So how slim are the odds of Viewing revolution being the im@s game to help bring the series to the west

So how slim are the odds of Viewing revolution being the im@s game to help bring the series to the west

Post walking sex

Minami is good, but this girl is just as lewd.

Basically none since PSVR is already niche and the series was doomed if it had to ever rely on it.

Do not lewd the Uzuki. She is pure

>mfw finding out that these aren't even rhythm games

They were mostly sims. with some rhythm aspects, though at this point i'm pretty sure it's just being carried by the rhythm games.

Literally made for lewding to point where she can no longer smile.

>Viewing Revolution doesn't have your favorite girl
What a shame. I'd have paid for her PSN avatar too.

>she can no longer smile
There is a place in hell for folks like you

Really depends which game you play.

Why would you want the worst member of Let's Play Baseball with Cute Me?

First of all Sae isn't my favorite.
Second of all every member of KBYD is good.

Lying is not to be permitted

i come in here for a nice, comfy thread and immediately see this shit

>no kong in VR
all i wanna do is rush the stage and bap.

Uzuki is a not a shit. she is a very good goat.

0. everybody who likes your pedo weebshit in the west already knows about it

I don’t have any pics of the lolis though

>not keeping reserve pics of Mirei on hand

How do you fuck up saying Miria that badly?

Why is Rin so erotic

I generally don’t understand her appeal

When she was removed from the dead weight of new generations she was allowed to blossom.

post her feet.

feet pic of her are rare.

I want to hug Mika

Not bad at all.

A most beautiful loli.

The one in the background?

is that spaghetti dyed pink with food coloring and served with whip cream and fruits?

What do idols do in their off time?

It's a cake with frosting. Disgusting though, that much frosting ruins the whole thing.