We need an absolute madman out there who can manage to download the game from Steam's servers and make history.
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We need an absolute madman out there who can manage to download the game from Steam's servers and make history.
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This is actually pretty cool, they must've had a pretty finished build of the game to have it all set up like that
oh boy
Okay, fellas. Should I use incognito mode when I do this?
>1 all-time peak 4 years ago
Yuge if true
I’ll neber forgive Bethesda for this. I hope they rot, Skyrim 2 won’t save them.
The only thing i wanted was the setting. Didnt care much for the generic console fps gameplay
do it
> This is actually pretty cool
>they must've had a pretty finished build of the game to have it all set up like that
No you dumbass where did you pull that misinformation from? If you think about any single early access game you realise instantly there is NO REQUIREMENT for a game to be finished to have achievements set up.
Friendly reminder that the 360 version of Prey 1 is playable on xbone
Iirc there was supposed to be some more interactive elements that set it apart from your standard left trigger-right trigger FPS. Probably the bounty hunting stuff.
Let the little goober dream.
Unfriendly reminder that you can still buy original Prey keys on sites like G2A and Kinguin, jerk.
>giving money to Bethesda
One of the greatest crimes in gaming was co-opting the Prey label for that piece of shit last year. Give me muh cyberpunk bounty hunter prototype.
>key sites
>giving money to the publishers
You don't know how key sites work, do you?
>I’ll never forgive Bethesda for this.
The game didn't seem like anything special gameplay-wise. They probably cancelled it because they couldn't figure out how to make it actually enjoyable to play.
>spending money on pirated games
They cancelled it because the shit they put out was cheaper and faster to make. They're short term retards who thought they could coast by on the IP name.
I-I just meant it seems they must've had the plot and major gameplay mechanics nailed down to have a full set of achievements precisely centred around them
Shut up.
go kill yourself kid
And here comes the feigned outrage and pretend fans of a game nobody gave two shits about.
that fucking face
you just KNOW they'll use Prey 2's assets for Todd's space game
it was his masterplan
>that piece of shit last year
It was the best game of that year. You'd know if you had played it.
they should have made Prey 2 instead of gay ass Prey Shock
Every single Prey 2 thread turns into a Prey 2017 vs. Prey 2 discussion and it's unfortunate.
it's easy to defend something that don't exist, so that is why they do it