Prove videogames can be art with a single vidya scene
Prove videogames can be art with a single vidya scene
Incoming anime Bloodborne shit.
Toys can't be art.
Shadow of the Colossus.
Judging a video game's artistic merit on the quality of its cutscenes is akin to judging a sculpture's artistic merit on the quality of the material it's made from. Sure, you can do it, but in doing so you're missing the point of the work as a whole.
Nier ending D
The most kino scene in all of vidya
That ending is shit.
Nope, you're shit. I can see how you'd make the mistake.
First region in Journey
No silly. Everyone knows that all the best videogames are glorified movies.
Case closed. Man, that game was full of kino
Good thing vidya can be iehter a toy OR a storytelling medium, then
Also toys can totally be art what the fuck are you on about