Any video games with puzzles like this?

Any video games with puzzles like this?

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Oh yeah tons of them



Zero time Dilemma


pull the level and hope the other guy pulls his too lmao

I don't have that many loved ones, kill them all.

shit day to be on a trolley I guess

Just do your homework, kid.

literally the prisoner's dilemma, try harder

Professor Layton

just ask the other guy what he's going to do

wtf kinda R*ddit shit is this? Here's your (you) op!

You do not have any (you)s to give, here let me help you

Don't pull lever, kill self.

Pull the lever, shoot the other lever guy.

Kill other, pull lever, kill self from grief

The problem does not say anything about being able to talk to the other guy or not, so...
Threaten the other guy by telling him that if he pulls his lever, so will you, killing his loved ones.
Absolutely never mention your own loved ones, not even to respond to questions if the other guy were to ask some, show indifference towards the fact your loved ones will die too if you put your words into practice, this will convince the other guy that you're willing to lose them for that one loved one, and that by doing so he will lose most of his.
If the other guy is not stupid, he will comply by not pulling his lever, and once he doesn't, you will pull yours, saving all of your loved ones.

That's not a puzzle.

>Pull the lever
Now the other guy don't have choice

Kill the lever, pull yourself

Pull the lever. If the trolleys go so slow they won't derail in those corners then it probably won't be fatal when they bump into each other.

>american trolley

talos principle


i love it and recommend itand gehenna too, but it's puzzles are not like the one OP posted at all

That's one I haven't seen. Thanks, user. Had a good laugh.

nigga what the prisoner's dilemma is about snitching during interrogation



Left, I unironically love All-Star


here's your solution bro





How is this a dilemma? All-Star by Smash Mouth is a great piece of music



Why would you post an incomplete version?


A because that spout is at full blast and the pipe to B is too narrow.


I didn't understand Monty Hall till I played this fragment in ZTD


The story is different but the problem is the same. If you both ally, you both suffer, but less. If you both betray you get the worst outcome for both of you. If one allies and one betrays, only the one that gets betrayed faces a bad outcome.


Definitely D.

I'm not gonna do the math on that shit, so I'll just pull the lever

Can't believe one of these got a chuckle out of me in the current year of 2017+1

It took me a second



Hmm, there's a 23% chance vs 15% chance no one gets hurt, so on first glance it seems like pulling the lever is the worse option.

However, the worst outcome of not pulling the lever is five times worse than the worst outcome of pulling it.

I'd probably pull the lever, I've got shit rng.



assuming you want to save everyone, the bottom option is statistically preferable as it gives you a 38% chance of negating all damage



What? (0.75)^5 = 0.237






This one always make me warm and fuzzy inside


This. I don't know why people even bother going into converging series when a graph illustrates it quicker and easier.



Wrong is the correct answer


Dumb animeposter

prisoner's dilemma has you punished the worst if you do nothing but the other prisoner betrays you, while in this the worst case is if both of you pull the lever, so it's a little different