post your backlog and other user will tell you what to play
ITT: Backlogs
A Hat in Time or Shantae and the Pirates Curse.
I've beaten MP3, Shadow Warrior and GTA5, but other than that, it's all backlog. The games i'm farthest through is either Prey or PixelJunk: Shooter Ultimate.
I dont understand backlogs
buy game, if its fun you beat it, if it sucks you drop it.
Try Ducktales and Darksiders 2
I can't do that user, If I start something no matter how bad it is I need to finish it
my steam library is like 300 games and i dont want to post too much so no thanks
Acquire your own taste, don't just buy a bunch of shit games you might not like and then force yourself to beat them even if you don't like them
I vote for dragon's dogma. I started playing it just over a month ago, have over 200 hours into it and it was the only game I played all of february. god it's amazing
I'm not making an MSpaint comp at 2am.
This you can finish it in an afternoon
Xenoblade chronicles 2
titty ninjas, obviously
XC2 then BB
this but unironically
Age of Empires 2
Dude Sex
Dude Sex: Homo Revolution
Mount and Blade Warband
Fallout 1 and Tactics
Fallout NV
Jedi Academy
Hyper Light Drifter
Republic Commando
Call of Juarez
System Shock 2
Max Payne 1&2
Portal 1&2
The entire STALKER series
The entire Witcher series
The entire Half Life franchise to date
Finishing Into the Breach
help me
>installed (955)
damn son how much storage you rollin wit
should I play mass effect ? I never played the series Im thinking playing the first one. I dont have a desktop just a laptop. should I get it for ps3 ?
finishing serious sam right now
Play Shovel Knight (base game), Cuphead, Plague of Shadows, Furi, and Spectre of Torment in that order.
Hyper Light Drifter
Do some of you suffer from ocd, or something? Just play whatever you are in the mood in at the moment.
Spesh muhrem isn't that long
>Fire Emblem Echoes
>Virtue's Last Reward
>Bravely Second
>Radiant Historia PC
>SMT Devil Survivor Overclocked
Morrowind, New Vegas, or MGSV
Radiant Historia