First playthrough tonight. I've been told to take the key as my gift, but beyond that I don't know what I'm in for. Any advice Sup Forums?
First playthrough tonight. I've been told to take the key as my gift, but beyond that I don't know what I'm in for...
Don't take the key first time around. It lets you skip stuff, but why would you want to skip something you haven't played through?
Pick whatever you want and don't listen to any of your faggot friends, just start playing. Hope you have a good time
Don't use master key on your first play through
You'll never get the armor on the cover.
Go with the pendant, it has a thing later in the game.
I don't know, it's just what I was advised to do. I have no idea what it even means to take that gift yet
Dont pick key, you shouldnt be skipping stuff. Use black bombs for easy first boss kill
I just told you what it does. Take literally anything else.
Don't take the key. It lets you open a lot of doors that you're normally not supposed to open until later, meaning you're gonna get lost as fuck if it's your first time playing.
Beyond that, just do whatever the fuck you want and play the game.
Why would you ever not take twin humanity?
Any general advice for a first time run?
Go with Old Witch's Ring for bonus waifu content
Go in blind and do whatever you want.
Go to the cemetary first after you leave the Undead Asylum.
avoid the wiki, dont use stupid cheese shit like drake sword. Take things slowly and WATCH. Use your fucking eyes and study everything.
hit shit and then roll outta the way when shit tries to hit you
Start as a Knight for a Shield+Long Sword combo which is great.
Unequp gear to get below 50% equip load for proper rolling
Dont take the Key as a starting gift, lets you skip shit and what said
So you can take the black firebombs and not take 20 minutes getting the DGH
Kill the dogs first
Take your time with the game, study the environments and usually you can save yourself some hurt. With that knowledge play as blind as possible and enjoy it.
Get the master key right off the bat. Allows you a few helpful shortcuts in the early game. Don't listen to these retards telling you it'll make you skip content, because you can just go do that stuff anyway.
Black Knight Halberd is a crutch, don't rely on it.
just use a walkthrough and beat it as soon as possible so you can get deeper into the mechanics on subsequent playthroughs
>b-but muh first time experie-
it's a fucking video game, get over it
Breh fuck off, the Master Key is for replaying
Install dsfix for the game to be playable in 2018
Then realize the game doesn't work with dafi and and refund it
Dont pick the key and learn to backstab
Play a different game
Brah, you've gone as deep into the mechanics as you can fucking go after a few hours of playing.
The starting gift is not very important. I liked to get the tiny being's ring, it gives you a very small amount of HP. I don't like consumables because I always feel like I am waiting for a perfect moment to use them that never comes, ultimately rendering them useless in my hands. So I tend to pick the passive.
Every starting gift except for the key is fine your first time around. That's the only one that has a real impact on the game, and an impact you do not want to have until another playthrough.
to you and OP:
When you see skeletons, turn back. Or don't, if you want to try holding it with two hands
Losing souls is fine. No matter how many you lose, you'll get plenty as you play along. See it as a very cheap price for a valuable lesson.
The shield is kind of a crutch. Rolling is often the better option.
The higher your poise, the less likely you are to be staggered.
Good fucking luck finding the basement door without looking it up. It's at the bridge.
My last point, and people will disagree and that's fine, but for me Dark Souls has always been a community thing. It just as much part of the game getting help from other players who spent more time on it. If you are seriously stuck, ask someone who played it for help. It's a big part of the game to figure this game out as a community and to share the knowledge you acquired. There's no shame in making use of that knowledge, that's literally how the game was designed, and there are parts in the game where it's so painfully obvious that you are supposed to have heard about it before you even got to it, so you'd be prepared without ever playing it.
Have fun.
Op here, and this isn't even true for games released over 20 years ago. I'm still learning new things about the NES Ninja Gaiden games to this day
That just shows you're unobservant.
Well then you'll fit right in with the autist I replied to who thinks learning exact frame data is more important than preserving a first playthrough experience.
The only advice you'll need
Look up a walkthrough
Git gud XDDDD
I'd argue that it shows the depth of the game, but I am following your line of reasoning.
Don't really agree with him either. I'm interested in what the game has to offer, but I still find it's good to know what kinds of things may make the first time better
How do I beat ornstein and smough with zweihander?
1 - You will die and lose sous eventually, be it 1k or 100k, and that is fine, no need to be mad about it, just try to learn from your mistakes.
2 - Dont choose key or thief class, the game gets more open but it's much better to just follow the traditional route for the 1st time.
3 - Dont look up stuff on wiki or videos, just take the experience as it is.
4 - 1handed weapon + shield is the way the game was clearly designed for, so while recommended, it is not obligatory, 2handing or magic also work fine, choose whatever you want.
5 - Drop your shield! If you keep your shield up your stamina regens much slower!
6 - If you can roll it, roll it, you dont know if you can yet, block it until you know how to roll it.
I think thats it.
5 -
Kill ornstien first, try to keep your camera on both at all times
Don't level up resistance, its literally pointless
Don't ask or look up help. Get out of this thread and play the game, since everyone will and have said too much. Sadly I'm too late.
This guy gets it.
When you get to a boss called "pinwheel" if he doesn't drop the mask of the father start a new game
Pick the pendant, never level resistance, don't level anything past 40, kill the dogs first.
Sometimes it's more advantageous not to use the lock on for large bosses
Certain special weapons can be obtained if you have a certain item and a +10 weapon of a similar type. Experiment.
I recommend using Warrior on your first playthrough.
i've played like 600 hours but i'm dumb, what are you talking about
>tfw 15 masks of the mother
Also, don't get greedy with attacks. You want to have enough stamina to roll out of the way of attacks.
when you meet black knight for the first time, don't hit him, but parry him to the death
Or Pyromancer
also, when you see a guy stuck in a barrel, ROLL to break it. don't swing your weapon at it.
You're talking about that guy trapped in a barrel in the Depths, right?
He's talking about upgrading a weapon to +10, then taking it to the giant along with a boss soul to make a boss weapon.
>acquire a spear weapon
>upgrade it to +10
>get Soul of Ornstein
>go to Giant Blacksmith in Anor Londo
>Turn +10 spear into Dragonslayer Spear.
almost made the mistake of swinging axe at him when I remembered rolling