4 mana 20/20

>4 mana 20/20
how the fuck does blizzard get away with these broken cards?

by having a broken ladder system
>shield rank
>only playing shitty meme decks
>only meet golden top legend decks

If you have multiple ones, each candle will trigger all of them

Because thatlast candle will be on the bottom of their deck 90% of the time.

Binary win conditions are a shit mechanic in card games. it either triggers too easily making it unbalanced or it doesn't trigger at all making it worthless.

born to meme

it has harder summoning conditions than fucking Exodia

Anons I got that itch again. The Fable game just isn't doing it for me. Convince me not to reinstall HS.

What if it triggers at an average rate and can be countered? (every card that destroys/changes a minion, every poison minion in the game, mind control)


literally the worst card in the game


w/e op, you'll be dead by turn 6 anyway so it'll never get real play

is there any way to actually make this card _fun? trying to dupe it with Mage/Warrior/Shaman shenanigans doesn't really do anything for me.

>people on this board are playing this children's game
You need to be atleast 18.

remember that any semblance of fun is behind a paywall (or autistic/korean levels of persistence/strategy)

you'd have to either get a shitload of packs and dust, make enough of a variety of meta decks to climb ladder, then make fun decks with the newly accrued resources or just go straight to the fun ideas and remain a dust peasant (which would also require a lot of cards and dust to begin with)

all you could really do is either play more ladder in a meta that's pretty much been solved, pull your hair out chaining arena runs, play the tavern brawl a couple of times and get bored, or browse through all of the cards you don't have and speculate about how much fun you could be having with them

what even
and why are they do they look so jovial about this wooden cock

>playing this shit
You know there's a high chance Blizzard has fucked with the card draw rng in ways they think will make you buy more packs

Disenchanted this trash card


Its called a down side, or in your case down syndrome

Who cares, HS is irrelevant, Artifact is the future.

Then it's shit because you genuinely need some broken shit for a deck to be good now

Play Faeria instead

Man, fuck blizztards


This weapon is the most cancerous shit on ladder, as any class that can't use it you have to pray that you get a taunt on 2 to avoid taking 20 damage to face.

It has really made this expansion's ranked play super RNG based.

I can't even tell what's shitposting and what's real anymore so I'll clarify just in case

That card is only used by an AI-controlled boss that's supposed to be buttfuck hard

Is there any class that can mill properly that isn't rogue that im not seeing?

Isn't Faeria kinda shit? I only heard that it is through hearsay, but I'd rather not waste my time.

Warrior using deadman's hand

Druid with Jade Idol and/or King Togwaggle combos

Warlock with Rin


>Heroic Razuvious

note that I said "supposed to be." it is quite easy to counter in the fight, but it's a broken card by itself.

Back in Goblin vs Gnomes, Druid could mill with Naturalize, Oracle, Deathlord, Dancing Swords, a lot of stall and Tree of Life.
But it was a meme deck at most.

It's free to play, why not decide for yourself

It's extremely meh. Actually most everything about it is meh. The whole schtick is that you build the board as time goes on, but the game's pretty slow because of it. If you're a Johnny you might like it though.

>Shuffle in more candles
>it gets easier for the darkness to appear

what the fuck?

Play Eternal instead. Hearthstone is fucking dogshit, decks just play themselves.

What's funny is that even if this card WAS in the regular rotation it wouldn't be that bad. Maybe make it five mana instead.

Are you a retard or what

Too many cards that kill weapons, too low durability.

What did he mean by this?