do I need to play the original before the remake
Do I need to play the original before the remake
Not really, but I´d give it a try. REmake is better, but everyone should have played the original at least once in my opinion.
The point of a good remake is so you don't have to, and REmake is a good one.
No. Both are different games from each other.
Try to play REmake blind, a lot of in-game files you will find are actually pretty useful so read them, you don't need anything else to beat the game.
The original is pretty much unplayable nowadays if you have played anything in the past 10 years.
I keep getting lost/having to backtrack to itemboxes. Am I a brainlet or is this part of the game?
Is your first time, use your map. You will eventually learn how to do a good inventory management.
>being lost
the former, there are maps my negro
part of the game
Play in release order. REmake was made to show how far RE has come.
Alternatively, follow this guide
Part of the game to a lesser extent. Your first run through you're tempted to grab every single item you see where as someone who has played before knows where items are, what items are required and when to progress, and what items can be left behind completely or for a later time in favor of saving a few inventory slots.
I don't want to ruin it, but I'll say this. Ditch your knife ASAP. Barely does any damage and if you're ever down to only your knife as defense, you fucked up. And lastly, red zombie, be wary.
Sort of. You have a map, so you shouldn't get lost very often. The item box is part of the game, but you have to keep it in mind. Running back to it is going to happen sometimes, but try to only bring what you absolutely need so you don't have to go back as often. Don't try to bring things for every imaginable situation, only bring things for the situations that will kill you if you don't.
>Dino Crisis 1 and 2
>Similar to Resident Evil 3 in any way
Not only a list made by a fucking elitist, is also dumb as fuck
>t. Retard who thinks the game isn't balanced around tank controls
It's if you want more action-based survival horror
Nah it's just a really ugly game. I played the original, and even the Director's cut edition on my PS1. I tried going back and it's rough on the eyes having been spoiled by stuff like REmake, RE0, RE4/7.
Also, how was it elitist? All I did was put 'STOP' if you didn't like RE1 and said some games and the movies were shit
>it's ugly so it's bad
Most PS1 games aged super gracefully aside from controls.
If you think RE1 is rough on the eyes, how the hell did you get through RE4? Looks like shit
I still need to get around to playing this. I've owned the game since 2002 and it's been on my backlog the whole time. I'm just really intimidated by limited saves and not knowing what I'm doing, I guess.
Anyone have any advice? My only experience with the series is RE4.
t. children who grew up on Remake.
Play RE1-3 originals first, then Remake, then Re4.
not saying it's bad. I'm saying it's rough. People who aren't hardcore RE fans and are just getting into the series won't be willing to trudge through that ancient game. Similar with myself and not going back to Pokemon yellow having experienced Ultra Sun. Not even a competition.
You have to solve way more puzzles in Dino Crisis 1 than in Resident Evil 2 both scenarios combined.
All classic RE games have some focus on dodging enemies, including 3 and CV. Pretty sure no one tries to beat all Nemesis encounters on their first run unless they are playing on easy. Dino Crisis 2 has a major focus on combos because you get points that are actually a currency to get weapons and upgrades, it's the complete opposite of classic RE games.
Seriously, Dino Crisis similarities with RE are superficial and both series can be played at any order without problem.
Don't know what version you played, but if you think original PS1 Resident Evil is anywhere near RE4 in terms of graphics, you're blind. Graphics don't make the game so we're not debating quality. But RE4 is blatantly better looking in every metric. REmake andRE0 only look as good as they did because they utilized pre-rendered environment shots and only had to ever animate the characters/enemies in the area.
>t. Elitest faggot.
I played RE1, 2, and 3 LONG before the gamecube and subsequent RE titles were released.
>hurr someone likes the VASTLY SUPERIOR IN EVERY WAY Remake of my favorite title. Lol they must be kids.
Get fucked
>Saying both are different games means I grew up with REmake
user, classic RE is not Metal Gear Solid, you can play them in any order. Even original and 2 have maps are designed pretty differently and you can't even apply the same dodge strats in both games.
Wrong, Played it on release day. It was good then, its not now though.
>both series can be played at any order without problem.
Should I list Gun Survivor 3 as a good entry to the Dino Crisis series then?
Also, Dino Crisis is action survival-horror and the closest thing to it is RE3 (Parasite Eve looks a bit action-y, but I have yet to play it). I wouldn't compare it to RE1 or 2 and I want to shill it.
>Don't know what version you played, but if you think original PS1 Resident Evil is anywhere near RE4 in terms of graphics, you're blind.
Not what I said. I said RE4 looks like shit.
>Graphics don't make the game so we're not debating quality.
Are you trying to backpedal on your only point, that being that RE1 looked like shit so its bad?
RE4 looks bad. This is fact.
I have a problem with RE Remake on my PC. When i start the game everything moves slow as fuck. And no, its not my PC cause i can move RE7 Revelations just fine
I assume you're Nobody but people who were already RE fans before REmake released give a shit about being shown how far the series has come.
Fix is in there.
I remember Dino Crisis being mind blowing to me because you could walk around with your weapon drawn and ready. I remember thinking exactly "oh shit it behaves like RE1 with dinos instead of zombies".
Never beat Dino Crisis.
>Pretty sure no one tries to beat all Nemesis encounters on their first run unless they are playing on easy
I always played the games on hard. I ended up trying to kill Nemesis during the first encounter ever because my one friend said it wasn't possible and he had infinite health. i.e. you were supposed to book it into the police station, a fight you can't win. Managed to knife that motherfucker to death after exhausting all my ammo and he dropped some gun parts. Once I saw he drops shit, I made it a point to always go around or use the dodge ability on enemies to conserve ammo so I can kill Nemesis again.
Every single person saying no is a bloody idiot.
Yes, why? Because it gives you an appreciation of the step up REmake was, it also means you get the little changes and surprises that were added to the game. Every single person who's saying no are what's seriously wrong with this board. Fuck I'm angry.
>RE4 looks bad. This is fact
Then we're at a difference of opinion. RE4 looked amazing for how little the gamecube was capable of pumping out graphics wise.
>grew up on Remake
Replay Dino Crisis 1 then, count how many keys, puzzles and parts of stuff you need to beat the game. Then tell me how many strats are there to fight the T-REX or any enemy that doesn't involve mashing A. In RE at least you can learn how to dodge Plant 42 acid and the telegraphied Tyrant attacks. Dino Crisis 1 has way less action than any classic RE but I think the cinematic sequences make the game RE4, right?
Guy who posted the google photos link. The other guy isn't me.
>Nobody but people who were already RE fans before REmake released give a shit about being shown how far the series has come.
I started RE in 2008 with the RE5 demo. I played the series in release order even back then (excluding spin-off titles). And I feel like I would'e had a worse experience had I started with REmake.
Tell me, why should someone start with REmake? It's a showcase of how far the genre had come, starting from there would miss the point.
Also, it'd make going back to RE2 and 3 harder. I've seen people on this site, who started with REmake that won't go back to RE2 because of gameplay, graphics or VAs.
It really didn't look that good compared to other games of the time. REmake and 0 looked better, Silent Hill 2-4 looked better and were on a weaker console, and MGS2 and 3 looked better, despite being on a weaker console and MGS2 coming out years before RE4.
Shut the fuck up autist
>I've seen people on this site, who started with REmake that won't go back to RE2 because of gameplay, graphics or VAs.
I really need to find a new hang out.
No and don't let any spergs convince you otherwise.
I already found one years ago when people got fed up with the shit moderation of this site and made a new one. Still come here to shoot the shit in survival-horror threads on Sup Forums and /vr/. FKMT Sup Forums threads are also the best threads on the site despite them being on the 4th worst board
Play both.
They're good enough and different enough to co-exist and warrant playing.
REmake would probably be better for a first time introduction to the Spencer Mansion though.
>It's a showcase of how far the genre had come,
No, it's a showcase of how good a game the developers can make, like every game. There was no ulterior motive here, they just tried to make a good survival horror game. And they succeeded, REmake stands on its own very well. You might appreciate it more if you played the original, but it's up to the player to decide if playing the same scenarios twice is worth that extra appreciation, especially when the "improved" (in some cases with remakes anyway) experience is sullied by knowing what's coming because you played the original for gamer cred
And it is my firm belief that people who spout shit like "it's hard to go back to the old ones" have no taste in games. People will express how hard it is to do something like play Yakuza Kiwami and then go back and play Yakuza 2 on the PS2. Of course, nobody will say playing Yakuza Kiwami makes it hard to go back to Kingdom Hearts 2, because they aren't the same fucking series, despite Yakuza 2 and KH2 being part of the exact same era and both being action games with varying degrees of RPG elements. If I can play REmake and then go play Spyro, I can play REmake and then play RE2. It's like seeing the same words in the title triggers some idiotic selective intolerance of games made more than 5 years ago. Anyone who actually likes games can play a PS1 or PS2 or NES and understand what they're getting when they do, rather than throw a fit that inverse kinematics or analog sticks or whatever else weren't invented yet
>especially when the "improved" (in some cases with remakes anyway) experience is sullied by knowing what's coming because you played the original for gamer cred
How. What exactly is sullied by playing the original first? Wesker being the villain? Everybody who's heard of Resident Evil knows about Wesker. Every area has enough small differences to be unexpected and the preconceptions made by playing RE1 first improve the experience as what you expect is subverted.
That was more of a general comment about remakes than REmake specifically, and sullied was a strong word, but I think gameplay spoilers are still important. Knowing what kinds of bosses I'm going to be fighting, exactly when I'm getting close to the end, what kinds of areas I'm going to be going to, what weapons are available, the sorts of puzzles in the game, even if all of these things have slight differences, I'd prefer to experience them completely fresh. People who play the original because it's what they wanted to start with won't have that problem because they'll soak it all in while they play the original game, but a lot of people who have to be convinced to play the original so they can see how things have changed will treat the original game like a formality that they're getting out of the way, which will result in shit flying by them, and then when they get to what they perceive as the main event, those things won't be new anymore. Only the changes made explicitly to surprise players of the original game will get the intended response, but even then, if they've been told to play the original so they can appreciate the changes, they might not because now they're going into the remake EXPECTING surprise changes.