fret--if you spend some more time on here, then soon enough you'll get the hang of the many unique idiosyncrasies of communication on Sup Forums.
No, that's Chrono Trigger.
It's a good game, sure, but I don't understand why everybody thinks it's a masterpiece. The combat is relatively dull and while the soundtrack is above-average only one or two bits really stick out.
Evermore was better.
reddit Tbh
How can it be overrated when it's objectively one of the best games of its era and the second best selling title of its console?
FF9, xenogears, FFtactics, suikoden II are all better
It's decent and that's all
Not even close to being the best RPG ever
In no way it was better outside a more coherent story and a half ass decent magic system
shit taste confirmed
it's an Arpg not a Jrpg and its the best one
the temple music? the sad sad music when something sad happens
>button mashing
>game has a power meter
>you do zero damage if you keep mashing attack
maybe you should play games before you form opinions about them
>forgettable characters
>only memorable for making JRPG combat less boring and end-of-generation pixel art
>no plot until Zeal at the end of the game
>four bosses in a row just to find out the last one is immune to all but lightning damage; if you don't have Crono or Magus you have to replay 40 minutes
>no actual role-playing elements like build variety or interactive dialogue
>completely linear for 24 out of 25 hours
Chrono Trigger, FF6 and FF7 say hi
That's not FF7
The F-Zero race against robonigger is the only thing I can remember for some reason
Those are underrated, doesn't mean 7 is overrated.
The Boss Theme that starts as a Big Mess and turns into an heroic Anthem further on. it's the Perfect boss Theme because it is build around the idea of initial Shock and confusion turning into a heroic victory.
This is unironically correct, not because FF7 isn't a great game but because people remember it with rose-tinted glasses as one of the greatest things since sliced bread.
no. pic related.
The boss theme and the theme when you fight the lich at the end.
Also, the town music was pretty comfy.
Earthbound is a good contender, the battle system felt outdated compared to its contemporaries with its dull text heavy approach. When your entire party gets hit by a status move, you gotta have the same repeated messages over and over again, 4 times. While other SNES JRPGs had a simple poison effect over the character for example, which was far more straight to the point.
some of those criticisms apply to so many JRPGs, such as no roleplaying elements
>such as no roleplaying elements
Just go play a tabletop you piece of shit.
All of Square's games are overrated as fuck.
They're the most overpraised piles of shit you could ever come across and are barely redeemable to the modern eye. Only someone with a pretentious eye could muster a love for a huge pile of shit.
Nah, lol jk
Square games aren't too bad. Ignore their reputation and play them for what they are: literal movies and cartoons plopped into a game. They have aged like milk but the games still have a lot of charm imo.
Barely even on model. Off-model fapfags need to be euthanized.
Hey, Square's more obscure stuff can be kino.
Just look at Front Mission, or Vagrant Story, or The Last Remnant.
just go play call of duty you piece of shit
Yeah, her tits are way to small in that picture.
>tfw most art of your favorite character is off model shit
At least its not all hyper futa, hyper tits with hyper cum and lactation.
I tried to play FFVII way after it was released, found it quite terrible, the combat wasn't interesting, and the plot was some C tier script that got rejected for an anime. More recently I tried FFIV or I forgot which it was, where the guy is a knight and then later he becomes a black knight, and I wasn't feeling it really, just gets old. I'm just wondering if the praise those Final Fantasy games get is purely based on nostalgia because they sure aren't engaging at all.
Wasn't even the best RPG released that year, faggot.
This game is shit in all aspects. Its scenario is kojima-grade both in its nonsense tailored to make teenagers feel smart and in its fucking overlong cutscenes that constantly prevent the player from playing.
dont mind me just posting the best rpg of all time