How will smash 5 be able to top this character reveal? Explain how the trailer would play out for your most wanted newcomer
How will smash 5 be able to top this character reveal...
Woomy cunny already won everyone's hearts, and dicks.
There was no real hype behind Mega Man's reveal. Everyone saw it coming. It couldn't hold a candle to Snake's reveal and no future reveals ever will.
Somebody should make a meme of the Inkling looking at Mega Man's metal blade
I can't think of anyone who could top it honestly.
Other than the return of Snake but we all know that isn't happening.
>bowser on his giga form looking at the viewer, scaring the shit out of him
>suddenly he changes his mood and realizes he's trouble
>gets hit with a green blast coming from the camera's view, causing him to get extremly hurt
>screen cuts to black, but shows imagery of some dude smiling with a grin on his face, before putting his helmet on
>at doom's hangar starts playing
Adol Washes Ashore!
It could literally just be a splash screen saying “Doom Slayer joins the battle!” Or “Bomberman blows out the competition!” and that would be enough to make me shit myself in excitement.
Mickey. Not even kidding. Keyblade or not.
>A new challenger appears
>Silhouetted in front of Wiley's castle
>Oh look, it's megaman again...
>Hope Rides Alone starts playing
this, we already got Cloud, pls
I would suck a dick to have Simon in Smash.
Imagine having Castlevania music in Smash.
I’m a megaman main but Crono would make me absolutely lose my mind.
this. Sup Forums would implode
Found the MN9 backer.
>tfw bloody tears accompanies his reveal
>In the middle of a full scale battle between other roster members
>Some Toads and other civilian NPCs start running away from the scene
>Large blast from battlefield sents debris flying
>A big rock is about to pound flat a little Toad
>Then, a large red fist shatters the rock
>"These guys' party has gone too far, we gotta stop them!" (Wonder Red yurns his back to the camera) TEAM, UNITE UP!"
Wonder Red unites up!
>watercolor animated style
>all colors of Yoshi's romping through a field of white flowers while Yoshi's Story music plays
>a red Yoshi grabs an armful of flowers and tosses them in the air gleefully
>a light blue Yoshi places a single flower to the side of a pink Yoshi's eyes, and pink Yoshi reacts in kind
>single left-to-right panorama shot of the field
>camera then cuts and centers on our green Yoshi smiling, watching it all from afar
>and then something catches his eye
>a strangely straight white, pink, and red flower outside of the field
>Yoshi walks over to smell it
>and juuuust before he zooms in on his giant nose...
>POOF! Lip appears and giggles, knocking Yoshi back from surprise, and Yoshi lets out his Owowow shocked sound as he falls
>She waves her Fairy Stick, and the entire artstyle is changed back to Smash's, Yoshi watches in amazement
>She waves her fairy stick again, and it turns into a cutesy version of a mobile phone on a selfie stick
>she opens up a "camera app" and chooses the "Smash Bros. filter", and lifts it up and above her head, facing downward at her
>camera cuts to 3/4 above her head and becomes jittery like a mobile phone's camera would look, she turns and looks up to her mobile phone and winks
>announce splash sfx
Not a 3rd Party but, most wanted...
>Setting: Overcast night canyon. Camera pans over defeated Bowser to Ganondorf struggling to 1v2 Mario and Link
>Massive attack from both launches him, collapsed, and seemingly defeated. He slams his fist into the ground, the Triforce of Power flares to light
>Barrage of lightning completely obscures the fallen villains
>A silhouette rises up over the dark view, one last thunderbolt creates a backlit view of the arisen fighter
>Pic Related
>Not Simon's Theme
>Not Vampire Killer
Good choice nonetheless
Scorpion. It'd be shocking.
Snake reveal was THE SHIT user.
I can see it transitioning from Vampire Killer to Bloody Tears just like Mega Man's trailer
I hope it's this mickey
>moonlit backgound
>Pit, Mega Man, Samus, and Link fighting
>suddenly, bats
>cross-boomerang flies in, whip cracks and bats scatter
>cheesy pan-up intro from Simon's feet
>bats, metroids, Wily bots show up
>laser shot downs a bot from offscreen
>oh shit, it's a double reveal with Captain N
>the regular smash vets are doing whatever, dicking about and kicking each other's asses
>an aerial shot of their battles zooms out to near space, showing the distant horizon, and into low orbit to show the actual planet
>a bright blue streak zips through space
>the camera follows the object into the planet's atmosphere, before re-focusing on the smash fighters having their little brawl
>they all see the blue object barreling toward them and jump out of it's way, all action-moviesque
>a cloud of dirt and debris surrounding the crater settles
>a closeup of the ground as Goku takes one step forward
>Sean says something really cheesy or retarded like "Heheh, did I miss anything?"
>Goku! The Saiyan from Earth!
>he starts kicking the shit out of the smash vets and flexes his moveset
>no future reveal ever will
shut up lol
>Captain N's Simon Belmont
Wasn't proto already a mii skin?
I want to have him in the game but I also don't want more clones
>wanting early teen drama featuring mickey fucking mouse:the game: the character
How embarrassing.
>implying the reveal won't be Goku with King Kai on his planet when King Kai mentions a tournament in some other world and Goku getting excited and teleporting to the world of Smash instantly
I would say Banjo, just replay the first game intro's and have Donkey Kong and Diddy crash their shit which turns into a music showdown which then devolves into a fist fight
Didn't even surpass Snake's reveal lmao
Goku posters are still doing this ironically, right? Or did the population of smash fan boards who everyone was mocking not noticing people are fucking making fun of them?
kill yourselves delusional gokufags, even never ever: the character: bigley has a better shot
They will top it by having a character that hasn't been see in years get both a smash announcement and an announcement for a new game in a single trailer.
You're nuts if you don't want that. Easily Captain N's best version of a character. For whatever that's worth.
>a Pilot Wings plane flies over the Wii Resort island on a bright sunny tropical day
>cut to a beach as the camera pans along our characters lounging in beach chairs
>Peach sipping a coconut drink
>next Link in his BOTW underwear
>now Pikachu with sunglasses
>Mario in his Hawaiian shirt
>Captain Falcon in his full Captain Falcon suit reading a car magazine
>the slow pan finally reveals the last chair, which is empty, but for a blue backpack
Nobody cares about Sora dude, people just see him as another anime swordsman
Samurai Goroh?
There would be a link to a website that just showed a countdown posted on the Smash Dojo or whatever it would be called this time around. It would be exactly 7 days long.
The countdown would be the only thing on the site other than a smash logo in the background. The main theme for the new game would be playing in the background. Each day that passes on the countdown however, would add a new layer of a second track on top of the Smash theme.
Finally, by the last day, there would be a full on mashup/remix of the smash theme and Twister. The countdown hits zero, and Sakurai reveals Mr. Mew as an assist trophy.
>posts le epic silly noises video
>calls anything else embarrassing
user. I don't think you appreciate how high Kingdom Hearts is on the "fucking embarrassing" meter. It trumps "silly youtube videos" by a WIDE margin.
The only thing that could top this is if they brought in a different Mega Man. Trigger would cause the biggest uprising.
Ridley would be a good contender if for nothing but the glorious shitposting that would ensue
>Being such a huge brainlet that you can even comprehend the story of Kingdom Hearts
>Uses le ebin Sup Forums memes to try and prove a point he literally doesn't have
>Smash logo appears on screen
>Nintendo logo comes up immediately after
>Switch logo follows, then stays on screen, looking around in an anthropomorphized and animated fashion
>suddenly it hears the sound of a chainsaw revving loudly and looks around in terror
>"I swear, these things just keep coming back..."
>in close-up, a chainsaw violently bisects the switch logo as it panics and tries to escape but can't get away
>pull back, "Boy, almost twenty years, and never invited to one of these parties."
>he pulls out a frying pan, "I guess I'll just have to crash it myself..."
The only way to top Snake's reveal is if Snake came back
except no one cares the about wonderful 101
>mario, sonic, megaman and pacman are fighting
>suddendly they hear something
>they hear a laugh
> a white figure dressed in blue comes out of the shadows
Kept you waiting, huh?
Travis Touchdown
are the only two that would be the same level of hype
>mgsv switch
>contains chapter 3 exclusively
How much salt would there be?
Nobody cares about Travis Touchdown. NMH is on the same level as Yakuza, absolute garbage only played by chuunis who are still obsessing over God Hand.
Whoa, you got me there. I can't process all the levels this game is working on! Not at all generic! Fight androgynous teens, fight alongside those classic cartoon characters as you actively devalue them!
You need to leave.
Dude we got Cloud. Fucking Cloud, dude. Goku is an inevitability at this point.
I know you're shitposting, and I still can't deal
Just let him die user. My heart can't take another young conker.
>Spouts Sup Forums memes
He'd fit soul calibur better
They're going to make FemCorrin the default now like Warriors right?
Krystal with her staff would be infinitely superior to any other fucking Fox clone they'd put in the game.
This. Snake will always be the most hyped newcomer.
If Sup Forums memes invalidate a post, I'm afraid you've become undone.
There is nothing to comprehend. Kingdom Hearts is pure embarrassment personified in video game form.
>dude a videogame character got into a video game! its IMPOSSIBLE that a manga character wont make it into a videogame!
>final smash is the insta-kill samurai sword
>insta-gibs opponents
>camera does a slow-mo matrix pan everytime you get it kill with it
>up B is bouncing on the flower's tits
It'd have to be rated M
Now that Crash Collection is coming to the switch...
>Smash logo shows like previous Smash 4 trailers.
>Fade in
>Year 1996
>Show quick clip from old Crash Commercial with real life suit actor ragging on Mario outside of nitnendo
>Fade out to present day
>Same Crash suit actor homeless asking people for money on the streets
>Starts crying, falls to the ground
>A shadow appears
>He looks up
>The Smash 64 commercial costumed Mario appears along with DK, Yoshi and Pikachu
>Crash stands up and shakes Marios hand.
boogie is underrated as fuck
>Crash stands up and holds out a hand for Mario to shake it in a show of good sportsmanship
>yanks it away at the last second and kicks him in the nuts
>the two biggest copyright jew corporations on the planet joining forces not counting the MPAA
Noice. Did Japan even see that commercial? Hell, I doubt the costumes are still intact. They didn't even bother making a Slippy muppet.
embrace the Gokupill
>implying Nintendo will ever use Young Conker
This, if only because Snake was completely out of fucking nowhere.
>Witcher dev tweets "Hey guys, wouldn't it be cool if Geralt was in a different game?"
>Smash announced a few days later
Witcher confirmed for switch.
>Huge boxing arena, Nintendo characters are front and center in the stands cheering on the fighters
>Little Mac appears in one end of the stage, having been punched into the corner, rushes his opponent
>opponent is Spring Man
>he keeps beating Littke Mac when he spots the smash logo in the distance, distracting him
>gets btfo by Mac
>Samus approaches a huge platform, ready to fight a huge alien
>Ridley lands in front of her, roars
>They're just about to introduce Ridley as a new character when
>someone lands on Ridley, causing it to fall through the floor and into lava below
>unknown person rolls off into a slab of rock, dusts himself off as Sandy comes down
>its Travis motherfucking Touchdown
>he makes some 4th wall breaking comment before running from her
>he apologizes to Ridley on his way out
VEGA tells Doom Slayer about a portal to another dimension, but he's unsure about what's on the other side. Doom Slayer jumps in and it fades to white. A battle between some Smash characters is shown, but then they see a portal in the sky. Doom Slayer falls from it, and lands in front of them. He looks up and (this is where I give up) they start fighting with him. Some gameplay of his moveset is shown. At the end, he uses the BFG 9000 on his opponents and they are launched into the air.
If they really need Fox clones they should just do what Tekken 4 did and have them be alternate skins with unique voices. Same goes for all clone characters like Doctor Mario.
As a unique character Krystal has a lot more potential.
How about you embrace the pig dick.
It will be ported to Switch or we get W102, just you wait
For me this can compete with Megaman
I didn't mean it literally. I meant that I would rather conker die than see him being trampled on and ruined again like Microsoft did with young conker.
In Japan probably Reimu or Seibah.
Rest of the world Goku or Crash
I ask of you, are you my Master?
Nothing will ever top Snake and Sonic being in Brawl. That was when the idea of third party characters was fresh and exciting. Cloud, Bayo, Ryu, Pac, and Mega Man are all fantastic additions, but only Cloud came close to the “holy shit” factor of Brawl’s reveals
>Sonic will never join Smash. It's a game of Nintendo characters.
>Oh, he got in but that's because he's had games on Nintendo consoles.
>Cloud won't EVER join Smash though. His game was only on Playstation.
>Well, he did but that's because he's originally a video game character anf only video game characters can join Smash
>Goku joining Smash? Impossible!
What is it with Smashfags and their arbitrary rules of what will and won't happen in Smash?
Unironically just repeat the shtick they did for the direct.
Then have it change to
>Mario kicks Crash in the nuts
>It turns out Crash doesn't have any nuts
>Crash says "I was neutered from my days at Sony, which is a far inferior video game company compared to Nintendo"
>Mario says "I understand"
>Link comes in
>tries to hit Crash in the nuts AGAIN
>Crash explains how he doesn't have nuts anymore
>Smash Bros 5: Available this November
Most hype intro video ever.
>All these cool character ideas ITT
>Nintendo gives us Tracer instead