Who did you choose, Sup Forums?
Who did you choose, Sup Forums?
I let the fugly motherfucker die.
No point in wasting good pussy.
Agreed, Ashley had to go.
I too, let Ashley die.
Kaidan is the boring first party member you meet in a Bioware game. So long, you homo
Same, Ashley was terrible.
Picked the dumb racist jarhead over the boring homo, never looked back.
First couple of times I killed off Ashley but doing my third play through now and killed Kaiden. I regret killing off Ash in the past, Kaiden is fucking boring to talk to and Ash explains why she doesn't like aliens later if she lives. Too bad you can't romance her as femshep.
Ashley is the only viable love option and a somewhat good character, Kaiden is a literal who that I never used so I let him die.
I always save Ashley because Kaiden:
1. doesn't have a pair of tits and even if I was playing as FemShep, I'd still romance Garrus because he's clearly the best one for her.
2. He inexplicably becomes bisexual in the third game. Sorry, but I'm nuking your ass on principle simply because Bioware has to keep pushing that SJW agenda. No hard feelings though.
3. He's boring. Even if you fucking romance him he's fucking boring. Jacob still takes the take for being the most boring AND a stereotypical nigger but that doesn't change the fact that they're both boring bland personalities of absolute nothingness.
>soyboys who got intimidated by racist woman
>inexplicably becomes bisexual
They removed his fully voiced gay romance from the first game at the last minute
the faggot, lol!
First playthrough: let Ashley die
Every subsequent playthrough after meeting kaiden in me2: kaiden
Nothing of value was lost
Incorrect. I liked her racist side; I just liked the Leaf better.
>Rule of ME1.
Let kaiden die/Carth die.
>I always save Ashley
Same. Besides kaiden can't even get medium Armour and can't train outside of fucking pistols. He is the weakest of the team.
After seeing how horrible Ashley looks in ME3 leaving her to die is the right choice.
That gay canadian brunch with Kaidan is still better than her mid-op tranny face.
I was playing a strict military Shepard, so I had plenty of reasons for choosing Kaidan. He's an officer, she's an NCO. He dutifully follows orders, Ashley is insubordinate and mouthy. He's a biotic, she's just a footsoldier. A commanding officer shouldn't put pussy before the mission.
>mixing with xeno scum
You don't actually do that right?
If Ashley was present equally in all 3 games and if the third did not turn her into a tranny she would be an easiest choice.
Does it matter? They're essentially the same characters.
me2 and 3 are shit anyway, literally 0 reason to ever re-play them since me1 is a self contained finished story
>gf changes her hair style
>Garrus stone cold shits on both the Krogan and the Quarians as Tali and Wrex whine about what happened to their people
>Wrex is obviously not fond of Turians or Salarians, Grunt was mentally programmed to hate them
>Mordin commits a fucking war crime and essentially assisted genocide because he didn't consider the Krogan as actual people with hopes and dreams
>Miranda and Jacob are in a pro-human terrorist organization
>Samara applies a retarded ancient Asari legal doctrine to civilizations thousands of years into the future, both Asari and alien, completely disregarding their own cultures or even their own fucking laws
>Zaeed and goddam' Batarians
Ash being a racist/human-centric was literally nothing and the fucking retarded spin on her "they all look like animals" line in ME2 was gay as fuck. That said I still saved Kaiden because she was annoying.
I think Kaiden was alive during my first run through the trilogy. Replaying it though I preferred having Ash around in ME3. I already play Sentinel so Kaiden was mostly redundant.
I've had enough Carth at this point thanks.