Ok, let's analyse the teaser

>Obvious shit
Inklings and BoTW Link are in

>Still obvious
In front of the smash ball there's less than 20 characters

The "copyright 2018" confirms that it's not smash 4

The way the logo appears is similar to how it appeared in Melee and Brawl but not in 4

The firsts few notes of the music are the first few notes of the Melee menu theme, after that it goes higher and sounds like a modulation of this theme

Now you can r8, h8, deb8, masturb8

Most likely just

>sub title
>has all did characters and some more from
>more stages and shit

There's no way we already are getting a brand new smash

If this shit isn't called "Kerfuffle" or if it's called "for Nintendo Switch" I swear I'll kill some niggas.

It'll be smash 4 with all the shit that pretentious self absorbed hack sakurai cut out.

nice buzzwords

bad shop but you get my point

why do you guys find it so hard to believe that it's a new game? there's a number of reasons why brawl and smash 4 took so long that they could have just done away with here.
>only one version of the game so Dev time isn't split up
>no big long subspace story mode
>doesn't have all of those useless custom moves from smash 4
>Hal did not work on smash 4, could have started conceptualizing this while S4 was still being released
>can still run on S4 engine and use assets while being an entirely new game
it's been four years. that's definitely enough time.

I don't think the lack of characters in front of the fire means there's gonna be a small amount of characters in the game, if that's what OP is implying
This is the best image I've seen so far, but who's to the right of Bowser (under his arm) and to the left of Samus, and under her?

I really really hope it's still TP Zelda.

The logos flames are reversed for the Switch version, smash 5.

left of samus looks like sheik and pikachu

looks like you made this in gimp

so(n)y boys damage control


Four years later onthe same engine is entirely feasible for a new game

Considering the 3ds is still considered alive, it's obvious this will just be a Sm4sh port with the new characters downloadable on the 3ds version too

this is well done, but who is 3rd from the right? also I'm almost certain that character below and to the left of samus is pikachu

Let me get this straight
>C. Falcon

Every smash has had reused shit. Some characters in smash 4 like fox pretty much have the exact same model and animations as they did in brawl. They’re almost definitely just going to use Sm4sh as a base and just put new shit on top.

From left to right for blind blancos
>Peach holding a turnip
>BOTW Link
>Pikachu (in front of samus)
>Kirby(In front of smaus)
>Captain falcon

I genuinely hope an ARMS rep gets in, but I have my doubts.

Anyone have a feeling that Noctis from FF15 will be in this smash?

Or on an engine you don't have to make, see how Mario Odyssey uses Unreal Engine

Megaman maybe? or Doctor Mario?

port confirmed

Pikachu and Fox. Kirby is probably in there somewhere, too.

It definitely isn't Doc Mario.
I really hope Dr Mario is still in this one to continue representing Mario's classic moveset. FLUDD sucks.

I zoomed in and I'm almost certain it's fox.

There definitely will be. 75% will be Spring Man, 25% Ribbon Girl. Considering Wii Fit fucking Trainer got in, why would they not push a new Nintendo IP?

It very obviously is due to the shoulder plates

those are the obvious choices but it'd be really neat if they did something really out there and made Helix be the rep

go fr*ck yourself you poopy head

remember this is an artist's rendition, the real image isn't nearly that clear

or best girl

if it has none of that shit, it's just a direct downgrade from 4

>Some characters in smash 4 like fox pretty much have the exact same model and animations as they did in brawl.
They are all new models every game.

Twintelle's glorious booty for Sma5h!

they are using the inklings designs for the first game meaning just like every other smash its roster is based on the rpevious consoles games meaning only wiiu games and 3ds games are making it in

You can only keep 3 newcomeers from 4. Who will it be?

>Err, maybe Pacman

It is always the main character that represents a series. Exceptions are when the player is directly interacting with the game and the main support is playable, such as WFT, Duck Hunt, and even ROB. For ARMS, it will be Springman.

super mario odyssey doesn't use unreal engine, though. that new yoshi game does

what's the source of this? I thought they used the same engine as 3D World

Ridley is in the flames.

It's hard to say since they rarely add newly-created characters in Smash. Melee had almost nothing from the Gamecube era, Brawl had almost nothing from the Wii era, and Smash 4 had almost nothing from the Wii U era (not counting DLC of course).

We've seen the silhouette of BotW Link which is a good sign, but we've also seen the Inklings which are from the first Splatoon. So it's a tossup I'd say, but damn if I'm not excited for Spring Man in Smash.

Bowser (jr)

Honestly, I have the same question but reversed, why does everyone find it so hard to believe this might just be a port. The only new things were inklings and botw link. Not that hard to ad to a port. It could be a new game but logically going by all the porting nintendo has been doing lately, it's probably just an enhanced port.

Wasn't Roy basically an advertisement in Melee? For a game that wasn't even out yet in the states?

Little Mac

Easy peasy.

Sorry, it was a mistake, is right

Considering the Link shown here is BotW Link, do you think his moveset is going to change as well? For example, will his Up B become Revali's Gale?

>Melee had nothing from the Gamecube era
Wasn't that because it was very early on in the Gamecube's lifespan? This one is in a similar situation with Switch. Splatoon and BotW are actually Wii U games.

if it's a port, it raises the strange question of what they'd do with original link
straight up get rid of him?
or make BOTW link named "Champion Link?"

So how much of the roster do you think will actually get ported over from Smash 4? I doubt most 3rd Party characters will make it back like Cloud or Pac-Man. But I can see Ice Climbers coming back now that the 3DS hardware limitations are out of the picture.

I will never completely accept a smash game that doesn't have Pac Man now, he fit in too perfectly.

>Wanting clones when custom moves and skins can achieve basically everything they do without bloating the roster

Mostly because Nintendo need a BoTW/Mario-tier system seller for Holiday 2018. From games we know about existing a mere enhanced port MK8D wouldn't generate enough hype to cut it, Bayo 3 and Metroid don't appeal enough to normies, and Pokemon will be 2019. So what big Nintendo IP options are left?

Duck Hunt


I'm not sure about the zelda one.

Prediction time boys
Dark pit, Lucina, Mii Fighters, Wii fit trainer, Duck hunt, Robin, most if not all of DLCs, maybe keep mew2 and Lucas
Ice climbers, Snake
Inkling, Jack Frost, Arms dude, Crash

an idea I've thrown around a couple times would be aping the MKX system of "character variations" to satisfy clone users who like the different normals
imagine pic related with "Doctor, Plumber, Tanooki" for Mario

>shit this fire's too hot our backs

Roy's game never officially released overseas.

It would be odd for them to port smash. they usually release one new smash near the beginning of each of the console generations. if this is a port we'll be stuck with smash 4 for another six years which would make this the longest time we've ever been with one game.

That's simple. Toon Link can represent the original moveset. He's more than just Wind Waker now. In fact, there are now several top down Zeldas with the Toon art style; Wind Waker was Toon Link's only real 3D appearance. As such, Toon Link can represent the "classic" Zelda gameplay by maintaining the original Link moveset while this new design for Link can represent the series going forward by changing things up.

Obviously this is just in terms of Smash. Toon Link is still the Wind Waker guy in the Zelda series itself, like in Hyrule Warriors.

this would have the added benefit of making balance easier for each specific variation instead of allowing game-breaking bullshit like trip sapling + explosive balloons + push gyroid


>Dark pit, Lucina, Mii Fighters, Wii fit trainer, Duck hunt, Robin, most if not all of DLCs, maybe keep mew2 and Lucas

Nice, those were all wasted slots except for Duck Hunt wich was a pretty original character

I still don't think an "enhanced" port would flat out remove an earlier character, people would bitch about it.
>muh limited slots

First thing that strikes me as weird if it's a port is that they haven't just come out and confirmed it as one.

Olimar behind mario too?

the entire point of having a link and a young link is too have one with a slower more methodical moveset and the other quick with less commitment. they have similar moves but play pretty differently. Sakurai would not disrespect adult link and give him the boot like that.

Plus every smash game usually comes out with in the first two years of the consoles release.

luigi is link's sheild

you're right, that's pretty clear in the actual image

>Wasted slot
Quit it with the Fire Emblem hate. The other three fucking characters were overkill but Robin was one of the best possible newcomers.

This would be cool and you could easily fit characters that wouldn't otherwise have a shot (plus you could satiate all sorts of FE fans so there's no bitching), but some characters would really need to stretch to have more than one alt, or to have an alt in the first place. Like, what would Little Mac possibly have? What would Pit have after the obligatory Dark Pit?

Still, stuff like a Funky Mode for DK, a more Land-based Wario while keeping the Brawl/4 moves also, Ganondorf having OoT/TP/Warriors states, etc. sounds like a blast.

Not all of the custom moves made sense, either. They don't have to be entirely new characters or costumes, just a different way to play the same character.

>When your main has little chance of returning unless this is just Smash 4 Wii U DX
Who /Palutena/ here?

Dark Pit, Lucina, Wii Fit, Robin, Dr. Mario, Rosalina, Mewtwo, ROB, Cloud (more on why in "New")

Ice Climbers

Inkling, Jack Frost, Crash, Spring Man, Travis Touchdown, Waluigi, Toon Zelda, Noctis (i mean hes being shilled everywhere)

I see your point, they'd have to pull shit like "electric little mac" and "champion belt little mac".

Ok here's my random unreliable prediction :
>100% a new game
>teaser roster + Inklings is base roster
>This smash will get regular updates like Splatoon/Arms to add characters, game modes and stages

Bandana Dee

There's no reason not to

I just realized, they could probably use the SNES design for one, and Wire Frame for the other. Blonde Mac has faster specials, Wire Frame has more armor on his. That problem's solved.

Awakening was the worst fire emblem I ever played, so yeah, excuse me for not being thrilled when the self insert from this piece of shit game was announced.

wait how was this pic made?
did they used filters to try and see the figures in the dark? or are these 3d models on top or what?

after all these years, do you think he really has a shot?

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

Thats Fox under Bowser's arm

Why are people saying Palutena might get cut? I can't even begin to imagine Sakurai cutting one of his babies (except Dark Pit because clones).

I unironically think he has a shot, but realistically don't think it'll happen. Peach already uses sports equipment in her side smash and there's not much reason to devote an entire character to something like that, especially a walking joke like Waluigi. But stranger things have happened.

>walking joke
that's exactly why he has a shot, people have memed the fuck out of Waluigi in recent years

Because she's one of 4's famous bottom barrel choices.

KI is dead again, so there's no point

By stretching out the content releases you'll need to keep paying for Nintendo Switch Online to get all characters and play online with them. They've got at least two years of paid service confirmed if they do it this way.

She's one of the most random choices in 4, nobody asked for her, she's not popular in terms of people playing her, her custom moves gimmick is ignored despite the fact that her default set sucks compared to the alternates.

I like Uprising and her in that, and I just so happened to like playing as her a lot (I usually main big bodies in fighters; Zard is my #2 with Bowser and Ganondorf tied for 3rd), but if they decide to trim, she's one of the first non-clones to go (shit, Lucina will stay before Palutena because Lucina is really popular).

Fuck you, I was hoping for Palutena as a newcomer from the start, her and Robin. I'm fucking pissed that their inclusions are so tainted by being accompanied by the new clones everyone loves to hate.

>Smash 4 newcomers get sent an invitation in the post
>Happy, adventurous music
>Smash 5 newcomers get sucked into a giant flaming portal
>Ominous chanting

>When your main is almost guaranteed to return

What about Dark Pit?


>Smash 64 rated E
>Smash Melee rated T
>Smash Brawl rated T
>Smash 4 rated E10+
>Smash 5 rated M