Ummm... no sweetie, he lost by a massive margin. Hillary Clinton won by over FIVE MILLION votes.
She is the true winner. She is who the American people chose. Any time a drumpf supporter tries to brag, I laugh HARD in their face, and educate them with the facts. It feels good being on the right side of herstory. Drumpf is literally the least popular candidate of all time.
She fucking won. And was denied her rightful place.
Levi Nelson
Fuck off, Sup Forums
Ryan Turner
post loli
Hudson Wilson
It's /leftypol/
Aiden Young
Dylan Price
its Sup Forums falseflagging as Sup Forums falseflagging as /leftypol/
Xavier Hernandez
I can't wait until he gets a second term
Isaac Rodriguez
Cameron White
This, but leftypol has been shilling latelh
Angel Richardson
me on the left
Xavier Stewart
You're not fooling anyone, Sup Forums.
Justin Gray
How can i gain insight like this
David Lee
Elijah Fisher
it's Sup Forums falseflagging as Sup Forums falseflagging as Sup Forums falseflagging as /leftypol/
Brayden Phillips
8gag is so obsessed with Sup Forums. You can tell they’re still in love
David Watson
I'm a nazi, AMA
Elijah Gomez
me next to the switch
Jacob Perry
What a pathetic attempt to save this thr3ad
Grayson Ramirez
I bet the front-right fucks like a tiger
Austin Hernandez
>muh left vs muh right I want Sup Forums and amerimutts to end themselves.
Dominic Clark
Why exactly are they like this?
Austin James
check my 7
Cameron Jenkins
Do you have any affiliation with the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei?
If not, then you are a neo nazi.
Eli Scott
You dropped your 5. Don't worry, i'll keep it safe.
Brayden Carter
Looking for this?
Xavier Phillips
I'm gonna say it.
Ethan Powell
VIDEO GAMES It's true though. Trump didn't win the election. He was awarded the election by a partisan voting system that gives farmers extra votes because of some logistical problems in the 1800's