Sony make a game that isn't movie shit

>Sony make a game that isn't movie shit
>nobody buys it , not even Sup Forums
>Sony makes movie shit
>sells well and everyone buys it

Wew what's your excuse?
>b-but it never got proper advertising
Same as SOTC remake which managed to actually sell

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But I did buy both of Kat's games. I still haven't gotten Horizon, Uncharted or The Last of Us.

So basically, you're a dummy.

>Arby's literally advertised the game more than Sony did

I bought GR, GR2 and the art book from Japan, so don't look at me.

Its no longer on sale

Just because it isn't a movie game doesn't automatically make it good. The combat is boring as shit, and if your primary gameplay is shit then why bother playing the game at all?

Sony made a whole live action commercial for GR2 though....

>anecdotal evidence

but I bought Gravity Rush remastered and Gravity Rush 2 on PS4

I did buy it though.
At full price, a few days before a sale, the day before the servers were announced to close down.

name ONE good playstation game

It actually got an animation and a pretty damn cool Japanese ad.

not being a movie shit doesn't mean its good, paco
gr2 is mediocre as it gets

SotC actually got more advertisement, and it was already a classic PS2 game so it wasn't that hard to get its name across.

Gravity Rush was always a niche title, lesser known because the Vita. The only advertising outside the OVA was in Japan which already knew about Gravity Rush (although it still sold low over there so I'll give you that).

>The combat is boring as shit
Combat is fine for a game where combat isn't even the primary focus, I don't get how this became the complaint of choice for people here to parrot. Complain about the mission design instead or something.

>game's main gimmick is shifting gravity
>second biggest thing people wanted was exploration like the 1st game
>Logical Studio: Let's play to both of those strengths!
>Project Siren: Let's add stealth missions without adding actual stealth elements, make them take up a huge percentage of the game so our main gimmick is not used as often, and force the player to traverse certain paths to limit their exploration!

I still love 2 but sweet Jesus what the fuck were they thinking?

I got the first one after finding $40 on the ground. It was ok, but pretty heavy-handed on the waifu baiting. I would consider the second, but the doomsday clock on it, my own time limitations and already seeing some shit of it turned me away. The soundtrack is 11/10 tho.

>SotC actually got more advertisement
In what way, seeAlso SOTC was released 3 times already

Sonyfags, when is the next big sale

It's not movie shit. It's just shit.

I enjoyed ground combat for the sake of not doing gravity kicks all the time, but let's be honest: it was still shit. Enemies don't get stun locked so upgrading your combo is a waste of time since you never fully complete it on them, it takes longer to achieve the same amount of damage as one gravity kick, and the only real mission that takes advantage of ground combat is the side mission that has you fight the 100 disciples.

Weirdly enough, ground combat was already figured out. PlayStation All Stars's moveset would have worked well in GR2. Have the circle from All Star's (the little red orb thing to juggle people combos with) not be spammable and you have a system that allows for ground combat to actually be interesting and worth trying out.

because the game was fucking shit

Nobody bought it because it is a sequel to a $120+ game for the same system.

the first one was on ps4 to

Reread the post out loud, slowly if you must.

There were other games that I wanted and I haven't played the first one.

I want to force kat to bathe and stop living in the sewers.

and then never showed it outside of their japanese youtube channel