How did this happen?

After 7 years, why is 3DS so popular?

Good question, considering the 3DS is a piece of shit compared to the NDS

Because it has no competition, psp? Lmao

Because the Vita was shit.

The games being made are just cheap remakes.

It's still making cash so Nintendo's are like meh why not

There are still third party games like a New Etrian, Alliance Alive, Persona Q2

But yeah, seems like remakes are a safe and cheap way to keep it alive cashing on nostalgia hence the Luigi Mansion remake.

no good emulator

The second screen is too useful to just get rid of. Just look at Pokemon gen 6. The PSS was the best damn multiplayer interface imaginable, then Gamefreak decided to go full retard and replace it with the awful Festival Plaza in Gen 7, and the Switch game everyone is anticipating will likely have something just as shitty.

Because the 3DS is the only real handheld on the market right now and the Switch just doesn't know what it wants to be.

3DS 2 when?

whens the 3DS 2

Its a real handheld in comparison to the switch.
It also has actual battery life, especially if you play old DS games

This. it has no competition except from the Switch itself

Poverty, advertising and naievity.
Isn't popular though and no-one who has gotten one has liked it.
People need portability. It's a pity all portables are unplayable. GPD win2 would be just playable at double the specs, and with windows 7 or less.

Just what are you even talking about

I was 13 when the 3DS came out

When was the last time the 3DS got a good new game? Serious question, I want a reason to play it some more. I haven't touched mine since AA6, nearly 2 years ago.

I know I bought one for free games.

If that were the case, it would be expected for 3DS to sell more than DS, which had a much more successful competitor in the PSP. Really, the mobile market is bigger competition to the 3DS than the PSP and Vita ever were.

it has literally no competition on the portable market

3DS improves upon DS, which was already a great system with lots of good games. 3DS also has its own huge library of good games. Right now, there isn't a viable portable system that compares.

The Vita is great though, Sony just intentionally fucked it up.

the 3DS and the Switch have about the exact same battery life when playing their consoles respective games.

New 3DS lasts 3.5-6 hours
New 3DS XL games last 3.5-7 hours when playing games
Switch lasts 2.5-6 hours

It has good games.
It’s portable.
It has CFW.

Dragon Quest 7 is pretty amazing once you get past the first two islands and it starts building up.

Ever Oasis and Stella Glow are both really good.

>Radiant History remaster added weird movies, voice acting and ruined the character portraits

It has great games, last long compared to the Switch, is cheap, has VC, has BC to the DS, and has a 2D Metroid game. I can't wait until Metroid 5 is announced for it.

Because it's undeniably the best gaming handheld ever made.

Is it worth playing on 3DS when emulating the PS2 version is an option?

I'll look into both of these, ta.

It also isn't on the Freeshop. Inexcusable.

He said DQ7, not 8. The original version of 7 was on the PS1.

The Switch isn't even competing against the DS as evident by the still high sales of the DS. It seems the public has accepted the Switch as a portable home console rather than the handheld replacement.

Really most of it depends on screen brightness and if you have wireless turned on or off.

You’re talking about 8, which is an average JRPG (3DS version is superior too, more content and party members).
DQ7 is for original psx and on that it’s nearly unplayably slow. (3DS remake is about half as long despite having almost the same content, only cutting an annoying starter dungeon and some sidecharacter talk.)

>Stella Glow
My nigger. One of the best niche games on the system.

Switch is a bit big, you can't just stuff it in your pocket or whatever if you take it out with you. The portability is still nice but it's more for like taking to a friend's house than killing time in a waiting room or some shit.

It's the only current Nintendo console that gets original games instead of just ports. People respond to that.

I know, user. That's what I said. The Switch is really not meant to be a true handheld and be taken everywhere. It's more like a console that you can play anywhere in your house aka a portable home console.

Literally all first-party games and most third party games (which are basically just from Atlus nowadays) since last year aside from Ever Oasis have been ports or remakes. Detective Pikachu is also new I guess, but it was just a matter of completing a game that originally released in 2016.

any new fan translated games out? I feel like the last one I knew about was joker 3

First 2 episodes of the Great Ace Detective are out. (nippon ace attorney spinoff)

Metroid Samus Returns

Wrong. The Vita support from Sony was unexistent since they LITERALLY left the console to die despite having a fuckton of potential.

3ds is a remake, not a port, i played both and prefer the 3ds, also the prologue is less long in the 3ds.

Also, its ps1 not ps2

Dont you need the jap cart for that cause the translators made it that way? or is there a workaround

Radiant Historia came a few weeks ago
If you don't want a remake then EOV was in november

They got off their high horse after so many people complained including people who owned the game and it wouldn't work for them.