Sup Forums up for some Friday night Sup Forumsingo?
Sup Forums up for some Friday night Sup Forumsingo?
How can I prove that I was a street sweeper as well as a janitor like 5 years ago
Old pay stub laying around deep in your drawer?
Constructive criticism: Sup Forumsingo was at it's peak when it was about rarities and not 'thing with thing' and illogical purchases/feats.
I tried to avoid overusing the former but I guess I ended up delving into the latter to fill squares.
Localized in EU but not NA.
Never did get around to playing Last Window even though I really liked Hotel Dusk.
DK64 one is easy, but i'm missing the composite cables..GG Sup Forums.
2 Project Diva controllers.
Raidou fig.
wait, should two anons sing the EDF song or do you mean two people singing at the same time?
Imports and locals.
Basically this format, one person sings one line and then both or more together.
yeah i thought two anons exchange between vocaroo singing each verse
I couldn't find anything except stuff to toss out, fug
I've got a 99 in 1 GBA cart, does that count?
That works.
Surely this works for the OST square. I have a couple of LPs I could dig out too.
Scratch that one. I just noticed you said artbook too, so I had to retake. I threw in the LPs too for shits and giggles.
Yeah, that's more than enough.
Current Gauntlet rank in Star Trek Timelines if you'll accept it for the leaderboard square
That works. Which one's you?
II through VI.
Rank 3; 2 pah-wraiths in a trenchcoat
Gauntlet cuts off my name on the board, though, clearly.
>500k+ views
What the fuck?
tfw no box
Beat me to it.
>cant do any of these
This was the only thing I could think of filling that square that wasn't some silly drunk purchasing
Just ask a family member or your neighbor if they wants to do some singing for a minute
Just timestamp that bad boy and it's perfect
There we go
my bad
It's okay, I've spent over $500 on GW2 gear and cosmetics. I want to die.
do you have any raidou images?
Here's the start of the EDF song if anyone wants to continue off of it and splice it together or something
Yes. But they're all from either pixiv or lurking SMT threads.
I didn't know if Snowboard Kids would count as normal, so I threw in Cool Borders.
anything will do chap, thank you.
Working on albums, gimme thirty seconds here. Had to find physical copies.
I'm not proud of my hat spending either, though thankfully I stopped quick.
That works
OJ slipped my mind while I was thinking about that square and how high the peak should be, that worked out nicely.
If someone is willing to record every other line of the EDF fight song and upload it, I think I am drunk enough to sing the other half and splice them together.
I'd but my roommates are here and I dont want to get bullied
Actually scratch that.
>thought Clutch was in THUG 2
>it's THUG 1
there's the first line there
does it need to be in tune with the actual song or can it be like whatever you want?
Dude. Get them in on the fun. Have them sing the group lines of the song with you. It'll sound more authentic that way.
you should probably at least try to keep in tune with battle hymn, doesn't matter if it's off a bit cause bad voice, just don't try to sing it like another song
This basically.
I need enough for all three verses, not just the first line of the first.
Just keep the general tune like says.
I can do the licensed soundtrack one. But only if no one else can because I already did a square.
Proof in video description.
>Dig out my PS2 and God Hand
>Have a save in the middle of a KMS run but incomplete (think I either deleted or saved over my finished KMS run for some dumb reason)
>Save at the final boss is a hard mode no KMS run
Do it. I've already done 6 squares.
>2 million views
I wish I fucking knew man.
jesus titty fucking christ
Can't say I expected this to get filled before a couple of other ones.
Because it's Sonic
>tfw have 360 and xbone but my hueg is somewhere in the garage
did you get some cash from those views?
>No commentary
Man of true taste
Technically Led Zeppelin doesn't have a song in GTAV, but Robert Plant does. Up to OP if it counts I guess.
Please don't let this image end up sideways.
I fucking knew it.
Hot damn
you're late faggot
>have the DK64 one
>expansion pack is kill
>DK64 still hasn’t been posted
>still can’t find N64 cables
Wish the Wii never changed shit up.
You dun fucked up.
But you're further than I am. I was gonna pull out Alan Wake, but I only have two as well.
A Rock Band or Guitar Hero game seems like an easy solution if you are into rock albums
>most views I have is 212k
Feels pathetic
So you did the TV one kek.
Impressive, but too slow.
Eh, I'll take it. If someone can manage the complete deal I'll include it and move this to honorable mentions.
I went through the entire list of THPS games and was sure I could do it with at least one of them but every goddamn game I can find two out of three albums for it and no more. To hell with physical media.
can somebody post the emulator within an emulator vid?
They did it to themselves to be honest. The video only uses instances of the word "tv" that they themselves said over the 1 hour show.
Surprised the Ueda one hasn't been done, that's only like 5 fairly common games. I just haven't picked up the SOTC remake yet.
>A game about a real job
Man, who even has a real job these days? Everyone seems to work as some sort of "peer-to-peer networking customer assistant, fulfilling e-12 orders for new turbine flanges for the baltic regions" or something. Nobody is "fireman" or "astronaut" anymore.
>tfw in 2011 one of the squares was a boxed copy of coolspot for sega genesis and a bottle of mountain dew
>walked to the store just to get some mountain dew
I just bought The Last Guardian off ebay today with their 20% off code. If this had been posted next week, I could have done that square.
>drove 8miles just to take a photo of Fallout New Vegas next to the Welcome to Las Vegas sign
>was beaten and not even put down as an honorable mention
Dreams were a mistake.
>come back
>spot taken
Still waiting for half of the EDF song. If no one posts soon, then I withdraw my offer.
This is fucking funny but so true.
That's a much better idea. I must be a retard for not thinking of it.
Before I waste my time taking a picture of it. Is the T-shirt with the farm's logo proof enough that I worked on a farm?
50 in 1 totally legit Gameboy cartridge
I'm a computer tech. Are there any games about that?
I would but I hardly own any physical media anymore, feels bad man