What's the best and worst Call of Duty?
Best: Black Ops 1
Worst: Ghosts
What's the best and worst Call of Duty?
Best: Black Ops 1
Worst: Ghosts
I think advanced warfare had the best zombies.
Ghosts had one feature that SHOULD have been implemented in all future CoD games. In multiplayer, your k/d was always in the top corner of the screen so you didn't have to constantly have to press select/back/tab to see and potentially get killed. The melee knife attacks were also cool feeling.
this is now a zombies thread
posting best map
Who /BigMac/ here?
I'd be more inclined to disagree but I've only ever played BO1 zombies. I know tranzit is considered the worst but it just destroyed my desire to keep playing new zombies maps.
Look at Mr. Playing it Safe here. Some unique taste you have there faggot, how about you truly put yourself out there.
>Best: Advanced Warfare.
>Worst: MW3
1v1 me faggots
Infinite Warfare
I've only ever played WaW-BO2 so my opinion is
Best: BO1
Worst: WaW
Just not a big World War 2 fan. Too low tech for me.
Can you fags explain why you think Blacks Ops is good?
Best: CoD4
Worst: I know it’s technically not the worst but I really hated Blops 3. Actual worst is probably ghosts. What a steaming pile a shit that one was. Never played that much multi of it though
Best maps with no BS.
Best Multiplayer: MW/MW2
Best Zombies: IW/BLOPS3
It has a nice atmosphere to it honestly. The story was actually pretty good considering it was a linear FPS.
Multiplayer was definitely pretty weak though. At least compared to the juggernauts of Mw2 and CoD4....but it wasn’t atrocious by any means
I have a lot of nostalgia for it but here's why I like it:
>Really really good multiplayer maps, 2nd map pack was GOAT
>Good gunplay, a lot of assault rifles felt really satisfying to kill with
>Nice spot in the timeline, not too futuristic to the point that it has weird shit but not far enough back where three quarters of the guns are semi-auto rifles
>whenever you get bored of multiplayer, you can go to zombies in 10 seconds, and when you get bored of zombies you can go back to multiplayer
>great improvement in zombies compared to WaW, not simple enough so it feels like there's nothing to do, but not super complicated to the point where things just become ridiculously easy
It was my first COD, so I'm more biased to it, but I feel like it really stands out.
>but I feel like it really stands out.
Nah it doesn't.
they better remake this map for black ops 4, and don’t put any of that 3-hit babyshit in
Escalation was shit my dude, First Strike was the best and had the best
Idk. I never touched another cod after the shitfest that was Ghost so i guess thats the worst one for me.
>Blops 3 best zombies
Objectively wrong
>Picking anything other than Modern Warfare (2007) as best
Don't know which is the worst because I only play the campaign but Black Ops 3 was pretty bad
>Have to do a collectathon and unlock every room to get pack a punch
>lame wonder weapon
>No flopper
>Lame story and characters
Fuck off
Which has the best single player?
i want some dumb shooter just to shoot shit
Modern warfare 2 or black ops
ThisMW2 has the best style to shoot shit in.
I haven't played any beyond blops.
Cod2 had the best section of a campaign: Russia.
MW2 had the best overall campaign.
MW3 had the best bro-op and sp surival mode. Which deserves games to be made like it. Rather 30 more maps of that than a campaign. MW needs to be freeroam. Too bad it's just propaganda.
>Tfw dad and brother were never really into games but casually played some CoD on their downtime years ago
>we all just had a conversation about the old maps which ones we liked, didn't etc
>see this thread
I think my favourite was either Blops or MW2 if we're talking post MW.
My dad is a huge camper so his favourite was Ghosts. But that's because his favourite games ever were the Ghost Recons - where camping was basically the game. Shame they killed that series he loved it so much
The memory that sticks out to me the most though is Black Ops 2, running around with my golden B23R ( the burst pistol) and one tapping everything on HC Raid
only underage fags like cod
Best: World at War
Worst: Black Ops 1
It all started going downhill with Black Ops 1
And yet faggot you clearly have never played CoD or you just sucked at it.
Black Ops had god awful hit detection and trying to use a sniper riflee was god awful becuase of how they tried to "fix" quick scoping was non exsistant.
MW2 was obviously the best.
CoD4 is a close second. Black Ops did have some of the coolest guns though.
Best: Black Ops 2/AW
Worst: Black Ops 1
Never really played them online outside of MW2 so my opinion is based on single player and couch zombies
I unironically hit max prestige in every cod pre MW3.
MW2 had the best multiplayer and only because of modded lobbies. The multiplayer itself was dogshit.
Hit 70 in MW2 and stayed there, I didn't see a point in resetting after I'd just worked up to that point and unlocked all the guns + attachments.
I got shit for it because I didn't have a special badge next to my name.
I hated Ghosts' MP and optimization on PC, but I quite liked the SP campaign to be honest, kind of like a prequel to BO2
RIP thread.
Reminder that had some of the best Zombie maps (Origins, MOTD, the rest were alright).
BO had the most memorable ones in-game and DLC (Ascencion, COTD, Shangri-La, and Moon)
BO3 had the most solid collection and ultimate collection of zombie maps overall (literally has all the great past maps and A-B tier DLC).
Although I hate that BO3 made most of its wonder-weapons be weak or not infinite damage.
I mean you add the fucking double-PAP shit with the OP effects and you make every wonderweapon round limited?
What the fuck.
Also Treyarch next time actually make use of weapon kits or character customization.
Gumballs were a pretty shit system that literally added some good benefits but made the games OP and broken; plus made new Perk-a-Colas non-existent you stupid fucks.
I imagine BO4 will get worse if this keeps going on.
Pro-tip: Don't force players to do quests in order to actually enjoy the map, Origins/Der Eisendrach/MOTD/Revelations did it right but the others just fucked it up.
Just bought BO1 and 2, what's the best DLC?
That's not Origins
Best: World at War
Worst: MW3, although the survival missions were fun
>backtracking: the game
Every MP map was a muslim town with no unique layout. And any good maps like Overgrown and Vacant were put into the superior MW2 anyway.
And Black Ops 1 is still my favorite zombies