thats disappointing. I was hoping for something original

>valve and blizzard just remake already popular shit
>it's a masterpiece every time
how do they do it bros

First screenshot i'm seeing.
Could be okay.
It looks like you have three boards seeing the top left corner to imitate lanes.

It plays literally nothing like hearthstone beyond being a CCG
Try actually looking at the details and the rest of the media instead of looking at this one screenshot and throwing an autismo temper tantrum

>caring about redditlife3 in 2018

Anybody want to play hearthstone with me?
Shit got so boring :/

It's not just Hearthstone, it's Hearthstone with virtual economy jewery

This whole thing sounds like bad satire

Someone posted this in the other thread. Seems to be a bit more to the story.

>it's Hearthstone with virtual economy jewery
>same exact system as Hearthstone except you can actually sell and trade your cards

You fucked up my face...


How? That's like saying hearthstone is Pokemon TCG

>Implying that's a good thing
get ready for these 100$+ cards

>HS: can't trade, so have to buy new packs
>Artifact: can sell/trade, Valve gets a cut
Which will be more profitable?

Can you switch lanes with blink dagger ? i cant read it properly.

>free steam games for a small initial investment

Seems good.

>Original trading card game

Boring. I never liked anything Hearthstone related. Online trading card games are just a cash grab and I find them boring as fuck. At least make it fun like Yu-Gi-Oh or some shit. Hearthstone is so boring, and this Artifact game looks boring as well. Where are the cool spells/traps and monsters with cool effects?

Which is better for you as a consumer?

So its just hearthstone but they copied the multiple lane mechanic from Elder scrolls legends


When you cant make a interesting game, go fucking bananas with flashy animations and shit.

"move equipped hero to another lane"

Says gives equipped hero +2 attack, and the ability attached says Move equipped hero to another lane.

Another thing I noticed is both players pick 5 heroes each, and they respawn. So you place them on lanes, and if they die, they respawn to be placed in other areas.

The animations look nice at the very least but no dunkey courier, no buy.
They will probably sell costemics for absolutely everything, AA art? Golden cards? Card back? Valve will probably add the option to see your hands so they can sell you fingerless gloves.

Yes. Says you can "move hand to either lane"

Frankly, I hate those imps already. That got old really fast. Hope there's some way to turn them off in the game.

yu-gi-oh is ass and you're statistically a nigger

>another company tries to dethrone HS

holy shit is RNGstone the most based game in history!?

>At least make it fun like Yu-Gi-Oh or some shit.

god it looks shit
>not f2p

>your game can either only look good or only play good

didnt see it like that

About the heroes, I read something yesterday where a dead hero stays dead for a round before being redeployed again, and green heroes are able to come the next round.


>visual appeal and fun are mutually exclusive

Guys its actually buy to play, not free to play. And has all that cancer valve microtrancactions loot box shit.
I'm not kidding.

I think it's just one specific hero that happens to be green that has instant respawn as a passive.

Ah right, thanks for clearing that up.

>Card game in which you neither buy or trade cards
>You have all the cards at the start, supposedly to sway people towards it by saying it's not P2W
>Game instantly becomes flooded with meta nonsense because you go straight from point A to point Z, making build variety essentially near pointless

Who does balance updates slower, the Hearthstone team or Valve? It takes Hearthstone like 6 months to do anything about blatantly OP shit that any braindead can get to Legend with

blizzard doesnt nerf shit because they make money off it
>valve >balance patches >patches in general that aren't loot shit

>make free 2 play game
>sell it anyways
Is Gaben the greediest Jew in existence?

6 months? Remember how Patches was released the end of November 2016? How long did that nerf take?

fucking lazy ass gabe, cant even be fucking bothered to make EP3 so he hires somebody else to make a CARD GAME.

why the fuck do they even bother at this point?

meta shit always ruins pvp games. its a shame

>pay once and get everything
>game is "free" but you have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars to get everything


You might be retarded

it's a fucking card game
Realistically, what were you expecting besides garbage?

Your tears are delicious

Dota gets a big patch like every 4 months, and that is touching every aspect of the game. Not tweaking one card. Now its supposedly every 2 weeks a Dota patch will tweak some things.
Some of the Naxx cards were really obnoxious too. Or something like Dr. Boom

Blizzard's problem is not only does it take a long time to nerf something, but they nerf it SO hard its unplayable garbage. See Warsong Commander. Literally never recovered in a playable state since.

What makes you think it's a free to play game?

>pay once and get everything
that sounds incredibly unlikely considering they can't shut the fuck up about steam market trading of cards

Are you this retarded and think they wont monetize the shit out of this game? Either sooner or later.
You cant be this dense. Nintenbro would be, but I dont think we have any Pcbros on this level

With card games, it's only if you shell out for it. It promotes creativity and build variety when you, say, only have 2 out of 3 of the cards you need, so you actually go searching around for a card that can actually be very beneficial to you and something you might enjoy more. Hell, even in older TCG games before mobile you'd still have to buy packs with currency you earned in-game.

>card game = hs

dota itself has lots of build variety though
it's all just a question of how well the game is designed and balanced

>implying there would be any interest in card games if not for hearthstone


I am pretty sure it has a hero draft phase. Meaning if the beta 5 cards in the game are Zeus, Legion, Shadow Shaman, Ursa and Dazzle you might get 2 or 3 but not the others.

You likely can't have a mirror match in this game

That doesn't mean every card game is a Hearthstone clone. Stop being a retard.



Except for the fact that it looks exactly like Hearthstone. First Bethesda, now Valve. It's getting pathetic.

It's the same with every hard game is now days a Dark Souls clone. It's retarded but you can't do anything against it.

Why would I pay to play a card game without cute anime girls?

I only play dota imba

>looks like dogshit
>not f2p

>rarity is balance
>not having cards promotes creativity
Jesus fucking christ you are retarded. Not having cards promotes having a sub-par deck.
Look at all the creative and janky shit people come up with on stuff like Cockatrice. People are CONSTANTLY experimenting.

>Except for the fact that it looks exactly like Hearthstone.
the tabletop aesthetic is good though, and otherwise there's not that much that is similar that isn't a result of being a semi-cartoony fantasy world just like warcraft
like explain the similarities

I didn't know this wasn't going to be f2p.
That means it has a chance to actually be good and not give you awful cards at the begining and forcing you to pay real money to actually enjoy the game.
I hope this is like all other valve games where the only shit you can buy is hats and skins.

oh look, you don't know shit and barf out """""opinions""""" anyway

How is this even like Hearthstone? The mechanics are completely different.

You still buy booster packs.

you can still buy packs, or individual cards from the community market
apparently valve has "designed" the ecnomoy already and the common cards will cost pennies

If your missing cards from your deck just don't play that shit until you can finish it. Make a proper deck, even if it's low tier and maybe you will stop being a little bitch about muh meta. Or you can keep playing half finished decks or decks with no theme and keep losing.

>can buy and sell singles
>can actually make money off this
sounds great.

>hl3 was cancelled for THIS
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

>Fun like ygo
Yea ygo is fun... For the first few hours until the p2p hits you in the ass

>card game spinoff of a free game isn't free
What the fuck

So is this like Do2a Hearthstone?

>Valve making a new digital tcg from scratch and bringing in one of the creators of MtG to do it when hearthstones already out
>Something that they'll have to constantly update and balance as well as create new content for
>Its essentially like them trying to release a brand new mmo with shit like WoW and FF14 already on the market
>They still consider this way more viable then making HL3
Just goes to show that HL is trash, and with it missing so many key people 3 could never live up to anything.

Dota Cardgame? More like DOA cardgame hehehe...

he he he...

>trading instead of being forced to gamble with lootboxes
>somehow worse


>Pay for game
>Pay for cards
>2d assets are ripped entirely from dota 2
>3d assets are done by a high school kid with blender


>2d assets are ripped entirely from dota 2
>3d assets are done by a high school kid with blender
these are wrong though

All the card art is new, actually

It could be worse. Hearthstone has cap on a price of 1 legendary, it's however many packs it takes to craft it. Someone said it's 16$, dunno if thats correct but seems about right from what I remember about prices.
With trading market there could be cards that cost 50 or 100 dollarydoos and there is no crafting system to get it, without gambling with lootboxes as you put it.

>god it looks shit
The game may end up playing like shit, but it looks fantastic. The animations are straight up Disney-tier. For fuck's sake, how does it "look like shit?"

>pay 2 yuros for 4 commons
>pay 3 cents for a common
How is the latter worse? Jesus fucking christ you blizzdrones

Well you're not describing Artifact.

>make a p2p game
>it's a f2p game because

that's not how this works you retard
hl3 was never happening

>Card game in which you neither buy or trade cards
Shame it's been announced you both buy and trade cards.

Why bother posting when you have no idea what you're talking about

>Without cute anime girls

And its incredibly stale

Not a blizzdrone, but hearthstone art is except a few exceptions on a whole other level

>making a cardgame when MtG exists
Maybe they'll be more lucky in the next iteration of the univers3

>its fantastic
preschooler here?

literally recycled art from the TCG years ago
fucking come on


It's a lot less expressive and over the top compared to Hearthstone's art, but I like the style.

>valve announces that you will be able to buy card packs and then buy and sell individual cards on the market place
>maroon over ere doesnt bother to read up on facts before spouting make believe memes

Artifact is made by the maker of MtG

the items look pretty good, but a lot of the character art feels lifeless and mundane.

Wasn't Shadowverse supposed to be the Hearthstone killer? What happened to it?

You can never cash out of Hearthstone though. You money is gone forever and the game requires you to put money and time in constantly just to keep up. If you burn out, your money is gone forever. At least with a trading system you usually could get 50-70% of your money back. You could even make money if the demand for some cards rises.

I hope Valve won't be too greedy by putting in bullshit like legendary rares 1 in 20 packs, because that would probably mean 100+$ for a card. No physical card games do that though, so I'm optimistic.