Who here /hype/ for the Xbox Direct tomorrow?

Who here /hype/ for the Xbox Direct tomorrow?

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Halo 6
Forza Horizon 4
Gears of War 5
Fable 4

>3rd game mentioned
Half Li-
Fuck it, I hate HL now.

Get hype Xbros




>game not out yet

Crackdown 3 or anything theyve announced but havent released. Literally nothing new will come. Sucks for us xbros


Is there any point in posting Xbox stuff on this board when it’s literally Sony central. This thread is bound to be flooded with fags spouting the same shit as always.

Honestly, I'm pretty curious.
Microsoft have some really good IP's and with the whole play anywhere thing I'm good worst comes to worst I'll borrow my brothers xbox
With the game pass thing as well this could be really interesting.

Is Jet Set not owned by Sega?

I wonder if they'll announce some new BC titles as well. Some more OG enhanced games would be nice.

People still play Diablo 3?

Sega did tweet out some stuff not too long ago so we could hear what's going on with them.

Nintendo and Microsoft are just killing it.


SEGA met with MS a week ago or so

>game that i cant talk about yet

Why would he not be able to talk about Crackdown, a game announced 4 years ago?

Nice. Hopefully the pull a Nintendo/Bayonetta situation

It may be either Nier Automata or Persona 5 on the Xbox.

I hear Phil Spencer is in Japan again, something's coming.

Hope we get some Halo 6 news.

May be some news on Dark Tide


that delusion

I forgot that neither Nier or Persona never grazed an Xbox console before.....

we're getting pic related

The Division 2.


>linking some faggot article instead of the website that's actually hosting it (which are just the official xbox twitch/youtube accounts)
Fuck off shill

It wouldn't surprise me. I've noticed that MS takes note of the votes for bc titles and I'm sure this one got quite a few votes.

The Division already got a 4K update so it's probably not that. I think SoT is going to be native 4K as well.

This has been known as of today, too, so it may be a game none of us are aware of.

>all these retards calling it microsofts nintendo direct when microsoft has been doing this shit since the early 360 days

>Nintendo has Direct
>Microcock has Direct
>Fucking Valve is getting a Direct next year
>Sony still only does shitty faggot press conferences
They need to step their shit up damn, hell their press conferences aren't even fun to watch anymore it's always the same fucking set of games for years.

Is Steam finally getting exclusive games?

>sequel name based on the sequel, not the original


>what is Red Dead Redemption II

So, is it?

Yes, they're partnering with gamestop.

The Division 2, genius. They announced it a few days ago.

>These comments


Where is the stream for it


Why the fuck would sega make jsrf2 an xbox exclusive? Please think before you post

Maybe announce the next xbox BC games tomorrow? They did say spring 2018 for the next batch. And they were hanging out with sega. Sonic heroes/jet set radio future/shenmue/super monkey ball confirmed in a few weeks?

At best I could see MS getting a 1 year exclusive deal if they threw a bunch of money at Sega.

But why would microsoft want this? Their target audience has no interest in jsfr. Anybody who was interested in those types of games already jumped ship to pc/ps4 since xbox one doesnt get any games besides multiplat western stuff

Slim Shady

But with which IP?

Yeah, but there is a game coming that nobody knows about yet. I'm sure that we'll hear more about BC, but now I'm curious as to what that secret game is.

because faggots like you keep bitching about how muh xbox doesnt have any good exclusives from muh glorious nippon

What? Nier did, so did that Person 4 fighting game.

are we gonna get that rumored Fable 4

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

I was being sarcastic as those games have come to the 360 so it's not too far fetched that we could see the new Nier and Persona on the bone.

Well, they did just release an enhanced Fable Anniversary so it's not out of the realm of possibility. If they say NG2 is bc, then that would make me happy. They have so many good games on both the OG and 360 that I'd love to play again but with enhancements.

Mega64 will always be relevant

Phil Spencer is cute desu. No homo obviously.

Will Mechwarrior ever come back?

I've never seen a major home console sell millions yet is so irrelevant to most people at the same time.

Everyone fucking owns it's major competition - The PS4 so why would they care about Xbone when 90% of the games are also on PS4? It's over just give up MS you lost.

4 years later and it's still irrelevant.

>exclusives that were in development and wereeventually released while mattrick was head of xbox
Forza Motorsport 5
Dead Rising 3
Ryse: Son of Rome
Killer Instinct
Forza Horizon 2
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Sunset Overdrive
Halo 5: Guardians
Ori and the Blind Forest
Forza Motorsport 6
Rare Replay
Gears of War 4
Quantum Break
>exclusives that were in development and were eventually released while spencer was head of xbox
Forza Horizon 3
Forza Motorsport 7
so uh, why do we hate mattrick again? he clearly understands that exclusives matter, well he understands it better than phil spencer.

Here comes the Sonyfags

Just want JGR:F on the BC list

I hope so. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole xbox catalog becomes backwards compat in the future or even in time for the next Xbox.

They must have gotten tired of the shitposting in the other thread. Xbox threads tend to have the more adult and mature conversation anyway.

Because it starts in like 15 hours dumbass retard

>Xbox threads tend to have the more adult and mature conversation anyway

Wasnt JSRF an Xbox exclusive? So why wouldnt they?

They are, its sonyfags who always ruin Xbox and Nintendo threads by spamming wojaks and soylent grin

Well when you have Nintendo having Nintendo Direct, Microsoft having Inside Xbox, and even Valve will have some kind of Direct, while Sony is stuck with a shitty boring conference in December, I can see why they're angry. Nintendo fans, PC fans, and Xbox fans have something, Sony fans don't.

Switch+X1X+laptop is the way to go. Switch for comfy bedtime gaming. X1X for performance, multiplayer and features. Laptop for PC games(indies) and emulation.


thats like asking why doesnt sega make a new original ip like they did during the dreamcast era, you are comparing two completely different eras of companies bro

But they literally just met with MS. What other game would SEGA have that could be an Xbox ""exclusive""


>Get hit by reality

Xcucks, every time.

Just stop, it comes off as childish.

>he clearly understands that exclusives matter
They only matter to Sup Forums. A tiny majority of whiners that matter fuck all to the sales numbers of multiplats.
People buy consoles because they're not a PC, not because of exclusives.



>People buy consoles because they're not a PC, not because of exclusives.

People buy a console over the other ones because of exclusives.

People buy a console over another because they've used that brand since childhood. And if they've actually matured though they just buy the other one if they really want it's exclusives.

Please....ninja gaiden 2...i can't do master ninja because of all the explosions....please phil...it is the greatest xbox game ever

say my name first.

>MS is working on getting mods to Xbox

Wasn't Halo 5 the last time an Xbox One exclusive came out?

Forehead Mclargehuge

The fact that the xbox still exists is amazing to me.

>Xnigger talking to himself and repeating his own shilling from before

The absolute state.

What's wrong, can't take it when people share a similar interest?

Please phil spencer sama

>Four seconds in Paint

They aren't even trying to hide it.


Anyone know what that GTA IV update is for?

Emulator update

I'd think they'd have to have a heavy hitter new announcement for the first show. Something to have people come back for the next one.

That doesnt mean that MS stopped making Games dummie