Are Mario fans the least cringiest and most based fans out of the entire Nintendo franchise?

Are Mario fans the least cringiest and most based fans out of the entire Nintendo franchise?

Everyone likes Mario, while only insane autists love hideously embarrassing shit like Sonic or Kingdom Hearts


Without counting minor franchises with small fanbases like Rhythm Heaven, yes


Kirby is the most cancerous fanbase, all his games are boring.


Op, do you know that the mario fanbase dates back to 30 years ago and is comprised of a variety people?

this and if you think mario doesn't have weird fans, you haven't been in the internet enough to make any sort of judgement, whatsoever
>autistic mario 64 machinima
>edgy fanart and animations
>peach/daisy vore art
>yoshi as a whole
come the fuck on

The games being boring says nothing about the fanbase.

I think we can at least agree Metroid fans are the worst

I said it's a tie between FE and Metroid.

Moviebob is a shame in every fanbase he is in.

MovieBob, google that name and you will never have the guts to make this thread ever again

The Mario fanbase includes Pannenkoek who is the most based human being in existence, so yeah.

Bowser and Yoshi.

Hell no, not even close.

Donkey Kong

Is that the guy who fantasizes about his goombasona getting sexed and made a twerking music video with goombas?

>autistic mario 64 machinima

Those were the days


No that's GaijinGoomba another blight on the fanbase

Zeldafags are THE worst

This used to be true but then people started sexualizing the side characters and everything got really weird. Kirby threads are very different than how they used to be and foster a lot more cringe-inducing autism.

>It's a reskinned Green Mario asking "Why aren't I in the game?" episode

Ah I see.
I will examine MovieBobs chromosomes once I’m off work.

>not Pikmin fans
>not F-Zero fans

Mario fans are twats. The only fanbase that isn't completely insufferable are the fans of my favorite game.

Pikmin or bayonetta
>Noooo every kirby game is good stop stop stop
fuck no


Came in to post this. Anybody over the age of 10 who still plays Kirby needs to be put on meds. I've met several Kirbyfags irl and they are some of the worst people I've ever met, go figure.


Read the OP dumbass, now I wonder wherever you fags come from are the worst.