What's the purpose of having a PS4 or a XONE in current generation where every game you want can be played on a PC...

What's the purpose of having a PS4 or a XONE in current generation where every game you want can be played on a PC through a literal new release/port and/or emulation?
>inb4 enjoy the games we played months ago pc shits

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nobody cares about your bing bing wahoo clone

sure you can buy fast food (PC) to meet your immediate needs or you could buy something that doesnt give you problems all the time (console)

haha i wonder how your mom smells in the mornings


Crash Bandicoot always was and will forever be shit.

babby's first entertainment home console eh? desu it's become a great hobby of mine to optimize the hardware of my pc to it's fullest extents, and fidget around in software (game) settings to get maximum performance and/or maximum graphic fidelity, depending on game. also 1440p 144hz (or better) on 100fps+ will ALWAYS be the king, no matter if I gotta pay 2000$ or more for it. it's worth every penny.

So you can shitpost here.

Most people are not dumb enough to have to fidget with settings more than for a few seconds. Most people also don't have to spend 2k for a setup that easily doubles consoles fps and resolution.

Crash has never been a good platformer.

It came out at a time when 3D games were still new and if you actually play any of these games today you'll realize how boring/unchallenging the game is.

Why even remake Crash, it was always shit.

to play games years before and then replay them on PC. Because you don't have only a console, right?

Does the fact that the current consoles run on x86 architecture actually help port games to pc?

>W-We never liked it anyway, enjoy your scraps :^)

if it is at 30 fps there is no point in playing it on PC now after a year, since who wanted to play it already did and i don't see other reason to play it, beside not owning a ps4. So i hope they increased the fps or they can go fuck themselves.

dude the human eye cant even see more than 24 fps quit being elitist


oh shit you're right, deleting my post right now user.

The PS4 has a couple (not enough for me to buy it though), but I can´t really think of any on the XBOX..except for maybe Halo or that Rare collection. Most stuff that matters is multiplatform these days, the only console worth owning for the exclusives is the Switch imo, but only after the price goes down and if you plan to play a lot of local multiplayer.

>Most people are not dumb enough to have to fidget with settings more than for a few seconds.
i.. think you got that wrong buddy.
most people are DEFINETLY dumb enough to not know that you can tweak some settings on PC.

So all of a sudden now its worth playing when it wasn't before as a console exclusive? Fuck this stupid board.

it was never worth it to begin with, being on a shitty console and all that, its just that all the "exclusives" are now on PC too, so there really is no use for consoles at all.

Not going to lie. I am a bit annoyed that I bought it for the PS4 first but then I realised I can just pirate it if I really want to later on.

So basically you're just another PC-exclusive asshole that doesn't want consoles to exist because you were memed into thinking that way by other PC-exclusive assholes.

.t idort who is tired of this stupid shit

>wanting to play this dogshit remake
The infinitely superior originals have been playable on PC for 10+ years

yes, it's infuriating but at the same time a good thing since you can now talk about Crash without nintenbabbies and PCfats shitting every thread. Games exclusivity was a mistake.

thanks for beta testing

All Windows 10 exclusive games might aswell be Xbone exclusive. I'd rather pay 100€ for an Xbone than install spyware that breaks half of my older games on my PC.

>Own a PS4
>Held off from getting the N. Sane Trilogy once they pretty much said it was gonna be a timed exclusive

Now if Bloodborne & Yakuza ever come to PC I'll throw this console in the bin

besides all this shitposting (because that is fucking ALL Sup Forums does now)

does anyone else feel weird to play OG crash on a system that isn't playstation?

imagine, faggots, if Halo MCC was on Playstation and PC, just the same as XB1, no enhancements or shit. wouldn't it feel strange? like, Halo is XBOX not PC or PS, Crash is Sony, not Xbox or Nintendo.

i would just feel weirded out playing Crash on the Switch or PC. i don't care that you CAN, go ahead, i don't give a fuck. im just saying as the OG 3 games have been PS for so long, its just strange.

like same thing, would you play Mario on Xbox or PS? no, it feels weird and strange.

and don't you fucking DARE do your meme "bait" of "oh! we wouldn't play your baby trash!" fuckers!

Weird, I have no problems with old stuff on Win10.


dude, older shit never works out of the box on win10 without SOME new age patching shit.

I think the intention is more to quantity over than quality in this.
Well, take a look on PS4 exclusives by example, there's many, but where's the quality on them? No one ever said none of these shit is good.
PS4 owners are literal weebtards who glorify game numbers.

They don't even play their "godly exclusives"

>no problems
>psn down 70% of the time

its fucking shit anyway. stiffest controls of any modern game and lack of control in the air makes it unbearable. fuck knows how i used to find this entertaining on the ps1

not even that, its mostly because PC has been so fucking STARVING for true exclusives for decades now.

shit, remember when PC games were good?
fucking C&C
FO 1&2
Diablo 1&2
Civ (its not the same now)
Duke 3D
The Neverhood

Crash is literally "Bing Bing Wahoo!" tier levels of autistic.

>Crash n sane get ported to other consoles
>this means that the game sold well on ps4 and now it will sell even more on other console, increasing our possibilities to get a CTR or spyro remake to enjoy and be happy about it
>Sup Forums fucking turn this into another console war bullshit
i hope you all die, all of you. Try to pull your head out of your favorite corporate asshole and learn to enjoy things you sad fat fucks.

Can’t wait to play Spyro on pc.

Can´t think of a single game I didn´t get to run. Dead serious.And I played a lot of older shit lately. Even if I had problems, pcgamingwiki had a quick fix.




GSGO is on consoles, asshole
forgot that it came out on PS3 and 360?
PUBG is on Xbox too!
so is Fortnite and world of tanks!

technically, Hearthstone is mobile, which isn't PC!


crash was so stupid anyway. i dont even give a shit its coming to every other console now. enjoy your stale leftovers soybois. *yawn*

Who the fuck wants another shitty Crash game?

i always feel weird about that too
like, it sells well on PS4 because of probably nostalgia, so who is gonna buy it on another system? i can see if its all you can and you want crash, but really, idk anymore

Its better than neo nintendo games

>Pay 350 dollars for PS4 pro
>Play games comfy
>don't have to worry about shoddy ports
>get to play most of my japanese games day one of the initial release
>don't play ubi shit or other western "games"
>Can buy and sell games as I please
>Have the joys of a physical collection. (Most recent being Nier Auto and P5 collectors editions)
>if hardware of ps4 pro is defective, send it to Sony easy peasy, they send back a brand new one
>Can remote play on my vita, as well as use streaming apps to watch my anime
That is my answer

i know what you mean, it would be like using a mac without being sat on a dragon dildo. not the full experience

i can't remember what the fuck i was trying to run, but win10 wasn't letting me do shit.

fucking downgraded to win7 again, because holy shit, how can anyone deal with win10 being a fucking slut with my resources!

Better than anything neo nintendo makes


remember when macs had games?

If you don't have other use for a pc, is lazy, tech illiterate or just out of tradition

>he doesn't want a CTR remake
sad childhood confirmed
remember the "LITERALLY DARK SOULS WITH APPLES" shit? exactly that kind of person.

Not gonna lie, it's an abstract feeling, but at the same time pretty great to know that one of my favourite childhood games will be playable on Switch. I genuinely dislike modern Sony, so not having to pay them a dime to play Crash remake is just wonderful.

But psx games in their prime were 5x harder than dark souls

i know but kids don't know that so they're going to buy it on their consoles because they heard how hard it is.

>>don't have to worry about shoddy ports
Fucking kek.
No, it's not that you don't worry, it's that consolefags have shit standards and will take whatever the devs shit down their throat and like it.

I can die in crash bandicoot and feel dignified.

Its like i have to pay nintendo to die in their games.

If i cannot die in a game its not worth playing imo

Brand loyalty, release review purposes, ease of entry, exclusives (because they're STILL A FUCKING THING), space, passive peer pressure, substandard IQ.

I want a renaissance of old school hard in modern games.

Mechanics of the past should be a part of rvery generation

>he talks about substandard IQ after putting brand loyalty first in list.

If you are obedient to corporations it is almost like your a housewife who likes to get beat

>I-it doesn't matter! W-we didn't want the game anyways!

t. sonyfag.

t. same shills who say "sonic was never good"

t. blind man

>Not a single wojack in this thread

Hope you enjoy our scraps, PC Beggar Race.

I don't even know what game that is. What is it, assassins creed sandgro adventure? I'm genuinely curious

We Wuz Kangs Origins

Serious Sam 3: BFE

And you/he thinks I'll play a game like that? I played ass creed brotherhood, 2 and 1. I had enough of it, and I gad enough of Ubisoft.
>Playing western games with the exception of a few noteworthy series

Kek, you think Jap games are any better?
PS4 Pro can't even maintain 60 FPS in Nier A Tomato at 1080p.

But we did play it months ago, user.

I enjoyed it plenty, don't worry!

Crash was always good. One of the best platformers around

So did I.
And I didn't have to play it at a resolution from 10 years ago.

The same reason there has ever been to own/game on a console instead of pc master race: it's cheaper and retard-proof compared to building an otherwise objectively superior pc.

Ima get it for my xbox despite having ps4/gaymer pc

Hopefully it brought you happiness too!

>the purpose of Xbone

I wouldn't really call Nier a happy game, but sure.

>inb4 enjoy the games we played months ago pc shits

I still own the original psx copies. I played that shit decades ago. Why even pay for a remake when it's the same damn game?

Because I have a lot of money and several large televisions for playing video games on. I prefer playing on those to PC, which is for shitty free to play games like Fortnite and some shooters for me.

>Plug HDMI into PC
>Plug PC into TV
Alternatively, if it's a smart TV
>Use IWD
>Cast to TV with extremely low latency

That's a shame. I found it beautiful, that made me happy


>cast to TV

No thank you. High definition displays have input lag detrimental to some games that I play on a lagless monitor, or a CRT. PC is in a room (hooked up to said monitor) that doesn't have a big expensive TV. I'm not interested in moving this work and gaming PC out into an area where it's less convenient for me to work.

I don't think you know what casting is.
If you're fine with the input lag using a wireless controller on a console, I don't see why you'd have a problem with the input lag present when casting.


I'm fine with input lag on console in games where inputs aren't heavily timing sensitive or pixel perfect, a lot of AAA games released now aren't as tight on that sort of stuff, but fighting games, and some older platformers need it. I play fighting games on PC because I don't like dealing with that input lag. If I'm playing Odyssey or Crash, or some action adventure title like H:ZD I can tolerate a little bit of input lag.

By the way I use wired controllers. Wireless never sat right with me.

So how would any of this stop you from casting from your PC to your TV in games where inputs aren't timing sensitive or pixel perfect?

yeah no thanks

The game costs more in my country currency than the equivalent in dollars, well that's stupid, does anybody know how can I buy the game in dollars?