Why are girl """"""""""gamers"""""""""" so pathetic?
Why are girl """"""""""gamers"""""""""" so pathetic?
Anyway here's more
imagine the smell of her butthole
Just appreciating da women.
Women aren't instinctively competitive then way men are.
It's not inequality that keeps them from being competitive with us, it's nature.
Too fat
I would eat it in a heartbeat
cant compete with strength, cant compete with intelligence, literally all they have is their cunt
What could be more pathetic than making a thread about how other people express their love for retarded children's toys? Honestly user, not everyone is pissjuggin' like you. And it's just videogames... literally toys.
And you have nothing
>can't compete physically with blacks
>can't compete intellectually with east Asians, Jews or even many Indians.
Lol GTFO Nigger
Can't compete physically with blacks.
Can't run as fast as them or dunk.
Whites are better at different sports.
>how other people express their love for retarded children's toys
>express their love
Did you even watch the webm?
dont you have a mutt to take care of and a dog to suck off?
>projecting this hard
Are you implying anyone on Sup Forums who is a bitter neckbeard beat anyone in sports?
Not at all.
no such thing
Your next line will be, "MUH DIK"
Which one has the bepis
Then howcome the world's best weightlifters are white?
Also Jews have an average iq of 95
Two things women rather do than being anywhere near you.
I played university hockey and national rugby.
I still haven't been able to conclude whether or not she's wearing panties under that costume or if her cunny+butthole are fully exposed.
I need to know
is gay
Then how come they apparently run this shit and control the "master race"?
>>can't compete intellectually with east Asians, Jews or even many Indians.
their shitholes countries are so shit they see no other alternative than immigrate to a white country when the planet is 90% non white.
>literally "I could have been an NFL STAR!"
You mutts are funny
>someone attends event
>writes about their reaction
Not everyone spends entire years doing nothing, user.
>falling for the fake moon landing
Brainlet. Go to Sup Forums and educate yourself retard. Burgers have cheated their way to fame and wealth unlike Europeans.
I'd like her to just fall on my dick, if you catch my meaning.
It's hilarious that not too long ago women were celebrating sexual liberation and started dressing in more revealing clothing. Now the same stupid that fought for sexual freedom are the same kind of people are trying to make it a crime.
You shoulda watched G4 back when it was good son. Those questions NEVER came up
they're just lame
I'm sure, white women fucking love dog dick
her ass jiggles as she walks
It's better than the alternative: white (((men)))
>or even many Indians