“There’s been some talk within the team saying they’d like to reach 2 million with Final Fantasy XV: Windows...

>“There’s been some talk within the team saying they’d like to reach 2 million with Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition alone,”

>T W O M I L L I O N

Square are completely out of touch with reality, they thought adding a workshop would give them skyrim mk2.

They are fucking stupid.

The overwhelming majority of people interested in the game would’ve just played it when it was new. It’s been what, like 18 months since it came out?

Sorry Square, that's not how it works, I might have bought the game if you actually launched it 2 years ago, but now? I know the game is shit, so I'm not even interested in pirating it.

lol why does Sup Forums say pc is a big player in the game? it's the most irrelevant platform for developers


they fucked up by releasing a demo. That shit put me off buying the game something fierce.

>every other niche game
>s-steam spy isn't accurate for first 3 weeks
>its 100% accurate under 3 weeks
Is this the agenda we're running?

Kinda normal for them. Tomb Raider 2013 and hitman absolution sold like 4 millions and they said it was a failure... they are just delusional with sales numbers.

glad Pfats didn't fall for this shitty game, good on you

Maybe in like 3 years. PC games are always slow burning
I'll just wait for a sale, or maybe when they're finally done shitting out DLC

This game is amazing, pcbro's like it.

>outsold be vermintide
you chose well, my pc brothers

They released a game 2 years late so everyone already knew it's a bad game

what about microsoft store and origin?

I would have happily brought this day 1 if I hadn't already played it over a year ago.

>First 3 weeks
Source? The site creator said one week

I kinda liked the demo but I'll buy the game when it's actually finished

why would anyone use those when its already avaialbe on steam
gog is the only alternative

To be fair, the only people braindead enough to buy FFXV are the kinds that unironically buy things on the Microsoft store.

it's 3 days.