What are actions you always rebind?

What are actions you always rebind?
For example, I always do Crouch = Shift.

Mouse3 = interact
Mouse4 = melee
Mouse5 = grenade

sometimes I will make run mouse 4 if there isn't a grenade option

Flashlight = F

rebind to esdf immediately

sprint = shift

That's weird but I think I like it

>shift = run
>mouse 3=crouch
>mouse 4= reload/special/grenade

Prone > Left Alt
Thanks Red Orchestra

Q=VATS/Bullet-Time Equivalent

>putting crouch on shift

CapsLock = sprint
Shift = crouch
Ctrl = prone

I always enable toggle crouch and make sure that left ctrl is crouch.

m4=whatever was on rightclick

i see how the crouch/prone system works
if it's quick and speedy (maybe doesn't have a prone) like source games, I make sure that's ctrl, on hold.
if it feels a big slower, I set it to C for crouch, ctrl for prone, on toggle

Shift for hold crouch
X for toggle crouch

>crouch = shift

The fuck?

If a melee attack in an FPS is it's own button, it's gonna be the mouse button

>Right click to jump
Mah nigga

Wasd to arrow keys

mouse2 = jump

i use q to crouch, c to sprint, and e to interact with shit

L Alt=Crouch
Prove me wrong

Flashlight is X
Melee is F

Next Inventory Item = M5
Previous Inventory Item = M4
Use Inventory Item = V

This is the only one I do. Mouse 4 all day long niggas.

Because I have a 5 button mouse and use esdf like a man and not a big ass bitch

handlet detected

Everyone has always regarded me as a heretic for having my crouch on shift and walk on ctrl in CS. Shift is more accessible and you need it faster than you'll ever need to walk, so it only makes sense to me.

Crouch = C
Inventory = TAB
Map = Caps Lock
Previous weapon = Q

m4 = autowalk
m5 = jump

What does having a 5 button mouse have to do with esdf? Also why the hell esdf?

come to think of it that's a habit I got into when my hands started to fail me, I couldn't play for more than like 5 minutes before I started to get violent muscle spasms so I shift the burden between both hands/arms

thanks for reading my blog


Because of the spacebar? Doesn't make any sense, the difference is unnoticeable.

Jump to right click
Secondary fire/ads to space
Crouch to W

If you don't use ESDF you are being inefficient.

>going esdf for the sole purpose of being contrariant
Is this some new epic meme?

With ESDF you get A and W to bind to whatever you want, and you still have the same amount of reachable binds on the right side. Why would you not use ESDF?

funny I shift WASD to RDFG

bind z say = )

Mouse3 = reload, in games that have reloading.
In Quake and UT games I have many keys on the left side of the board bound to weapons. Shift=RL, ctrl=super shotgun or flak cannon, F = railgun, etc. Damned if I'll ever use the clumsy mousewheel.

>pleb detected
True connoisseurs of gaming use TFGH

Who are you quoting?

Fire Primary = J
Fire Secondary = Numpad 4

I should sleep...


that's it

movement to arrow keys and fire to ctrl, it feels more wholesome.

no problem user.
How do I save my hands from suffering the same fate?

This, and V for prone.

That's from another fuckin time my dude

I always make crouch ad CTRL. Not sure why.

If a game has crouch bound to anything other than ctrl, I know it's some numale faggot shit. And I'm not even memeing. Ctrl is always crouch, not C. C is for handlets or faggots.

Is there some way to combine a controller and mouse to play games? Using a keyboard fucking blows.


>games with hard binds
>games with forced acceleration
>games with camera inverted by default

Most modern games will accept controller and keyboard inputs simultaneously

tons of games do this automatically.

wasd is for soft pussies. Get bigger hands you weak bitch.

spacebar = use/interact

Having capslock for push to talk is nice, I remap it to another key with the corsair software however.