Why haven't you played Laxia's game yet, Sup Forums?

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Waiting for Switch port.

Waiting for it to ship to my local walmart

But I did.

Waiting for PC release.

waiting for the free pc version

I did and it was alright I suppose. I'd give it a 8/10. Building the base and exploring the island was max comfy, also enjoyed the combat system somewhat. Didn't really like how it ended, but the story kept my attention though. Overall wasn't a bad game to me, and I really didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did.

i did. bought it day one and already have my platinum trophy for it.
game was pretty good but didnt like that defense gameplay mode.
too fucking easy.

did they release the updated patch for it yet? ill probably replay the game again if they did.

Gotta finish my backlog first

Already did on my PS4