How could anybody prefer this game over literally any other installment in the series? It's a tech demo at best, and V blows it out of the water on every front. It has more of everything, from guns to cars to missions to the graphics to the optimization to the driving mechanics (yes, even that)
>b-but muh weighty cars Pic related, faggot. Cars don't sway like that in real life, because they have fucking suspensions. The body roll is simply ridiculous. IV feels like I'm driving a goddamn waterbed.
To answer your question seriously gta iv had a lot more side content: stealing cars, delivering drugs, most wanted missions, all the gang stuff and drug wars in episodes from liberty city. Its obvious gta v was gutted for the online and if you compare gta iv plus episodes from liberty city against gta v it has more story content too. Rockstar turned into whores
Jaxson Ramirez
>Cars don't sway like that in real life Keep in mind this is also a modern car unlike the tank that the duke was modeled after
Kevin Sanders
desu the old cars are realistic but not the sport cars like that one looking like a Ferrari 360, its not supposed to roll like a 80s Buick .
Jeremiah White
In comparison to V, 4 has: -stronger, focused story -less handholding bullshit (the missions in V are mind numbing) -better map (no ass texture empty mountains for 3/4s of world, Los Santos is laid out like spaghetti puke) -fun, unique weapons in the DLC - and i personally prefer the weighty cars, when you learn how the physics work you have a better amount of control than the tractionless shitfuck cars in V
V has: -functional multiplayer -better customization options -more useless shit (cars and guns that function exactly the same or are completely irrelevant once you get top of the line shit)
And i can’t recall anything else.
Blake Williams
Everything happens the same way every time in 5. At least in 4 the variables introduced by the weight of the cars or the location-based damage in firefights made each scenario feel unique and alive. 5 is better optimized, of course - but only because it took every CPU intensive operation/calculation out of the game. 5 feels sterile and lifeless compared to 4.
Nolan Jenkins
4 and V have different maps and they scratch different itches for me. The maps are both fine, great even. If there's one thing Rockstar can't fuck up, it's an open world
Jordan Sullivan
>It's a tech demo at best, and V blows it out of the water on every front. IV had an actual single player mode, not a 20 hour tutorial for the Online bit.
Connor Gray
IV's for grown ups. V's for children.
Dominic Reyes
>Los Santos is laid out like spaghetti puke What the fuck does this even mean?
Brody Gonzalez
Except GTA V really fucked up some real real simple things to give it the replay value it deserved.
It was absolute bullshit that there werent more than like 7 hitman missions, or that things like random bounties on NPC's only for multiplayer and not single really really fucked up the replay value for me.
A lot of critisizm that IV got was that a lot of the missions boiled down to "go here and kill X" with slight variations. That may be true, but with a game where a majority of the fun is driving and shooting, that wasn't so bad as long as you dressed it up in fun, different, and interesting ways. V had some impressive and great set pieces, but they were mostly wasted with not much do in the world and them being very story heavy. So many missions in V amount to just piloting your character through wacky things and not a lot of the driving and shooting. V just failed on almost every front, especially characters with the exception of a few and nothing felt real at all. The entire FIB plot was poor and uninteresting at best and at times just downright retarded, not to mention they really dropped the ball on heists. We could have had a real game mechanic that focused on doing heist throughout the world to make ends meet, this could of been heist simulator GTA edition instead of this bloated pointless story that lacked any charm from games like RDR and IV.
I still go back now and then thanks to mods(not letting me remove hitmarkers, really?) that let me play the game how I want and should be able to.
Wyatt Jones
road going cars have a shit ton of body roll, even cars that have handling that's consistently praised, such as the MX-5 or Toyobaru, have crap tons of it from the factory
Easton King
The wilderness, aside from the micro bit of desert, was weak. Compare them to the misty forests in San Andreas
Matthew Peterson
It was not perfect but it could have been improved upon instead they went in different directions. And just like anything in life people only start to appreciate what they had only after they have lost it. This is what happened with GTAIV. People didn't appreciate all the good aspects of it until they realized GTAV was a lesser game in many respects.
Camden Scott
I liked them user. Only thing I would fix would be to nerf non-offroad cars's ability to drive offroad.
There was a great sense of scale. Made driving up mountains a lot of fun
Nicholas Brooks
The sprawling roads, while true to LA, were a pain to navigate. Too many overpass clusters
Isaiah Phillips
I suppose they’re fun to launch off of but I don’t think they added much else. Especially if you crash and your car is too fucked to move on
Zachary Brown
To each his own, I guess.
Levi Robinson
did everyone just up and forget hat sa had "weighty cars" as well?? hydraulic cars were awesome and you could fishtail cars like the sabres and super gts
Carson Sanchez
>GTA 4 Had decent side missions. Different people to date. Better morality choices. More in depth city with alot more going on. Random encounters were much more fun. Gun fights are more intense. >GTA V Bigger map. More variety of weapons. Barely anything to do. 0 Dating mini game. Fixed side missions. There is alot more wrong with V.
Dylan Lewis
I'm not that big a fan of IV, but I've been wanting to play through the DLC, problem is the game seems to run even worse on newer hardware than it did when I played it years ago with a radeon 4970.
Owen Young
I just recently replayed SA, and it had a lot of the same problems that IV got a lot of shit for. Like people nagging you to hang out and cars with shitty handling.
Isaiah Martinez
I did most of the missions in GTA V, with the exception of buying property and doing the property missions and ended up at the end of the game with about $33 million per character. Then I started looking at property prices, particularly the airport, so I can fly to the shitty parts of CA and not have to drive there, and the fucking hangar is $120 million. How the fuck are you supposed to get that kind of money? I assumed it was a cynical and shameless ploy to sell Cash Cards, but aren't those only good for the multiplayer?
Jacob Lee
Did you invest when you did the sniper missions? Also property definitely does make you a lot of money
Josiah Scott
>Too many overpass clusters That's LA's thing, though. Driving-wise, aside from the awful traffic, that's what LA is known for; its clusterfuck of overpasses.
Cooper Edwards
I think I got halfway through the hitman missions before realizing I should have been investing before doing them. Then I stopped playing. I recently reinstalled, so I may give the game another go.
Justin Ward
GTA IV is the worst in the entire 3D and HD series Bite me
Carson Smith
for single player just cheat in a fuckload of money and have fun.
>end of the game with about $33 million per character. >So 99 million in total. >Need 120 million for the hangar. This is where they get you and try to suck you into multiplayer for a better chance of making money.
Jose Ward
That doesn't really make a lot of sense seeing as SP and MP are entirely separate in terms of money.
Asher Price
Its fun you gigantic nigger. Or do you prefer all the cars to handle exactly the same like in gta5?
Caleb Howard
better map wrong. The map in 4 is so samey that you could mistake someplace for somewhere else at nearly any moment. The mountains in 5 are a gint waste of space, but if you really thing the map in 4 has more variety and is more fun to explore than 5, you r dumb.
Jason Ortiz
Hey, this is a 4vs5 debate. leave the kino that is san Andreas out of this.
Adrian Miller
The driving was better than 5's
Jonathan Baker
V is also shit because the character is still a bumbling retard slow as shit, the only way to play it fine is on first person mode, at least you can go left and right without waiting him to turn, also no parkour.
Connor Mitchell
After GTA IV and V I'm done expecting great games from Rockstar. I'll consider Chinatown Wars an anomaly.
Wyatt Davis
IV and V are both hugely, comically inferior to SA in atmosphere, story pacing, mission development, helicopter/aircraft handling, radio choices, and characters.
Benjamin Ramirez
>So 99 million in total. Not really. There's no way to pool all three characters' money together that I'm aware of, so if a property, say the airplane hanger, costs $120 million, then one character by himself needs $120 million.
Robert James
Only people who's first GTA was IV think it was good.
Landon Williams
>fight me Ok. It's the same tired cover-based firefighting we see in V only there are less guns, the guns don't fire as accurately or as quickly. >no minigun >no dedicated grenade button >no railgun >no revolvers >guns sound like shit >there's only like a dozen different guns
Dominic Brooks
>the guns don't fire as accurately I got through all of GTA IV with nothing but the handgun doing nothing but headshots.
Benjamin Adams
>he never did the assassination missions >he didn't end up with $2 billion per character thanks to insider trading Brainlet