Finished this game for the first time a few days ago. Still can't stop thinking about it, it was such a fucking journey, I feel like I'm Frodo after he dropped off the ring at mount doom. Easily one of the best games I've ever played. Completely mindblowing.
Finished this game for the first time a few days ago. Still can't stop thinking about it, it was such a fucking journey...
Man get some better taste
gay af
Stop sucking it's cock. It's pretty good though.
Did you cry for RED's dad?
If not, then me and you are not compatible for sex, sorry.
>it is cock
Are you sure you've consulted Sup Forums on whether you are allowed to like this game?
I wanted to like it, but I didn't see it included under the list of good games, among such luminaries as Demon's Souls, Persona 5, God Hand and Touhou.
I have fairly pronounced autism - as do most of my Sup Forumsirgin peers, but remember that this doesn't mean anything as it is time to listen when autism speaks.
VI was better
Said the Nintendo fanboy.
>playing badIX
fuck richard stallman and fuck asshurt "gamers".
Greatest JRPG ever and one of he greatest games ever.
Only contrarians disagree.
>boss runs away
VII > X > VIII > IX > VI > XII > XV > XIII > Shit Megami Tensei > Purse Owner series > Japanese mobile games for edgy weeb hipsters
I agree.
I'm a contrarian and i agree, its so popular youre allowed to like it based on the 360° rule
Godlike game. So many incredible memories. Conveyed a sense of scale virtually no modern JRPG has too. Remember leaving Midgar from the first time and trecking to Kalm?
Megaten is a garbage franchise outside of DDS.
Now play IX, the far superior title.
>he thinks Final Fantasy feels like going on an Adventure
Dragon Quest and Suikoden are going to blow you away.
>I feel like I'm Frodo after he dropped off the ring at mount doom
He didn't? Did you never read the books or watch the movie? Frodo, at the last moment, couldn't do it and instead put on The Ring and tried to escape. It was Samwise who caught him when he was fleeing invisible and ultimately Gollum who stole back the ring and fell off the precipice in his greedy jubilance.
IX was great too, but it has the slowest battle system in any main title, virtually no charater customization compared to most, and a buttfuck retarded story.
It only really surpasses VII in graphics and OST.
this nigga just said jubilance in a fuckin sentence
the fuck is u gay nigga/,.?
cracka ass cracka
FFVII is better than any DQ or Suikoden.
t. played DQ 1-8 and Suikoden 1-3&5
Both of those series are rather barebones.
Best JRPG ever made and it manages it on setting alone.
FF is at its best when it embraces science-fantasy as a distinct aesthetic/genre, which is exactly what FF7 is.
This entire thread was an elaborate ploy to bait you, Tolcuck
Why is it so cool to even hate on older Final Fantasy games now?
I was lurking twitter's "anisphere" and it's full of girls who think FF is lame and un-cool, and Persona is the greatest JRPG series ever made.
I think rape would probably be good for them. Maybe.
10/10 game, Squaresoft's magnum opus
AVOID the Extended Universe like the plague. Not a single good game in there (not even the one you're thinking about).
>Both of those series are rather barebones.
So is Final Fantasy. I mean look at a game like Final Fantasy X. The combat system is about as deep as Dragon Quest II on the NES. The only variety is ground, armored and flying type enemies. Which again, Dragon Quest II did.
Bigger numbers and constantly changing the interface doesn't make the game "deeper".
>tfw decided to play Crisis Core in psp
>it's all about some nerd named "ZACK" (GAYEST NAME WORSE THAN CHAD)
>Every 2 seconds theres a fucking jackpot machine scrolling in my fucking eyeballs doing who knows fucking what
The biggest flaw with Crisis Core is that it WASN'T about Zack. It was about Sephiroth and his gay fuck angel. And then Cloud showed up and took over Zack's role in the story. Zack was basically just a random dude watching everything happen around him, like Vaan in FFXII.
shit game shit game
hahahaha ha
OP was talking about going on an adventure, not enemy variety you fucking asinine pedant.
This image is fucking hilarious. Can't stop laughing.
And the person who responded to my point didn't reference anything to do with adventure either. He just made a bland generalization about how DQ and Suikoden are "barebones". Which judging from the hundreds of past threads I've seen, usually is a reference to design or gameplay.
Like or dislike Dragon Quest and Suikoden, they still did the "sense of adventure" better than Final Fantasy does.
The only gripe I have with it is how EASY it is.
I mean, the only times I remember dying are:
>The very first boss
I think we all got btfo with the tail laser at least a couple times.
>The Midgar Zolom
Yep, seeing how easy it was for the first ~6 hours I was confident that this boss had some sort of catch to it and kept trying over and over.
I think thats it.
I'm not counting the WEAPONS due to them being optional and essentially also being gimmick bosses which need some sort of meme strat (mime, shield spam etc) to be beaten.
Every aspect of the game is flat out EASY. Even the final boss was a fucking let down.
It really was one crazy game
Replayed FFVII last year. It's better than I remember it back when it was the latest game. That being said, I never thought it was a revolutionary game, back then or now. I actually have been one of the people really pushing for a remake of it. Sadly, now that its getting a remake, I doubt it will actually improve any of the flaws the game has. In fact, I predict it will remove a lot of the things people found so endearing about the original like the "anime" style humor and the wonky translation. No, the remake is gonna make everything more like Advent Children/Crisis Core.
Okay, let's be real what are the chances that the Remake won't be a disgrace? 1%?
Play the hard mode mods. I had a lot of fun with the Hardcore Mod.
The fact that Nomura thought Advent Children was an okay movie for release and is now in charge of the remake has me extremely worried.
>I think we all got btfo with the tail laser at least a couple times
It doesn't help that Barret STRAIGHT UP LIES TO YOU about how to deal with it.
Solid 0%.
Shit game. Persona 4 is faar better.
I bought ff7 in 1998.
I had no internet and no friends.
I spent 1 month in the summer trying every single day to beat the guardian force boss in cosmo canyon.
every single time I had to trek all the way through all the monsters back to that fucker and I would die again.
I had to finally look at a guide from some random dude the next school year on how to beat him and it turns out you just use a fucking elixir on him.
fuck you faggot
Shit game, SMT3 is faaar better.
Totally agree.
GF tribe boss (whatever gf stands for)*
shit game, pong is supreme
I was only like level 40 at the final boss and I barely used summons, just spam Comet2 and Ultima and you win in
I want to do sinister things to those armpits.
FF7 is secretly one of the most interesting video games because large parts of the plot are about people with varying levels of misunderstandings about what they thought happened vs what actually happened, which is reflected in real life by all the people (including people who've actually played it and the fucking developer themselves) who act like what FF7 "actually is" is something way different from what the original game actually was like, a fake narrative pushed by every spinoff squeenix makes and every hack joke that just talks about how cloud is emo and has a very big sword and is fighting a guy with a very long sword because he stabbed his girlfriend
Everyone says Demon Wall is the hardest boss in the game, yet I always thought he was the easiest. Personally I thought Materia Keeper was much worse, although that's probably because I had Vincent in the party.
>Advent Children was an okay movie for release
Considering he made AC Complete, I don't think he truly was
I give it a 10% chance. But for fans who have blinders for the PS1 version being perfect, a total 0% chance. Because no matter what they do, they will end up tromping all over the fans memories of the game. And like Star Wars or Pokemon, you can never live up to the fans expectations.
Of course, SquareEnix doesn't care about living up to fan expectations. All the FFVII fanboys will bitch and moan about the remake sucking. But they'll still buy it and all its DLC just because of the FFVII name.
Anyone who still doesn't understand what FF7 is, especially 20 years after the fact, is a brainlet plain and simple. Also Nomura has an emo fuckboy fetish hence the garbage such as Advent Children and Crisis Core (Genesis)
If you thought that was mindblowing I have some other video games for you. Like hALO
>non-turn based combat
It's already a disgrace.
20 years later you have even less of a chance of knowing what FF7 is actually about because of all the retcon expanded universe and cameo horseshit
The writers for advent children straight up said they wrote the characters with popular fanfic portrayals in mind
It's true, not even SE understands what FF7 was actually about.
>turn based combat
FF7 has one of the easiest brainlet combat systems ever.
Don't get me wrong, the remake will fuck up the story, but it will improve on the gameplay tenfold. All of Nomura's games have better combat than FF7.
The Gi cave boss?
It becomes a nuisance with it having immunity to most magic but unless you were severely underleveled its hardly a challenge. Although if you were 10 years old or something it might have been a challenge.
I remember having missed a shitton of materia and equipment my first few runs and even then I was so underwhelmed seeing how easy that shit was.
Neither of those were hard m8..
If anything the Dragon encounters before materia keeper were more a threat.
This shit made me want to kms.
ff7 gameplay is flawed only in that it's easy as fuck and there's little meaningful variety between characters unless you play gimmicky self imposed challenges. but these are the kind of things a romhack can fix
turning it into FF15, a game where its legitimately impossible to lose and the combat isn't satisfying (while also removing all the room for spergs to minmax their materia builds) is about the only way they could make the gameplay any worse
While I agree it is pretty simple to understand hat FFVII is about, I do give a pass to people. Because most people aren't going to read every line of text and focus on the meaning of Hojo vs Jenova vs Sephiroth and etc. And the games wonky translation can easily make it confusing.
Another game that suffers from this is Chrono Cross. The game explains every plot point. But it does it with really annoying dialects and optional books/NPCs you need to find that a lot of people will just check out and not care.
>it's a Tifafag says dumb shit episode
Nojima and Kitase wrote AC and CC.
Nomura had nothing to do with AC other than directing the battle scenes and a few of the character designs, AC was stated by Kitase and Nojima long before Nomura was even involved. Kitase slapped his name on as director to promote the movie.
Advent Children was only meant to be an short, 30 minute action film featuring Cloud fighting Kadaj and meeting a woman resembling Aeris waiting for him in the church, who was to deliver a message that was supposed to set up the rest of the Compilation. It wasn't until Kitase and Nojima were brought on board that it turned into a feature length angst fest. At least Nomura manage to salvage what he could with some good action scenes.
As a total faggot for FFVII, Nomura's probably the only person left at Square that actually still gets Cloud and the FF7 universe. Just look at when he was sent over to Team Ninja to oversee the character and level design (pic related.) We got good old classic Cloud Strife, and if you ask me, he's never looked better than he has in Dissidia arcade.
>People aren't going to read every line of text in a fucking RPG without voice acting
>but it will improve on the gameplay tenfold.
Except for the people who don't like ARPG combat. Which is a ton of people, especially in Japan.
>All of Nomura's games have better combat than FF7.
Kingdom Hearts and Crisis Core are exactly the type of ARPG combat I hate the most.
IV > the rest
He's not wrong. People don't even read every line of text in a book. Unconsciously, they skim over parts or miss entire paragraphs while getting lost in thought. When it comes to FFVII, I can easily see people checking out at the point where Cloud is mis-remembering parts of his past or Sephiroth's 4th rambling speech about his mother.
I'd say Grandia and to a slightly lesser extent Lunar did ADVENTURE the best.
No it's flawed in that the game has no balance and awful mechanics. KOTR is worse than anything in FF15, Beta is worse than anything in FF15, they clearly designed the game for casuals to get through battles brainlessly. A rom hack wouldn't fix anything unless you change the actual design but you're making a different game at that point.
IV isn't even the best of the SNES trilogy.
This is everyone's response when they actually play it
can't you use a phoenix down on Gi to kill him instantly?
I agree that it's too simple, but I would rather they improve on the turn-based/make it less generic than just go for equally generic action based combat. Make the enemies tougher or the starting stats lower or something.
Crisis Core has the same problem FF7 does except it's with action combat and you don't even NEED materia to win if you're underleveled.
literally pure nostalgia
ugly shit game with weeb story
Crisis Core isn't a Nomura game.
>that 40 minute flashback when you get to Kalm
Yeah, because it's an undead enemy.
>and Crisis Core (Genesis)
Wasn't made by nomura and wasn't his decision to include genesis
I've only played DQ8 and Suikoden III (not even the best entry at that apparently), and I agree. Also Breath of Fire, that series is the bomb.
I doubt it will be anywhere near as bad as the original game. even Nomura's worst games like BBS have better combat and challenge than FF7.
>KOTR is worse than anything in FF15, Beta is worse than anything in FF15, they clearly designed the game for casuals to get through battles brainlessly
You're comparing the summon you get by beating hours of sidequests or by reading a guide to know how to use enemy skill to FF15, the game where you hold square to automatically avoid all damage, you press triangle to automatically warp to any enemy and kill them (or automatically warp to a safe spot where you can''t be hurt) and where whenever you die you can instantly pause the action and heal yourself.
Stuff like KOTR and beta and all the other weird ideas can be fixed a lot easier than core mechanics of ff15 can be fixed.
Suikoden III is a fine game. People dislike it because it wasn't as graphically amazing as Final Fantasy X. Which is the fault of Konami trying to make a 3D PS2 game on the budget of a 2D PS1 game. Suikoden III probably would have been considered on the same level as Suikoden II if they just used the Suikoden II engine.
except there are actual FF7 romhacks that make the combat way more challenging
FF7 is easily better than FF9 and 10, the two Sup Forums won't stop sucking the cocks of.
I think 10 is better than 7
12 is the best one anyway
10 is an actually playable game and not just a nostalgiafag circlejerk like 7. It's better.
Sup Forums sucks the cock of FFV, VII, IX and tactics the most.
I see far more promotion of 9 or one of the SNES games (usually 6) as the best one than I do for 10.
IX is the biggest meme game ever. The gameplay is the slowest and most boring of any JRPG ever, the characters are shallow as fuck and lack any development, and the story went full edge mode in disc 3. I'm willing to bet at least 90% of the "fans" who say it's better than VII haven't played either game.
fucking THANK YOU. I hate the circlejerking over 9. It's not nearly as good as everyone says it is
It sure is fun exploring the world in 10 by a destination menu.
>demon's souls
I feel insulted, please don't do this
You really can't blame them. They had to get on with the times. I mean were there really any successful sprite-based game on that generation of consoles?
I'd say Skies of Arcadia too, even though the game isn't as great as people would have you believe (much like FF7)