If you haven't looked into the """controversy""" over this fucking thing, look up "So sorry." Shit is hilarious.
>undertale creator Toby Fox opens slots for top paying patrons to submit their own characters >guy wastes several months pay to get his character added >Toby enjoys his submission, its doofy, Barney-ass look actually working with Undertale's style >finds out like 2 fucking years later after the character had been fleshed out that it was his fat fetish OC >offers autismo a full refund to shitcan the whole thing >autismo refuses, claiming later that he was "standing up for himself" >game comes out >autismdragon is hidden ridiculously well and can literally only be accessed for a single hour out of the whole year >his fight and theme are shitty and short compared to others who donated less, IE Muffet >doesn't even get his name mentioned in the credits >much later goes on long emotional rants on Tumblr, actually taking the fucking stance that Toby Fox cheated him
I honestly feel bad that the creator of that game had to deal with that bullshit, being basically forced to include that garbage in his game.
Henry Sanders
Seems like the dude is in the right, to be honest. That's pretty pathetic of Toby. Meanwhile, the guy that made LISA had a pervert be a party member. Yet another reason why LISA The Painful (Not the First or the Joyful) is much better than Undertale.
Connor Robinson
How is the guy at fault for disagreeing with somebody's self-insert fat-fetish OC conflicts with HIS vision over HIS game? How much sway over the direction the game should take do you think somebody who donated a fucking grand and change is entitled to?
Ayden Johnson
Not that I disagree with you that LISA is a better game, but that's not a valid reason to think one game is better than the other. We're hitting Prototype vs Infamous levels of image tackling.
Lucas Wood
>image tackling Hi brainlet here wat
Christopher Anderson
Muffet is cute!
Nathaniel Lee
Asher Rodriguez
>a character that the game's creator made being perverted as a quirk is the same as somebody's literal furry donut-steel being shoved where it doesn't belong
Adam Reyes
Correct. The party member is an original donut steel persona for a fetish drawer in deviantart. Austin actually does right by the people that paid him. And he delivers a better game on top of it. Great man, as long as you're willing to forgive The Joyful.
Eli Sullivan
Parker Green
Reminder that Muffet was made by the creator behind the webcomic Ava's Demon
Caleb Fisher
Brody Morales
I'm not sure what opinion I'm supposed to draw from that. Ava's Demon has fantastic art but a mediocre-to-bad story.
Liam Roberts
you really cant make a worse character than sosoylent
Ryan Murphy
What the fuck was he expecting, a fan bought OC to NOT be a fetish self insert?
Juan Allen
>Wanting some scat/vore fetish furry OC in your game
Dominic Bailey
He should have refunded him then instead of taking his money and hidding him.
Robert Wright
the virgin pokefag the CHAD charibro.
Jaxon Cooper
Reminder that Chara did LITERALLY nothing wrong!
Lucas Hughes
He tried to do that, autismo maximus refused
Josiah Watson
Easton Allen
Didn't he ask for some kind of fucking retarded fart fetish anal vore fight mechanic? Or did that come about after the fact?
Juan Ortiz
Austin delivered on his promises without short-changing people and made a better game than Toby. That's the mark of talent.
Ian Cooper
Grayson Sullivan
i gagged
Jose Bell
Hope there's a console port of LtP 2bh
Luke Jenkins
>Fat fetish character Bad
>Allowing the player to flirt with a goat woman Perfectly alright
James Long
>he should use that for sitting
Matthew Mitchell
>My foreskin makes my penis look like a turtle No
Levi Hughes
Alexander Jones
>Fat fetish character His art was much more disgusting than that.
Grayson Nguyen
Why does Toby pretends he hates anime?
Kevin Richardson
>giving the player an option for one joke flirt that isn't taken at all seriously is comparable to putting a fetish fursona that's been in degenerate porn pieces of which fat fetishism is the tamest Fucking wew.
Christopher Mitchell
I thought they were cool. The character apologizes for its presence in the game even as you kill him and he's only available one day a year. And super hidden.
Aaron Garcia
You want cringe? Read this board.
Evan Moore
I know it's fake, but this one always makes me want to die.
Jaxson Ward
Don't see much of a difference between that and the game allowing you, playing as a child, to hit on a furry. It's just as disgusting.
Evan Sanchez
You're gay, and you have a inflation fetish, I bet.
Bentley Barnes
LISA would have been way better off without the shitty paid characters desu.
Cameron Thompson
Reminder that people fetishize Toriel.
Caleb Howard
That's a result of the fandom, not the game
Jackson Fisher
>the furfaggot defense force is unironically trying to defend this worthless sack of shit again wew
Kevin Parker
...um what? How does any of that connect?
Colton Cox
Maybe, but Austin actually delivers to his backers and doesn't jew them.
Caleb Miller
>the guy that made LISA had a pervert be a party member The difference is that fits fucking exactly into the game you dumbfuck
Liam Ross
There isn't a single flirty line in there that wouldn't work on me...
Brody Turner
>I can't tell the difference between including a furry-porn character who clashes with the game and telling a one-off JOKE Holy shit. This is advanced autism. Rule 34 of the internet. No fucking shit people were going to fetishize her. People get off on weird shit all the time, it's still not comparable.
Camden White
Y-yeah, who'd do that, haha...
Sebastian Reed
Right, you can come up with whatever excuses you want, facts are: 1) Austin didn't short-change his backers 2) Austin also made the better game of the two
Colton Torres
I dunno. The flirting part kinda encourages it, in my opinion.
Brody Gutierrez
If I made a Kickstarter and had one of those shitty put-your-OC-into-the-game prizes, there'd be a clause stating that I can change whatever the fuck I want about it.
Owen Gonzalez
i actually told this person on tumblr one something like "we get it you like skeleton dicks" and she told me to fuck off or something, glad i left that place, tumblr really is the fucking worse thing
Charles Brooks
The creator of So Sorry is subhuman and was offered a full refund. He doesn't deserve pity, for turning down Toby's offer. And he doesn't deserve pity for trying to force his gross fetish OC into the game.
Cameron Bailey
Dominic Sullivan
>Manholes are usually on public roads
Owen Martinez
Weirdos who need to get laid.
Blake Evans
I have a tumblr account exclusively for impregnation porn
Jackson Moore
Sure. And Toby doesn't deserve you defending him when Austin was better about his situation.
Camden Kelly
I had the bad idea of looking it up when that happened. It was truly disgusting.
Jayden Russell
I don't see how this charcater clashes with the other wierd ass monsters in the game, user.
Julian Kelly
Benjamin Moore
Everyone knows you're shitposting, son.
Cooper Williams
They are both at fault: the guy who paid should have had the sense to not use his fetish shit, AND toby should have had the sense to include a disclaimer that he'll deny fetish shit
Daniel Anderson
Charles Jenkins
Everyone knows you're desperately defending Toby for no good reason in a pathetic display.
Jeremiah Hughes
Yawn, lame. Got anything new?
Levi Hall
Logan Bennett
>maybe you could put your box in the air haha
Aiden Sullivan
Muffet is also one of the paid characters.
Christian Allen
What are you fucking talking about. How is anybody who knows the game going to know the character is some fat fetish OC? Just implement it the way he originally agree to when taking the money. You don't take somebody's money then later decide to tell them to fuck off. Or, well, you can, but then you appropriately get called a pathetic asshole.
Cooper Gutierrez
This is the first time i see this thing and it feels suspicious already
Ryan Scott
Milfs are being sexy since the beginning of time.
Justin Peterson
He offered a full refund.
Jeremiah Hall
I did not think another man of such great taste existed.
Austin Garcia
He went back on his agreement.
Wyatt Miller
>undertale needed funding to get made lol
Christopher Lopez
How did he go back on it? So Sorry is included in the game
Ethan Green
Michael Fisher
He didn't want his wholesome game about befriending monsters to have a fetish OC as a notable character.
Jackson Mitchell
This always confused me, where did the money go? What's the point of single-handedly making a game if you're gonna need money anyway?
Caleb Jenkins
Elijah Howard
Having money means you can dedicate more time to it? You can hire artists and the like?
Jason Fisher
it paid for his rent money owed to Andrew Hussie, on account of being his basement slave bitch
Nathan Bailey
>look at me I can be obtuse to keep getting annoyed (You)s forever fuck off
William Howard
Again, how would anybody playing the game know it's a fetish OC unless he tells them in-game that it is, which presumably he didn't agree to do originally since then he wouldn't have agreed at all?
Hunter Edwards
How do you think people found out in the first place? It certainly wasn't because he said so.
Michael Rivera
The design is based on "butter dragons" which is basically just a fat furry fetish sort of thing. If you can sense something is wrong just based on its looks alone then you've got some good intuition.
Jacob Ward
>you don’t get to directly kill this furfetish shit during genocide She missed one
Kevin Robinson
>how would anybody playing the game know it's a fetish OC
That shit would've inevitably spread like wildfire on this thing called the internet and started an even worse drama shitshow than what hiding it did.
Nolan Bennett
I can go online right now and find fetish porn of half the gaming characters under the sun. Some of it would probably be worth jerking off to too.
Sebastian Cooper
Now, if only furries had the common sense to realize that the game was not a fetish ridden smutmongerer shit...
Oliver Hill
Imagine if So Sorry was given a mandatory fight like Muffet. Imagine that So Sorry becomes a pillar character of Undertale, like Muffet, who receives fan art every day this the game's release. Imagine that a piece of your game, a shard of it's identity, is that of a fat vore fart inflation fetishist 'Butter' dragon. Toby did the right thing burying that garbage. If So Sorry were in the game proper, and became a character with regular fan art, then people WOULD know the origin of the character and motive behind the creator/backer's narcissistic contribution.
Adam Brooks
>killing it doesn't count against a pacifist run
Caleb Cook
toby shouldn't you be on your ironman right now?
Hudson Hall
Euthanasia is an act of mercy, not violence.
Hunter Carter
>Toby saved us from fledgling vore/fatfags god bless him
Andrew Cook
Jordan Ross
Why care what a bunch of faggots on tumblr or wherever obsess about? I don't come to Sup Forums and read what people say about a game I played and have that somehow affect it. The only thing that influences is whether or not I think those people are retarded. At least for a single player game like undertale.
Jacob Martin
the fanbase to this date is the most annoying, cringe-inducing group of people I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with who think their waifu-worship is justified because the game is edgy and meta and they can just say they're being "ironic"
Jason Rivera
It's not like it stopped people making anal vore porn of the other furry characters in the game. At least the Butterdragon is representative of the game's fanbase.