Sorry but.....this ain't it
Sorry but.....this ain't it
>non-indie games have become so focused on presentation and big budgets that Sup Forums is now incapable of comprehending what a lower budget spin-off is
>be suda
>got lucky with his experimental game: killer 7
>next game is a shallow, poorly developed hack n slasher saved thanks to the art style. Literally case of style over substance. People give a green card because it was his last game for a while, dismissing lolipop chainsaw, killer is dead and NMH2 as "not real suda 51 games"
>Suda51 comes back finally with the role as director
>his new game is, what it looks to be, a typical top down hack n slasher, no more unique than your typical similar type of game
So, can you fags finally admit that Suda is a shit developed that should leave the director role to people that actually know how to make games?
He can fit the role as the guy writing funny mexican wrestling references
>Is the named the 3rd in the series
He keeps getting work. Clearly some people like his style.
It's almost like taste is subjective. Woah.
It's a spin off user. Suda said it was that since the announcement. and beside, i think the boss battle will look like the classic no more heroes boss.
Suda also said he want to make a no more heroes 3 after this one, maybe for NMH2 tenth anniversary.
but it isn't
>No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again
Tell me where the 3 is
It isn't but imo it looks like it could be a fun spinoff. I was surprised, I saw someone say "Diablo style NMH" before I saw footage and was pleasantly surprised in the end
>No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again
>Travis Strikes Again
Checkmate, fuckers!
You faggots will eat up anything Suda shits out and after 2 or 3 months you'll shit on the last game because you realise people with taste called it out for being lackluster since release day
More like, shit taste.
He keeps getting a job because he made an experimental game that barely fits in any traditional genre, which is perfect because you can't really say if it is a bad or good game because there is nothing to compare it with. I'm talking about Killer7
Then you have NMH, a shallow character action game with zero redeeming factors about it. The only thing people tend to praise is the style, the presentation. Everything that has nothing to do with the actual game core.
But because it was a different game compared with Killer7, because it was in a strange system like the Wii, because people already turned into Suda fanboys, they tend to ignore the flaws of the game and praise it because of its presentation.
NMH3 is the final nail in his coffin. After all this years, the best Suda can come up for a game is what indie devs shit out as a joke and the less original tend to do because it is easy to developed ideas for such genre.
Maybe Suda should just focus on writing le random stories with funny anime and wrestling references and the occasional Tarantino homage
Well played
And no one ever claimed it was.
>This isn’t a direct sequel and it’s not No More Heroes 3
>not supporting Travis
>not expecting Travis to be in Smash
>talking shit and not giving your money to Suda so they can prove NMH3 should exist
You guys know how Nintendo operates. Money speaks volumes and sales are the only way to to show this series, or something like it, should continue
Not bad
Nintendo has nothing to do with the series.
Name one reason how you know the gameplay will be shit without playing it first.
You can't.
Yes, that's why it doesn't have 3 in the tilte.
How much chance they gonna release NMH 1and 2 remastered after this.
>The bosses look badass
What a fucking waste.
How without the Wii controller it will suck
Yeah what a waste of space you are on this planet.
I don't have to play the game to know it will be awesome. Everyone who is shitting on Travis Strikes Back is only doing it because they're bitter it's a Switch exclusive.
Switch Joy cons could do the job.
>The killer has a 7 in his shirt
Suda you sneaky cunt.
At first the gameplay seemed disappointing, but then I remembered NMH1 and 2 gameplay was also stupidly simple, so I'm okay with it now. As long as the game is interesting, it's okay.
I wanted joycon motion controls not this overhead view shit
this new NMH game literally has the same gameplay as the previous ones, just at a different camera angle.
wasnt this suppose to have a bunch of references to indie games?
No don't go using logic and facts
The only motion controls that were ever in NMH were for command grabs and we only saw Travis pull off one. It was never like Twilight Princess.
>People thinking Suda would be able to make a proper sequel
The flaw in your thinking comes down to the money. He was only given enough to make something like this and had to much dignity to go begging on some crowdfunding site. If this sells well, he can then get more money to make a better game.
Quit your whining.
Oh and beam katana finishers I forgot. It hasn't been announced how players will pull off the specials.
This is the first thing Suda actually shit out since the original game, retard.
So yeah, it's a done deal
They're funding Bayonetta 3 on less, it's not out of the question.
Suda made it very clear it wasn't NMH3, going as far to say that he would like to do it proper should this succeed.
Looks lower budget but I have some hope now that he's back and actually directing the game proper.
post some character art shown in the trailer. they look pretty good
Except NMH and NMH2 are both amazing games, so your logic fails whole-heartedly.
It may not be what I wanted, but I don't it looks bad. The stuff they showed looked fluid and with tight controls almost anything is fun, and they're absolutely nailing the style and writing. I'm still exciting, maybe even more so than before since this'll likely be a cheaper time.
What are those pictures on the skull guy? It could cause problems with my cardiophobia if it's what I think it is.
Travis Strikes Back looks great.
People just don't like it because they (pretty incorrectly) assumed it'd be NMH3 and not a spin-off.
Debate me.
I think that's glass showing what's inside of him, not pictures. And they all look like hearts.
I'm pretty sure the motion controls controlled if it was high or low attacks.
Not that that couldn't be replicated with traditional controls.
Welp, looks like I'm not getting it. Damn it Suda.
Didn't they say in the first trailer that it was a spin-off?
Also, I don't really get this obsession with sequels. Why does the name on the box matter?
God, I can't wait for KYMG 4
Those designs are by Boneface, not Kozaki.
I'm really looking forward to it. it may not be played like NMH1 & 2 but I always loved the over the top characters and sometimes suprisingly retro stage design. sure the series isn't top notch in graphics and gameplay but seems so amaze with it's simplicity. gonna buy
sorry I simply don't understand your problem. you obviously neither like the style nor the gameplay of this series. what are you doing here exactly?
I was so hyped until they showed the gameplay. What happened Sup Forums?
>I-It's good because it's as spin off
Looking at the game itself it still looks like shit and no where near worth 60
I'm still a bit excited about it because suda is directing it, unlike NMH2 which lost a lot of the charm from the original. went from hyped to keeping an open mind
>. Everyone who is shitting on Travis Strikes Back is only doing it because they're bitter it's a Switch exclusive
The first two games were Wii exclusive you faggot
Can't wait to play this day 1.
>Travis strikes again
>Third No More Heroes game
>In baseball, three strikes marks you 'out'
This one is going to suck, isn't it.
im sorry what
>It's different therefore it's shit
come on pal
It means the faggot is afraid of anything that looks like a heart
Oh good, and here I was thinking he was afraid of exercise.
Please stop talking about games you haven't played.
the trailer just baffled me. doesn't resemble NMH in any way whatsoever. apparently this will have crossovers with indie games but who the fuck knows how that works.
i'm also baffled why it's using stuff from Let it Die. are they connected? is there lore here?
the console that TSB takes place inside is an earlier model of the Death Drive from LiD
Its name is Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes.
Let it Die is doing a Killer 7 crossover soon and it's slated as Part 1 so No More Heroes is probably the second Part.
Yeah was stated last year that Strikes back wasn't going to be NMH3.
i think let it die is shit but this amuses me. i wouldn't even call myself a suda fan but i still love the guy for this bullshit.
I didn't even like Killer 7.
Thought NMH was perfectly fine.
When is my goddamn Shinobu game?
>In the shower at work
>Sing that Doctor Peace song he sings at the stadium from NMH1
>"user why are you singing about little girls smiling in hell in the shower?"
Who was your favorite assassin?
pretty good waste of time, free to play.
Was Heroes' Paradise even a good port?
Nope. Was garbage, unfortunately
It's questionable. The game has a new artstyle, has swimsuit outfits for the ladies and a nice model viewer. It also has a handful of the bosses from 2 as a bonus.
The port never seemed responsive when I played it though.
They couldn't even got Travis' VA back for this, it's going to suck.
I played 1 and 2. this new one looks likes like it plays just like 1 but from a top down perslective
No it doesn't.
lol no. Constant frame rate drops and buggy as hell.
>People keep saying the Switch is going to get third party support
>EVerything is safe, budget mobile tier shit
I don't know why people expect anything but ports. Even Nintendo is fickle with spending money which is why they just port.
Got canned for Let it Die, unfortunately.
Lollipop Chainsaw was more of James Gunns' game than Sudas
Lilly Bergamo wasn't the Shinobu game...was it?
I really enjoyed LC, but holy shit is it the downfall of Grasshopper. It's like if they made a game based on what people got out of NMH and not what it was actually about.
Shadows of the Damned was pretty goddamn wacky, but it had it's own level of weird to it. And it also had ONE HELL OF A DEVELOPMENT.
His games are F U N
They're not masterpieces aside from Killer7
They're just good fun. No More Heroes 1-2 just happen to also be fairly competent fun games
well bitch company's make bitch moves...there using an nvidia tablet for a console , pathetic
Good games are fun
Bad/mediocre games are not fun
the game is so bad that travis' original VA didn't evne ewant to be part of it
I'm cautiously optimistic on this.
Gameplay looks more varied than NMH was, and seems to have the same style of the original games, which is a breath of fresh air these days
Correct, but user didn't post any bad or mediocre games
His original Voice Actor is not even the same as his original voice actor.
That's literally not true.
I've had loads of fun with shit games
Lollipop Chainsaw, WET, Bulletwitch, Onechanbara, School Girl/Zombie Hunter,
Shadows of the Damned is the best Suda game besides No More Heroes.
>his new game is, what it looks to be, a typical top down hack n slasher, no more unique than your typical similar type of game
it seems to actually switch gameplays depending on the level
are you fucking shitting me, we could have gotten a Shinobu spinoff but suda put all his money and resources onto a shitty free to play dark souls clone
>Lilly Bergamo wasn't the Shinobu game...was it?
No, it wasn't is making shit up
>Nier Automata level
Get fuckin hyped.
The boss designs are badass