Salty 3DS News

I Will give an update about some upcoming 3DS titles that will be release this year and beyond.

> Zelda Remake is still coming
> Was planned at the beginning as a 2017 release alongside Pokemon USUM, pushed back to Spring 2018 and finally Nintendo decided to release it on November 2018.
> Reveal at E3
> Zelda Direct is happening to reveal also a mobile game

> Wario Land remake still coming
> Pushed back to Q3 to focus first on the new Wario Ware
> Game have 3D support
> Reveal at E3
> This and Zelda will have similar reveals like Metroid or M&L remakes last year

> Luigi's Mansion remake coming in September this year
> Nintendo and Next Level Games are making this remake
> 3D support
> Is a little more new content besides the new Boss Rush mode
> Luigi's Mansion 2/Dark Moon sold more than 5M, that's why Nintendo decide to bring the first adventure in 3DS also.
> A New Luigi's Mansion is under development for Nintendo Switch, coming in 2019.

Anything left for 2019?

> A New Pokemon Mistery Dungeon is coming to 3DS
> Summer release at least in Japan
> Will be reveal this month
> Focus in Alola starters and mainly 7 gen Pokemon
> Pokemon Switch will be reveal this month

> Mario & Luigi RPG 3 remake is coming early 2019
> Development start early summer 2017
> Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga remake was finished at that point
> This remake is mostly done also
> Pushed back to 2019 to keep the series in a rest and keep some games for 3DS next year
> Will be the last M&L for 3DS
> Alpha Dream is now thinking their next move to Nintendo Switch
> Still unclear if will be a new M&L.

Is smash going to be on the 3ds?

Any Switch games you know about?

My sides would burst if this is real

Pretty sure Gamefreak said they were done with the 3DS, unless that doesn't apply to mystery dungeon

You better not be shitting me with this particular post, OP.

Game Freak only develops the mainline series, Mystery Dungeon is made by Spike Chunsoft. And there's already another Pokémon game post-USUM coming to 3DS, Detective Pikachu by Creatures.

Gamefreak doesn't make Mystery Dungeon

> Advance Wars is coming back to 3DS
> New Game, no remake
> Same Engine used in previous Fire Emblems for 3DS
> Yusuke Kozaki colaborating
> Less dark than Dark Conflict/Days of Ruin
> Planned for late 2018 in some countries, early 2019 in others (mostly Japan)

Hello leaker, i trust you actually, can you tell me more about Wario Land remake?

Fuck you.

Yeah, not this one.

I hope Metroid 5 also comes to the 3DS, I have a good feeling it will.


And last but not least....

> Yo-kai Watch 3 coming to the west this April
> Announced coming very soon via press event
> Only two versions, the third one is planned late 2018-early 2019
> Yo-kai Watch Busters are coming also, summer release
> Dragon Quest XI, coming to Switch and 3DS late this year, Switch version will be announce this spring in Japan.
> Monster Hunter XX coming to 3DS and Switch late summer

that's all for today, enjoy your 3DS and don't get to salty.

Any chance for a Xenoblade Chronicles remaster?

There's already Xenoblade Chronicles on 3DS, but i am expecting a Xenoblade Chronicles remaster and a Switch port XCX eventually

As I say today and in December, that's all i got.
Was planned for Spring, but Nintendo having some hard work planning 3DS lineup this year to keep the console alive with games at least with one game every month. That's why some games are being pushed back like the Mario & Luigi remake in 2019.

So Mr. leaker, there were rumors of another 2D Metroid currently in development, is it true and if it is, is it coming to the 3DS?

Not the first one, but yes about XCX. Planned for late 2018-Early 2019.
Also The Wonderful 101 and Tokio Mirage Sessions will have Switch ports

Snack world usa release when!!!!!


They true, new Metroid 2D is under development since last year. Will be a cross platform release, but may be not for 3DS...

>Will be a cross platform release, but may be not for 3DS
Wait, this part doesn't make any sense. Also, is a smaller Switch model being released next year or beyond?

Wait for it, but spect mostly the switch version.

can't say anything about that atm sorry, just spect something happening in 2019 and you will find the answer about that. To much trouble if i say more.

Warioware AND WarioLand

Will the New 3DS get Game Boy Advance Virtual Console?

>Link's Awakening remake
Oh, I wish that was true. I haven't played Link's Awakening since I was like 10.

You still leaker, if you are can you answer my last question?

>one of your educated guess actually happens

Fuck off.

I think he's legit

Would Renekton make a good lifeguard?

>Yokai Busters
>MHXX Switch
>DQXI Switch


Also why isn't LoL on the 3ds yet?

If this is real and doesn't come to switch I'm going to fucking be very disappointed

Tell me about Wario Ware compilation

Is it true it has a brand new story mode?

This better be fucking fake, I want the new PMD to be on switch fucking spikesoft

Still unclear, Nintendo was working on it years ago.
Last i know was Nintendo was studying about digital downloads on 3DS with the recent Pokemon releases to evaluate the situation and how profitable will be.

>Warioware dropping early 2018
>release date is August
I don't buy it. Warioware compilation was an easy guess after the Mario Party minigame compilation.

He said it was delayed like many 3DS games and it makes sense

I would honestly be surprised if it wasn't like the original games, with one version on Switch and the other on 3DS.

Is true, and you can see it on the reveal already so it's not point to make a confirmation.

> That was my last answer guys, hope all of you still supporting Nintendo in the future.

The 300+ and games from past is specific. Any reason to believe this is the same guy though?

>last answer was to dumbass already confirmed question


None whatsoever. Only a moron posts leaks without a trip.

Interesting, will they add Game Boy and Game Boy Advance games to the Nintendo Classic Games Selection on the Switch? Will I be able to purchase these games and keep them permanently? Last Question (for real this time) will there be a Game Boy and Game Boy Advance Classic Mini consoles?

GameFreak doesn't make Mystery Dungeon games. Spike Chunsoft does.

>Yokai watch 3 in april
I know this is probably just a bunch of garbage you made up but after getting nothing it the direct I'll believe anything

Leaker if you're still here can you answer my three final questions?


I want to believe too, but it would have been announced...

Don't leave me hanging, leaker.

Hope everything is true, love my 3ds

Will there be a Nintendo/Switch sports game? A Wii sports successor?