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the blonde with the pixie cut is CUTE
Only Ellie is cute.
strank whamenz
I'd get with that one all the way on the right.
Wtf I hate PlayStation Europe
I’ll take the pink bear
What the fuck no she doesn't, slap some freckles on the face and she looks like my male friend. Not even attractive.
Fuck off with your Muslim fifa machine.
>put a dude with red hair on it
Sup Forums BTFO! How will you nazis ever recover?
Where's the bear from?
>Western female designs
>women related content on women's day
>polbabs get instantly triggered
imagine being this insecure
Good thing Europe will be Islamic soon
How do you Sonybros cope with the fact Sony has become run by SJWs?
That's some ugly art.
Feels like everyday is some kind of nigger/woman/gay celebration day
Not really, skin is too mud for blonde hair.
Somehow I seriously doubt the world cares.
I've seen worse
Literally who
>no kat
Alloy is ugly and I hate her
We'll run out of days, eventually. We'll get to the point when 'Trans Muslim Day' will coincide with a 'Disabled Jews Day', and we'll up having to change the calendar in the name of progression.
Honestly don't know the vast majority of those characters. Only Ellie and Aloy.
How pathetic do you have to be to get a national day just for existing and bitching?
she looks like ellen degeneres gross
This triggers alt-right virgins
why the fuck is Sony so social justicy, who the fuck asked for this?
>No Kat or Raven
>No Carmelita
>No Yumi
>No Lammy
>No Keira, Ashley or Tess
>No Courtney Gears
>No Vibri
>3 characters from the same studio, 2 being from the same series
>David Cage "game" that isn't even out yet
>Some cartoon bear next to a bunch of realistic characters
If any other game company was like Sony, there would be no iconic video game characters ever, because those would be literally who's, while every popular character would be remembered for at least 11 months, for how bland they would be.
Their HQ is in California now.
I really dont like women
Good you got your rights now go shove a dildo up your ass in the comfort of your own home you mentally ill faggot
>Japanese characters
You don't want to trigger western women and white knights, do you?
How many of these characters were created by women?
Imagine being this sensitive
I can see your flannel shirt, khakis, cheap glasses, and pubelike beard from here
Twitter Screenshots are not video games.
They were all created by fat balding men in thick rimmed glasses
Still full of disgusting western mutts. Here's a some women worth celebrating.
I bet you're crying for the good old times when women weren't treated as humans though, what a hypocrite whiny bitch
always so dramatic
why the fuck would they move there? That place is a nutjob nest.
Sonybro here. I play ps4 a lot, have like 20 platinums. Don't know any of those characters except Aloy.
>the good old times when women weren't treated as humans though
Actually they were treated as women. Now we treat women like men.
you wanna start this?
A warning to the people, the good and the evil
This is war
To the soldier, the civilian, the martyr, the victim
This is war
It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
And the moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight,
To fight, to fight, to fight
>video game company
>not video game related
>The Bear and the Blonde are the only attractive ones.
So yet again you just want privileges based on your gender and get assblasted at the fact that you don't get any
Grow up you whiny loser
Imagine being insecure enough to need a day for you in the first place.
Twitter screenshots are not related to video games. International Womens day is not related to video games. If you want to complain about International Womens day, you know exactly where to go, and that isnt here.
Same actually. I haven't even played Horizon either.
Wtf i love niggers and strong females that don't need no man now!
>Every 'girl' looks like shit smeared 50 year old grannies
we can play this all day, you alt right autists are the best examples of the soyboys
those are drawings
can you even pass a mirror test
Yeah I can't imagine who would do that
Nintendo in the West and MS are the same. There isn't a non-pozzed console manufacturer in the NA/EU regions at this point.
>you alt right autists are the best examples of the soyboys
>sony isn't videogames
It's pretty amusing that a weeaboo console is afraid to show anything beyond hideous western designed women.
What is PlayStation?
Glad we can agree that race mixing is wrong
you're on the same level as sjws, whiny retarded skitzoids getting triggered over any trivial shit
Nintendo unfucked themselves last year.
Well gee, it’s not like you and your ilk base your entire existence around hating the modern era and all of its faculties. It’s not like you and your ilk make fucking death threats to the president and then bitch about being fired. It’s not like you and your ilk had to make a list of 12 things about 2017 that “didn’t suck”. Check the ad screen!
Reminder that no matter how much feminist dick you suck, pic related is what women think of you until you shut them the fuck up through force.
getting better
Jesus christ how horrifying.
I hate how all these corporations push these made up holidays to get free advertising and people help them out
By avoiding the SJW games and not playing one system.
to be fair, there's days for a bunch of stuff apparently. en.wikipedia.org
The more this thread gets posted, the less I wish she was included.
Meanwhile your typical leftist
Twitter screenshots are not video games, International Womens day is not related to video games. This post does not relate to video games in any way, shape or form, and does not belong here.
>tfw lefty faggots think making a holiday out of "Congratulations you have a vagina!" is going to get anyone to fuck them
No, I want proper gender roles fulfilled. Both men and women have certain needs that need to be met for society to function normally.
That game is more fun than the ones in OP.
But what is PlayStation?
>me smart u dumb
also everyone on the right is a fucking slav, the masterrace am I right? never mind the fact that nazis said that slavs are on the same level as africans
nah no one cares but that guy is the prime example of the projecting poltard soyboy
get a life you autistic loser, you're complaining that women have rights on an anime website, at least notice how pathetic you are
what game is that bear from?
Does it matter at the end?
We were supposed to reproduce while the weak died and the strong live, so the gene pool would become better and better after generation.
But now we can't do that because it would be inhuman to just let die people in this unfair world.
But if we are lucky, un the future, gene modification will be a thing, so every genetic flaw and deformity will be fix, sure this is if humanity last that long.
a shitty """game console""" for Faggots, Soyboys, Feminists and Niggers.
meanwhile your typical poltard
>waaa waaaaa I want women to be my slaaaaves even though I'm a pathetic loser
Playstation is not the Subject of the Twitter Post, nor is it what the OP intended for you to pay attention to. Twitter Screenshots and International Womens day is not related to video games in any way, shape or form. Go away.
>nah no one cares but that guy is the prime example of the projecting poltard soyboy
Nah. He's a race mixing degenerate giving birth to a gross half breed kid with a degraded IQ and a disconnect from his heritage on both sides.