What went so right?
What went so right?
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A good harvest moon in an era of drought for it.
I disliked Stardew Valley because of its "seedy underbelly" and liberal undertones. Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon is more about communal harmony and maintaining tradition via its events/holidays. In most of the games, the Harvest Goddess stands for a symbol of virtue and harmony, which brings people together and provides an ethos. I prefer this over Stardew Valley, and I feel East Asians in general tend to have that positive traditional vibe when conveying their ideal societies. This is because they have not been infected by values such as "lol muh freedom more important than community", "muh cultural diversity", "lol fuck feeling one with nature", "lol have fun, fuck around with different men to satiate NATURAL sex drive", etc. The West, at this point, is incapable of making cozy games in societal/communal settings beyond exploring natural terrain.
I thought the game struck a fair balance with its themes. Most of the selfish choices members of the community made led to their own feelings of u happiness, whether they admit to it or not. It’s the olayer’s engagement with the community through the vessel of being an outsider that gives these people better perspective and let’s them reconcile with their problems, albeit mostly without realizing how responsible they are for their own misfortune.
It took all the good parts of Rune Factory and then took the weeby bits out so casual normies could act like it was somehow new and pioneering in its genre.
When I play these type of games I want something idyllic, not something seedy.
Why did this surge in popularity while Starbound went overlooked? Starbound has a massive universe with all kinds of different places to explore. At the same time, you can pick any planet to build a base on and create your own settlement with a farm and everything. SV just seems very bland in comparison.
I hadnt heard of this, im looking it up now.
The games about creating an idyllic town with your own hard work. And ignoring people you don’t like.
Couldnt get into as much as older harvest moon games but it was alot better than the newer HM stuff.
One part I didn't like was that everyone always said the same shit no matter what. Did I just not get far enough or something? I got into the second year and everyone still always said the same stuff outside the heart events or whatever. Part of HM I liked was them saying new stuff each season and sometimes new things after events and alot more random events.
They start saying different things if you get their heart levels pretty high up. What’s more interesting is going into their rooms and finding out things they won’t tell you.
The greenhouse was a mistake
Didnt Harvest Moon have greenhouses?
The game is great until you explore the mines, upgrade your house and get married, then it falls apart as there's nothing more to do
I have no idea, but after getting the greenhouse the game got boring since it's so easy to get money now. I don't even have to farm anymore.
I think the Harvest Moon series was like that as well. Maybe it should be time limited and scored. Then end the game and try to beat your score next game I guess? Like a 3 or 5 year limit.
How fucking TRIGGERED can you be?
Didn't you grow balls yet?
Yeah but they're late game content
>liberal undertones
and people say Sup Forums isn't cancer
I've been thinking about Terraria or Starbound as a time waster, but crafting doesn't hold my interest. Are these games just not for me?
good story. i hope there will be multiplayer mode
Sup Forums isnt cancer.
Comparing those games because they have farms is like comparing wolfenstein and hearts of iron because they have nazis
Don't give in to bait.
Multiplayer is in the works, 4 player LAN or over the internet I believe.
pol is the best board on this site
Fishing, it's so much fun...I will never understand people saying that it's hard
I just get the impression the good parts come from Harvest Moon, the characters havibng their routines/dating which is the thing this game has that I don't remember having in the HM games I played, that part just sucks dick. The combat/dungeon thing this game also has that I don't remember HM having is kinda shit too.
time doesn't pause indoors shit game
Was somewhat fun but not engaging enough to keep playing. It might be the genre though, because I felt the same way about things like Rune Factory and I won't even touch Animal Crossing.
Because unlike Starbound, Stardew Valley has good parts. Starbound is just a terrible, boring turd.
posting in this thread before furry mod is posted
you lose again
I liked the crafting and gathering but it quickly becomes boring
This pretty much. I've been playimg New Leaf lately, and while thats not technically harvest moon, a game that combines harvest moon's mechanics with the real time passage of in game days like animal crossing would be pretty cool
when people told me about starbound everyone refered to it as "shitty terraria" so i never bothered looking at it
didnt know it was similiar to stardew valley
I hate White supremacy. Just because I agree with some traditionalist sensibilities doesn't mean I'm some kinda White powa nut.
I have balls.
I've been enjoying it, but it's just very basic. Maybe I was just spoiled by RF4 as it was my first farming game, but things like the crops only having three levels of quality and the soil seemingly not having any stats at all makes it rather shallow. Also the combat is booty and may as well have not been included. I could go on, but I shouldn't set the bar the so high when it's just an indie game.
>liberal undertones
>I have balls.
I really doubt it, check your doctor for cryptorchidism
>Take boring monotonous work simulator
>Try to make it more interesting by adding in more, different KINDS of monotonous work
>Getting a wife is as simple as farming a specific item, gifting it tonthem twice a week until they fall in love with you, becoming another scheduled task
>Dungeon crawling mechanics are painfully barebones and easy as fuck
>Game never ends and theres no real goal aside from your dead grandpa telling you how good you did at being a fucking boring faggot in a video game
I get it. If youre into this type of shit its really okay at what it does, but why in the fuck would i want to spend my days off from real life work to come home and do even more boring shit that doesnt even offer a fake sense of accomplishment
So the age old trope of man fleeing the grind of civilization to a more fulfilling life of hard work and sweat is liberal propaganda now?
Man, 2016 fucked your board worse than /x/ after the Kimmo bots.
Mostly because the gameplay loop of Starbound was broken. Terraria did well because you always came back to the same base and kept building your base. In Starbound you were expected to just constantly abandon your base and start over from scratch. No one wants that
You're not wrong.
The whole Pierre v Joja thing kind of falls apart because Pierre is just as much of a greedy cunt.
I also wish there was also more depth in the relationships between the mc, bachelors, and bachelorettes.
It's lame other couples can't marry off like in HM64. Also, festivals are far too sparse.
Still loved it though.
Stardew Valley is literally just a watered down Starbound
it has farming but it's quite barebones, and yes it is mostly a shitty Terraria
Everyone is bi, and there is ethos to unite to the people the way the Harvest Goddess did. Did you know almost every ancient culture had a fertility goddess that represented virtue to them? Why is that?
What does Stardew Valley have going for it? A mayor who wants truffle oil for sex, a black scientist (lol) who is married to white woman (this is a common theme with liberals), and two annoying alcoholics. I want a tight-knight, small-scale organization united by common values, not this retarded liberal BS.
shit game, can't diddle jas
You are just a little bitch who obsesses about people's balls whereas I would just kick your ass and send you straight to hell.
The same argument can be made for literally any game.
Everyone is bi, and there is NO ethos to unite to the people the way the Harvest Goddess did. Did you know almost every ancient culture had a fertility goddess that represented virtue to them? Why is that?
What does Stardew Valley have going for it? A mayor who wants truffle oil for sex, a black scientist (lol) who is married to white woman (this is a common theme with liberals), and two annoying alcoholics. I want a tight-knight, small-scale organization united by common values, not this retarded liberal BS.
What are you even saying? The game is boring as fuck and only kids with autism stick around games like this because they live monotony. It's why shit that never ends like Minecraft and Sonic are so appealing to them.
It sounds like you haven't played the game since beta. In the modern game, you can make as many bases as you want and easily go back to them at any time.
Please, don't tell me you are a christfag too
I'm sorry the prejudices you mistake for enlightement are hindering your enjoyment of games and life in general. Hope you get better soon
Is there a mod to change the race mixing and better community?
Too bad Starbound's combat is garbage, the enemies have few AI patterns, now the game has awful cutscenes you can't skip, and the creatures all look like pokemon reject designs, exploration as a whole is fucking terrible.
Most games have endings that fulfill that sense of accomplishing something.
I hate all Semitic filth.
Everyone is bi. That is disgusting. I'm fine with a few homosexuals here and there but making everyone bi is bizarre. Story of Seasons / Harvest Moon is superior.
The dialogue is uninspired much like your shitty mind BTW.
everyone is bi in real life too user
The mod that turned everybody into anthros. For real tho, even my friends that are not furries use it because they feel the aesthetic fits the game better.
Trio of Towns is good but the problem with the 3ds ones is way too many have you building the towns
Give me a designed town and just let me do my farm
>Game has a straight up anti-capitalist message with the selling out route
>focus on "liberal undertones" instead
But you believe in hell, ok kiddo
>everyone is bi
No, and this is what I mean by liberal propaganda.
>finish the game
>'wah there's nothing left to do!'
sexual degeneracy and being an alcoholic are conservative as fuck
There are some elements in SV's writing that come across as some hippie wrote the game, like the hamfisted COMPANIES R BAD, POOR PEOPLE = GUD, RICH PEOPLE = ASSHOLES, I prefer when things aren't walking left wing stereotypes.
The community in Stardew Valley is more broken down than even Kerista.
Hell is your shitty mind.
Is there a step by step guide on how to make your own character potraits (not just the MC) in this game yourself?
that's not left wing or right wing, you're ill informed
Conservatives in USA are what you call "classical liberals". The liberals are "progressive liberals". Both are the same shit.
I think you think that your attitude is normal... oh boy do you need a snickers
There was a mod on the Chucklefish forum that made Demetrius white, but it got banned for being racist.
Then there was another mod that made everyone non-white and it was celebrated as progressive but the mod author killed herself or something.
You can still probably find both.
You're not wrong. I generally lose interest after my first pumpkin harvest. By then I have so much money I just ball out of control. By Winter I usually want to start over.
I enjoy Spring & early summer when you're still scraping by. I wish that lasted longer. Maybe if stuff was more expensive or the mines were bigger idk.
classical liberal is just what conservatives who don't want to be bullied call themselves
>copy older harvest moon titles
>it's good
oh wow, who would have thought
You'll grow out the edginess eventually
It is, though. That's exactly the old bourgeois exploring the poor workers discourse, when reality is much more nuanced than what marxists preach.
that's the essence of all left-leaning economic ideology
The most conservative people in the world are prone to sexual misconduct because of how much they repress themselves and drinking alcohol is done by absolutely anyone no matter where they lie on the political spectrum
>There was a mod on the Chucklefish forum that made Demetrius white, but it got banned for being racist.
>Then there was another mod that made everyone non-white and it was celebrated as progressive but the mod author killed herself or something.
>You can still probably find both.
I'm honestly not surprised by this.
Because Starbound is an autism simulator, while Stardew Valley is a game for normies.
you haven't actually read much of the theory you're mad about, it covers this shit
it was made by chucklefish, and so far everything they have made has been godly good.
Starbound is vastly superior to Terraria in every way, Stardew Valley is the best Farming game on steam and that medieval advance wars clone they were working on seems to be fucking great at well
I agree, the beginning of the game really is engaging, but by the end of summer I've cleared out every floor if the mines and my fishing stat is nearly maxed out and i get all my cash just smelting ore and selling it because i don't really need my equipment upgraded past steel to open up other areas and clear my own land of large rocks and hardwood. As soon as fall starts shit just gets boring as fuck and I quit.
>Vincent marriage mod will never be updated
Why even live?
If you want to go have fun with your debauchery, then go ahead you depraved fuckhead. I just hope such mentality never infects Harvest Moon // Story of Seasons.
They are classical liberals. The USA has no real right-wing movement.
I just don't like you brain-damaged libtards.
>word salad
I'm not sure if you're Larping as a Sup Forums or if you're just retarded.
I just don't understand why there needs to be 3 towns. The only difference is that one town's stores are open while the others are closed. Rather than adding some genuinely interesting gameplay outside of watering and forgetting your crops it makes you grind out reputation with odd jobs and different shipping routes.
>Getting a wife is as simple as farming a specific item, gifting it tonthem twice a week until they fall in love with you, becoming another scheduled task
This is pretty much how it is in real life too desu
see the post above yours, they're just a retard
>lol u mad
Nice projection, pitting the poorer against the rich has been a marxist thing since forever. I take you haven't learned anything about the lumpenproletariat being the new revolutionary class by the new left, after commies found out workers don't give a shit about their retarded movement, after they theorized all workers would unite under the red banner in WWI.
Chucklefish is only the publisher, tho.
I made it clear: In Story of Seasons / Harvest Moon you have a TRADITIONAL community UNITED by a COMMON ETHOS. The center of ethos is the HARVEST GODDESS. Such a community is HARMONIOUS because it is based on promoting VIRTUE, which brings ORDER.
Stardew Valley, on the other hand, is like a KERISTA (look it up if you don't know what it is) which is broken by DEBAUCHERY, LACK OF VIRTUES, and MORE.
>If you want to go have fun with your debauchery, then go ahead you depraved fuckhead
way to project
conservatives aren't any more sexually pure than liberals, they just marry their cousins and rape little boys instead of taking part in fag parades and changing their gender
>Starbound is vastly superior to Terraria in every way
Im sure you have a more nuanced opinion that Karl fucking Marx. I dont agree with the guy, but he was a fucking genius
Where do you think you are? Sup Forums?