What are games all of Sup Forums can agree are shit?

What are games all of Sup Forums can agree are shit?

Superman 64

someone will unironically like it

There isn't one. You could name something like Big Rigs, and some contrarian fuckbrain on Sup Forums would defend it.

Powerbottom Bowser - the jrpg

Metroid Other M. Falseflaggers will big-up it every so often to stir up shit, but there isn't a man alive that genuinely believes it's fit to play.

Paper Mario: Sticker star.

Sonic 06, probably

Other M isn't a particularly bad game, honestly. It's still a 6/10 at most, which is an unmitigated disaster by Metroid standards, buy it isn't unplayable.

>but there isn't a man alive that genuinely believes it's fit to play.


>Bioshock Infinite
>Mass Effect: Andromeda
>The Order: 1886

Mirror's Edge

>but there isn't a man alive that genuinely believes it's fit to play.
I wish that was true user.

law breakers

literally nobody plays it

>not shit


Halo 4 and 5

Sonic Boom

Sonic boom games

Every nintendo game after fzero gx and metroid prime 2 were released

Crazy Bus

Someone will say ASSFAGGOTS but I guarantee at least 40% of Sup Forums either plays League or Dota

This, and I liked Color Splash and I really liked SPM

Is there a source on this image? It looks strangely cropped... almost like it's porn. And I really hope it is.

Majora's Mask

Sonic Genesis on the GBA

all halos are good

Your favorite game


user fuckin' nailed it.


Its got a tournament very soon actually. Lasts like a week or so.

I liked it and I liked Color Splash.

Megaman 11

It's a LOL tier comic



Megaman X7
Some will defend X5, X6 and X8
Nobody can defend this


SEGA's The Club (TM)